Andrea Binsfeld, Paul Dostert, Sonja Kmec, Jean-Marie Majerus, Claudine Moulin, Michel Pauly, Luxemburger Geschichte revisited. Überlegungen zu meta- und transnationaler Geschichtsschreibung, S. 261–264
Theodor Baums, Die Erbmarschälle der Grafschaft und des Herzogtums Luxemburg, 1. Teil [The hereditary marshals of the County and Duchy of Luxembourg, 1st part], S. 265–295
The article deals with the office of the hereditary marshal of Luxembourg. Established in 1224 for representative purposes it aimed at binding influential vassals to the counts. The office was a hereditary fief and tied to the estate of Densborn. It was not connected with any concrete service, but only with a mutual duty of loyalty between the count and the marshal. In the late Middle Ages, the office holder’s bond changed from the person of the count to the territory. The office was no longer held by the lords of Daun-Densborn but passed on to other noble families. Under the Burgundian dukes and later on, the hereditary marshals were presiding over the duchy’s assembly of Estates. The article examines how the assembly attempted in the 17th century to develop a right of self-organization and to select or dismiss its chairmen in its own right.These endeavours were curbed by the government of the Habsburg hereditary lands in Brussels. Finally, the office of hereditary marshal perished with the duchy in 1795 as a result of the annexation of Luxembourg by the French Republic and the associated dissolution of the duchy.
John Feller, Die vergessene Pandemie. Fleckfieber in Luxemburg während des Winters 1813/14 [The forgotten pandemic. Typhus fever in Luxembourg during the winter of 1813/14], S. 296–318
In November 1813, Napoleon’s soldiers withdrew across the Rhine after the disastrous Russian campaign and the Battle of the Nations. On their way to France, they passed partly through Luxembourg, bringing with them louse-borne typhus, infecting the civilian population and claiming an estimated 2,300 deaths in the territory of today’s grand duchy. The purpose of this paper is to disclose the sources and methods used to assess retrospectively the effects of this pandemic, which has so far received little attention in historiography.
Jean-Luc Mousset, Des entrepreneurs sur une terre d’histoire: les Krips et les Becker au Parc Mansfeld pendant la première moitié du 19e siècle
[Entrepreneurs at a historical site: the Krips and Beckers at Mansfeld Park in the first half of the 19th century], S. 319–335
The article offers an unprecedented glimpse into the history of the first half of the 19th century of a central part of the old estate established in Clausen by Count Pierre Ernest of Mansfeld in the 16th century. It was then the property of the Krips and then of the Becker family, two important names that have largely disappeared from collective memory. Members of the Krips and Becker family were small independent entrepreneurs and either operated themselves or rented a cabaret, a wine trade, public baths, a vegetable and flower nursery, a wash house and laundry service. The proliferation of businesses associating old sectors with new activities brought new vitality to this place steeped in history. The first part of this article introduces the owners, describes the built and unbuilt parcels of land, dates the various buildings and presents their economic operations. This section is mainly based on the oldest existing cadastral maps, official documents and newspaper announcements. The second part of the article examines Mansfeld’s legacy in terms of the organization of establishments, highlights certain continuities and analyses whether or not the Krips and the Becker companies were mentioned in contemporaneous descriptions of Clausen.
Anne-Katrin Kunde, Hec autem est nostra ultima voluntas. Das Testament König Johanns von Böhmen, Graf von Luxemburg. Kommentar und Neuedition [The last will of King John of Bohemia, Count of Luxembourg. Commentary and new edition], S. 336–357.
King John of Bohemia, Count of Luxembourg, laid down his last will and testament in 1340, six years before he died. Although this document contains important information about the person of this eminent member of the House of Luxembourg, the relationship to his family as well as his social and political milieu and, finally, his entire reign, it is available today only in antiquated editions from the 18th and early 19th centuries. This article provides a new edition of the text based on the original kept in the Prague National Archives as well as a detailed evaluation of the will’s contents, and especially of the persons mentioned therein. It seeks to reconstruct this ruler’s political and geographical sphere of influence on the basis of the network of personal relationships recorded here in an exemplary way. The study thereby aims to stimulate further prosopographical studies against the background of newly assessing diplomatic sources pertaining to John’s regency.
Hannes Engl, Interaktion – Emanzipation – Integration. Die religiösen Gemeinschaften in Oberlotharingien und das Papsttum (9. bis 12. Jh.), Dissertation im Fach Geschichte an der Universität Luxemburg 2020, Betreuer: Prof. Dr Michel Margue, S. 358–361
Ira Plein, Propaganda für Stahl und Nation. Bilder und Gegenbilder zum wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Fortschritt in luxemburgischen Medien der Zwischenkriegszeit, Dissertation im Fach Geschichte, 2019, betreut von Prof. Dr. Karin Priem, (C2DH, Universität Luxemburg) und Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Tacke (Kunstgeschichte, Universität Trier), S. 361–365.
(Volltext einsehbar auf, S. 366–381
Joachim Conrad, Rezension zu:
Andreas Heinz, Das Trierer Heiligenbuch. Die Eigenfeiern der Trierischen Kirche, Trier: Verlag für Geschichte und Kultur, 2020, XVIII u. 286 S.; ISBN 978–3–945768–09–9; 24,90€.
Andreas Heinz, Rezension zu:
150 Jahre Bistum Luxemburg. Wegmarken, hg. v. Diözesanarchiv Luxemburg, Luxemburg: Print Solutions, 2020; 100 S.; ohne ISBN; 15 €.
Alex Langini, Rezension zu:
Georges Buchler, Jean Goedert, Antoinette Lorang, Antoinette Reuter, Denis Scuto, Christof Weber, Esch-sur-Alzette. Guide historique et architectural, Mersch : Capybarabooks 2020, 479 p.; ISBN 978-99959-43-27-1; 22 €.
Arnaud Bourgain, Rezension zu:
Surveillance, indépendance et intégrité. 75e anniversaire du contrôle prudentiel et de la surveillance de la place financière au Luxembourg, éd. p. CSSF et C2DH, Luxembourg 2020; 158 p.; ISBN 978-99959-0-589-7; 45 €.
Jochen Zenthöfer, Rezension zu:
David Kunz, Zwischen Tradition und Moderne. Die Debatte um den Wiederaufbau der Trierer Steipe 1948 – 1966; Publikationen aus dem Stadtarchiv Trier (Band 7), Verlag für Geschichte und Kultur Trier, 2020; 169 S.; ISBN: 978-3-945768-17-4; 27,90 €.
Joshgun Sirajzade, Rezension zu:
Méchel Rodange. Renert: De Fuuss am Frack an a Maansgréisst. Komplett Editioun mat historeschen a politeschen Explikatioune, hg. v. Romain Hilgert, Luxemburg: Editions Guy Binsfeld, 2020; 285 S.; ISBN 978-99959-42-64-9; 38 €.
Myriam Sunnen, Rezension zu:
Jeanne E. Glesener & Tonia Raus (éd.), Jean Portante. Le travail de l’écriture ou la mémoire à l’oeuvre, Mersch: Centre national de littérature, 2019, 191 p.; ISBN 978-2-919903-78-8; 25 €.