Allgemeine Geschichte
Gilles Genot
Ascension sociale dans le duché de Luxembourg : possibilités, ambitions et limites. Le cas des Busleyden (fin XVe-XVIe siècles) [Social rise in the Duchy of Luxembourg : possibilities, ambitions and limits. The case of the Busleyden family (late 15th to 16th century)]
The Busleyden family offers a unique case for the study of the duchy of Luxembourg’s political society in the 15th and 16th centuries. It stands out both by its close links with central government and by the relative wealth of sources that allows an in-depth study. This article focuses on the careers of family members within the duchy and shows how they rose to the highest echelons of the Burgundian-Habsburg state and the benefits they received in return. The Busleydens were able to adapt ingeniously to external circumstances, which allowed them to amass wealth and power. They maintained friendly, professional and economic relations in the high political society of the duchy. Their language skills as well as their university education helped them in this endeavour.
Timoth Salemme
Le Liber feodorum du comté de Luxembourg (début XIVe siècle). Archéologie d’un cartulaire princier [The Liber feodorum of the county of Luxembourg (early 14th century). Archaeology of a princely cartulary]
This contribution is a reassessment of the first princely cartulary of the county of Luxembourg, a composite manuscript including three sections: a Liber feodorum, containing the copies of feudal charters kept in the count’s archives, an administrative list of the county’s incomes, both dating back to the beginning of the 14th century, as well as a list of revenues relating to the marquisate of Arlon, compiled at the end of the 15th century.
Although this manuscript has attracted a fair amount of attention from scholars, starting with F.-X. Wurth-Paquet and N. van Werveke in the 19th century, it was still in need of a systematic codicological investigation. This study is completed by a palæographical analysis of the Liber feodorum, which shows the involvement of fourteen scribes. Some of them appear to have also been active not only for the counts of Luxembourg, but also for other Luxembourgish jurisdictions (the Justicier des Nobles, the city authorities) during the first half of the 14th century.
Miche Pauly
Von Uhren und Glocken. Zeitmessung und Klangwelt in der mittelalterlichen Stadt Luxemburg [About clocks and bells. Horology and soundscapes in the medieval town of Luxembourg]
The first clock in the city of Luxembourg is mentioned in 1390: it was erected on the top of the main gate, which was rebuilt at the end of the 15th century and can be considered as a real belfry. The second clock dates from the beginning of the 15th century and was fixed at the spire of St-Michel’s church. The municipal accounts allow precise insight into the technology of these clocks and the art of the craftsmen, partially hired from abroad, who were in charge of attending to them, as well as to the bells set in motion by the clocks. The article ends with an overview of the other bells forming the public urban soundscape, and stresses the innovative character of a public clock for social and economic life in a medieval town.
S. 225–234
Fabienne Gilbertz
Professionalisierungsprozesse der Luxemburger Literatur in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts (ca. 1945–1980), Dissertation am Institut für Luxemburger Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft der Universität Luxemburg 2018; Betreuerin: Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Jeanne E. Glesener
Tobias Vetterle
Die Teilhabe am Politischen. Eine Diskursgeschichte der „politischen Partizipation“ in Luxemburg, 1960–1990. Dissertation im Fach Geschichte an der Universität Luxemburg und der Universität Trier, 2018. Betreuer: Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Sonja Kmec, Prof. Dr. Lutz Raphael
Heidi Rodrigues Martins
Dynamiques de (dés)appartenances au cours de la vie : Le cas des Portugais de ‘seconde génération’ au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Luxembourg 2018 ; Directrice : Assoc. Prof. Sonja Kmec
Veronika Proske
Der Romzug Kaiser Sigismunds (1431–1433). Politische Kommunikation, Herrschaftsrepräsentation und -rezeption. Dissertation an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 2017; Betreuerin: Prof. Dr. Claudia Märtl
S. 235–252
(Volltext einsehbar auf
Anne-Katrin Kunde, Rezension zu:
Lenka Bobková, Jan Lucemburský: Otec slavného syna [Johann von Luxem- burg – Vater eines berühmten Sohnes] (Velké postavy českých dějin [Persönlichkeiten der tschechischen Geschichte] 27), Prag: Vyšehrad 2018; 585 S., 14 Abb., 3 Karten; ISBN 978-80-7429-342-9; 479 Kč.
Anne-Katrin Kunde, Rezension zu:
Christian Hesse, Synthese und Aufbruch 1346-1410 (Gebhardt, Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte 7b), völlig neu bearb. Auflage, Stuttgart: Klett- Cotta 2017; XLVIII+300 S.; ISBN: 978-3-608-60072-8; 45 €.
Éloïse Adde, Rezension zu:
Martin Nodl, Das Kuttenberger Dekret von 1409: Von der Eintracht zum Konflikt der Prager Universitätsnationen, Wien/Köln/Weimar: Böhlau, 2017; 404 S.; ISBN 978-3-412-50565-3; 55 €.
Joëlle Weis, Rezension zu:
Marie-Thérèse Tholl/Théo Tholl, Prälat Jean-Baptiste De Terme aus Soller. Ein Lebensbild im Wien der Aufklärungszeit des 18. Jahrhunderts (De Familjefuerscher 91), Mersch: Association luxembourgeoise de généalogie et d’héraldique, 2015-2016; 208 S.; ISBN 978-2-919919-95-6.
Sonja Kmec, Rezension zu:
Gemeinde Wiltz (Hg.), Wooltz 1814-2014. „Durich 200 Joer Weeltzer Geschicht gebleedert“ mam Emile Lutgen. Konzept, Koordination und Redaktion: Emile Lutgen, Luxemburg: Druckerei Hengen, 2016; 548 S.; ohne ISBN-Nummer; 75€.
Paul Dostert, Rezension zu:
Le Palais de justice à Diekirch, éd. par l’Administration des bâtiments publics, Luxembourg 2018 ; 100 p. ; ISBN 978-2-9199533-1-8 ; hors commerce.
Stefan Krebs, Rezension zu:
Michel Krieps, Die 135jährige Geschichte der Escher Feuerwehr basierend auf historischen Begebenheiten, 1880-2015, Esch/Alzette: Corps des Sapeurs- Pompiers Volontaires 2017, 2 Bde., 663 S., zahlr. Abb.; ISBN 978-99959-0-346- 6; 49 €.
Sonja Kmec, Rezension zu:
Estelle Evrard, La Grande Région Saar-Lor-Lux. Vers une suprarégionalisation transfrontalière ? Préface de Jean Peyrony (Collection „Espaces et Territoires“), Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2017, 259 p.; ISBN: 978-2-7535-6521-0; 24 €.
Marc Schoentgen, Rezension zu:
René Hübsch, Omnia casu fiunt. Den Zoufall huet matgespillt. Historesch-Biographesches 1937-2015, Esch/Sauer: Op der Lay, 2017; 309 S., mit zahlreichen Illustr.; ISBN 978-2-87967-222-9; 29,90 €.