Allgemeine Geschichte
Fabio Spirinelli
Creative Luxembourg? From implicit debates on cultural
industries to an explicit policy on creative industries in Luxembourg, S. 5–22
In Luxembourg, cultural and creative industries are still a widely ignored research field. The present study would like to contribute to a first overview of this neglec- ted aspect in Luxembourgish contemporary history. It will focus on the political discourses on cultural and creative industries, both explicit and implicit, and the policy implemented at the national level in Luxembourg. The late 1960s will serve as a starting point, when Luxembourg’s cultural policy slowly began to evolve under a new ministry and in changing international, social and economic contexts. It is argued that since then a shift from an implicit cultural industries discourse to an explicit creative industries policy has taken place.
Aline Schiltz
La nouvelle immigration portugaise au Luxembourg. Changements dans la continuité [The new Portuguese immigration in Luxembourg. Changes in Continuity], S. 23–59
After a turbulent beginning in the late sixties, Portuguese immigration to Luxem- bourg has developed constantly and almost unnoticedly during the last fifty years. Therefore, the unforeseen and rapidly increasing number of new arrivals in 2010 came as a surprise to Luxembourgish stakeholders and social actors, especially as migrants were confronted with professional, social and housing issues considered belonging to the past. While the “new Portuguese immigration” is similar to pre- vious ones as far as numbers and personal motivations are concerned, migrants’ profiles and strategies have considerably changed over time. This paper seeks to explain the causes of the revival of the Portuguese emigration, the specificities of the “new Portuguese immigration” observed between 2010 and 2015 and to outline Luxembourg as a specific case study.
Wolfgang Müller
Wetterheiliger der Großregion: Donatus von Münstereifel in Luxemburg und im Bistum Trier. Mit Ergänzungen von Thomas Gergen und Joachim Conrad [A Saint Responsible of the Weather and His Veneration in the Great Region: Donatus of the Münstereifel in Luxembourg and the Bishopric of Trier], S. 61–108
The third part of the study on Saint Donatus focusses upon the veneration outside of the diocese of Trier, including Münstereifel as a religious centre. In addition to that, the veneration within the bishopric of Trier is being analysed in detail. The reader can find a list of the main places of veneration of Saint Donatus.
S. 109–113
Marcello Ghetta, Rezension zu:
Le lieu céleste. Les Étrusques et leurs dieux. Le sanctuaire fédéral d’Orvieto – Der himmlische Ort. Die Etrusker und ihre Götter. Das Bundesheiligtum von Orvieto. Sonderausstellung im Musée national d’histoire et d’art Luxem- bourg vom 16.3. bis zum 2.9.2018.
Eloïse Adde und Gilles Genot,Rezension zu:
Centre d’Information du château de Vianden
S. 114–126
(Volltext einsehbar auf
Brigitte Kasten, Rezension zu:
Charlemagne, les Carolingiens et Metz. Représentation, recomposition et instrumentalisation du passé du Moyen Âge au XXe siècle (Actes de la Journée d’Études 8 novembre 2014 organisée par la Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de la Lorraine), Nancy : PUN – Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine, 2017 ; 153 p., nombreuses ill.; ISBN 978-2-814303249 ; 18€.
Ralf Stremmel, Rezension zu:
La Forge d’une société moderne. Photographie et communication d’entre- prise à l’ère de l’industrialisation. Forging a Modern Society – Photography and Corporate Communication in the Industrial Age. ARBED 1911-1937 [hg. von Marguy Conzémius, Françoise Poos, Karin Priem], Luxemburg: Centre national de l’audiovisuel, 2017, 202 S.; ISBN 978-2-919873-20-3; 35€.
Olivier Dard, Rezension zu:
Gérard Arboit, Les réseaux du fer. Information, renseignement économique et sidérurgie luxembourgeoise entre France, Belgique et Allemagne 1911-1940 (Études luxembourgeoises, 9), Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2016, 411 p. ; ISBN 978-3-631-66733-0 ; 45,70€.
Paul Dostert, Rezension zu:
Thomas Grotum (Hg.), Die Gestapo Trier. Beiträge zur Geschichte einer re- gionalen Verfolgungsbehörde. Gestapo – Herrschaft – Terror. Studien zum na- tionalsozialistischen Sicherheitsapparat, Band 1, Köln/Weimar/Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2018; 365 S.; ISBN 978-3-412-50914-9; 30€.
Christoph Brüll, Rezension zu:
60 ans Traités de Rome. Numéro spécial de nos cahiers. Lëtzebuerger Zäit schrëft fir Kultur, 38 (2017), fasc. 3/4 ; ISBN 2240003668465; 39€.
Laure Caregari, Rezension zu:
Antoinette Reuter (dir.), Migrations – histoire, mémoire, patrimoine. Les 20 ans du CDMH à Dudelange / Migrationen – Geschichte, Erinnerung, Kul- turerbe. 20 Jahre CDMH in Dudelange (Mutations. Mémoires et perspectives du bassin minier, 9), Luxembourg : Fondation Bassin minier, 2017, 147 p. ; ISSN 2078-7634 ; 20€