Allgemeine Geschichte
Georges Hellinghausen
Rome-La Haye-Luxembourg et la question scolaire au Grand-Duché: I. Sous Monseigneur Laurent (1842–1848), S. 149–187
The vicar apostolic J.-Th. Laurent, supported by King Grand-Duke William II, considerably influenced Luxembourgish legislation on primary education (1843) and secondary education (1846). The Holy See – namely, Cardinal Fransoni in Rome and the Chargé d'affaires Ferrieri in The Hague – was implicated by him and also examined other school matters, including the mission of two civil servants sent to Rome to denounce his governance, an affair about schoolchildren expelled from the Athenaeum, a polemic concerning the boarding school for female teacher trainees. Depending on the case, Rome either encouraged Mgr. Laurent in his verve or curbed his claims against the liberal government in place, when they were deemed excessive. His school politics were one of the grievances lodged against him during nthe revolutionary troubles of 1848, when he was driven away.
Daniela Lieb
Luxemburg und die Army of occupation (1918–1919) im Lichte literarischer Quellen, S. 189–216
In 1917, American troops were sent to Europe in order to support the Allies against the Central Powers. After the Armistice, some of the forces having fought in France, known as the Army of occupation, came to Luxembourg, where they remained until July of the following year. Their presence in the Grand-Duchy not only symbolized a radically changed world order, but it also had a profound impact on several fields of cultural production, especially on literature. Between 1919 and 1930 a large corpus of texts emerges, which reflects various aspects both of this military unit and of the society that describes it.
André Kirsch
“Beim Lary”, “Beim Neyers”. Zur Geschichte eines historischen Bauernhofes beim “Schmëttewier” (Grundhof) in der Gemeinde Befort, S. 217–230
The essay studies the history of an ancient farm listed as national heritage situated in the municipality of Beaufort (L) near Grundhof called “Beim Lary”, respectively “Beim Neyers” at the place called “Schmëttewier”. After the report of its builders and later inhabitants, their activities and their particular fates on the basis of a multitude of sources (population census, civil/Parish registers and photos), the paper treats the development of the site. The building can be dated to the 18th century, based on local Parish registers, ancient maps, as well as dated lintels. The construction of the type of a “Quereinhaus” (house and barn under one roof) has been extended during the 19th century with an annex and some smaller structures as well as in the 20th century, with a new residential building.
Forschungsberichte, S. 231
Heike Mauer
Intersektionalität und Gouvernementalität. Die Problematisierung der Prostitution in Luxemburg um 1900 bis zum Ende der Zwischenkriegszeit. Dissertation im Fach Sozialwissenschaften an der Universität Luxemburg 2015, Betreuerin: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Christel Baltes-Löhr
Elisabeth Hoffmann
La mémoire de la Résistance au Luxembourg (1940–1945) – depuis 1945 à nos jours. Mémoire de master en sciences humaines et sociales, mention « Histoire, archéologie, histoire de l’art », spécialité « Histoire et civilisation de l’Europe », Université de Strasbourg 2013, sous la direction du professeur Jean-Noël Grandhomme.
Buchbesprechungen, S. 238
(Volltext einsehbar auf
Martina Stercken, Rezension zu:
Marie-Paule Jungblut, Michel Pauly, Heinz Reif (Hg.), Luxemburg, eine Stadt in Europa. Schlaglichter auf mehr als 1000 Jahre europäische Stadtgeschichte. Luxemburg: Musée d’histoire de la Ville de Luxembourg / [Chemnitz]: GERMAGZ-Verlag, 2014, 496 S. ISBN 978-3-9815545-3-3; 40 €.
Hérold Pettiau, Rezension zu:
La naissance de la médiévistique. Les historiens et leurs sources en Europe (du XIXe au début du XXe siecle). Actes du colloque de Nancy, 8–10 novembre 2012. Études réunies par Isabelle Guyot-Bachy & Jean-Marie Moeglin, Geneve : Droz, 2015 (Hautes études médiévales et modernes, 107), X-550p. ; ISBN : 978-2-600-01380-2 ; 61,99 €.
Lukas Clemens, Rezension zu:
Thilo Schiermeyer, Untersuchungen zur Keramik des 11./12. Jahrhunderts bis zum 15./16. Jahrhundert in Luxemburg, Textband mit CD-ROM und Tafelband (Münstersche Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie 8; Dossiers d’Archéologie XVIII Centre National de Recherche Archéologique Luxembourg), Rahden/Westf. 2015; 470 S.; 474 Tafeln; ISBN 978-3-89646-286-2; 79,80 €.
Michel Pauly, Rezension zu:
Jana Fantysová-Matĕjková, Wenceslas de Boheme. Un prince au carrefour de l’Europe (Cultures et civilisations médiévales, 56), Paris : Presses de l’université Paris-Sorbonne, 2013, 658 p. ; ISBN 978-2-84050-847-2 ; 25 €.
Jort Blazejewski, Rezension zu:
Andreas Rutz (Hg.), Krieg und Kriegserfahrung im Westen des Reiches 1568–1714 (Herrschaft und soziale Systeme in der Frühen Neuzeit 20), Göttingen: V&R unipress GmbH, 2016, 392 S. mit 30 Abbildungen und einer DVD, ISBN 978-3-8471-0350-9; 54,99 €.
Georges Hellinghausen, Rezension zu:
Johann Baptist Olav Fallize, Römisches Tagebuch 1866–1871, hrg. v. Joachim Köhn unter Mitarbeit von Jean Malget, Freiburg-Basel-Wien: Herder, 2015, 391 S.; ISBN 978-3-451-30747-8; 52,50 €.
Benoît Majerus, Rezension zu:
Vum Siggy bis bei d’City. D’Geschicht vun der Stad Lëtzebuerg a Billersträife mat Zeechnunge vum Roger Leiner an Texter vum Lucien Czuga, Luxembourg: De Verlaach, 2015, 64 S. ; ISBN : 978-99959-910-5-0 ; 15 €.
Vum Siggy bis bei d’City. L’histoire de la ville de Luxembourg en B.D. par Roger Leiner et Lucien Czuga, Luxembourg : De Verlaach, 2015, 64 p. ; ISBN : 978-99959-910-7-4 ; 15 €.