Allgemeine Geschichte
Cédric STAMMET, Zwischen Bauernstand und Bürgertum. Die außergewöhnlich- normale Entwicklungsgeschichte der Familie Berchem im kollektiven Familiengedächtnis (Teil 2) [Between peasantry and bourgeoisie. The Extraordinary- Normal History of the Berchem Family in the Collective Family Memory (part 2)], S. 133-180
The second part of this contribution deals with the education of the sons and daughters as well as with dominant gender roles. It is shown that both education and the hierarchy on the farm still followed very traditional patterns. The article discusses not only the life paths and different careers of the siblings, but also the farm’s development and the continuation of the agricultural tradition. The concluding chapter underlines the simultaneity of bourgeois emancipation aspirations and peasant continuity within the Berchem family and thus the complexity of this family’s history, which can be understood as being characteristic for Luxembourg farmer families in general.
Fabio SPIRINELLI, Dismissals of Secondary School Students During the German Occupation of Luxembourg (1940–1944): Reasons, Nuances and Requests for Readmission [Schulverweise von Sekundarschülern während der deutschen Besetzung Luxemburgs (1940-1944)], S. 181-211
This paper analyses the dismissals for political reasons of secondary school students during the German occupation of Luxembourg. Including a qualitative as well as a quantitative perspective, it studies the reasons for these exclusions, the reactions of the students and of their parents, and the applications for readmission. It also identifies cases of pro-German attitudes and their impact on the decisions in individual cases taken by the administration as part of a 'carrot-and-stick' approach. In addition, the article argues against a fixed depiction of attitudes during the occupation and provides examples of how individual attitudes could change. The research aims to break down the simple binary approach of opposition versus resistance and challenges older narratives on the Second World War. Dismissals (temporary or permanent) were more complex than the existing literature suggests.
Benoît REITER, T’huys van Mansfeld. Le château « La Fontaine » dans un succès d’édition de l’époque moderne [T’huys van Mansfeld. The « La Fontaine » - palace in a successful modern time edition], S. 212-222
Count Mansfeld built his castle « La Fontaine » between 1563 and 1604. Some views showing this Renaissance palace are well known and have been studied and published before. A smaller view called T’huys van Mansfeld and De Pyramide has been rather ignored by recent Mansfeld studies. It is obvious that it has been inspired by the iconic engraving published by Braun and Hogenberg in 1598.
According to Jacques Mersch, this view was published in a 1616 Latin edition of Lodovico Guicciardini’s classic book "Descrittione Di Tutti I Paesi Bassi". In fact, it has been sold as an extra for this Latin edition but has been also published before in 1613 in a French edition by the same editor. The engraving was published in the beginning of the 17th century in a European bestseller and it ensured Mansfeld castle's reputation as a hot spot for antique aficionados and educated travellers on the Grand Tour.
Geschichtsfrënn Bartreng / Les Amis de l'Histoire Bertrage asbl, S. 223
Jakub BRONEC, Transformation of Jewish identity in post-war Czech and
Luxembourg generations (1945-1990), PhD thesis, University of Luxembourg and Charles University in Prague, 2021; Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Dr Denis Scuto and Assoc. Prof. Dr Petr Koura, S. 224-227
Anastasia BADDER, Learning How to Be Modern: An Ethnography of the
Religious Education of L/liberal Jewish Talmud Torah Students in Luxembourg, PhD in Educational Sciences, University of Luxembourg, 2021. Supervisor: Prof. Dr Gabriele Budach, S. 227-229
Rezensionen S. 230-254
Volltext einsehbar auf:
Tobias HODEL, Rez. zu
Christelle Balouzat-Loubet (Hg.), Digitizing Medieval Sources. L’édition en ligne de documents d’archives médiévaux. Challenges and Methodologies – Enjeux, méthodologie et défis (ARTEM, 27), Turnhout : Brepols, 2019; 182 S.; ISBN 978-2-503-58413-3; 91,48 €.
Mathijs ROELOFSEN, Rez. zu
Thomas Kolnberger, Benoît Niederkorn (Hg.), Militärgeschichte Luxemburgs. Histoire militaire du Luxembourg, Esch/Alzette und Mersch: Universität Luxemburg und Capybarabooks, 2022, 416 S.; ISBN 978-99959-43-40-0; 39 €.
Michel PAULY, Rez. zu:
Verzeichnis der Feuerstätten («dénombrement des feux») in den überwiegend deutschsprachigen Bezirken («quartiers allemands») des Herzogtums Luxemburg aus dem Jahr 1611, bearb. v. Horst Becker (Veröffentlichungen der Westdeutschen Gesellschaft für Familienkunde e.V., Sitz Köln, Band 359), Köln 2022; 304 S.; ISBN 978-3-86579-175-7; 24 €.
Joëlle WEIS, Rez. zu:
Jean-Christophe Blanchard et Isabelle Guyot-Bachy (éd.), Richard de
Wassebourg et les Antiquitez de la Gaule Belgique, Nancy: CRULH 2021; 227 p.; ISBN 2-85730-080-8; 25 €.
Franz-Josef SEITSCHEK, Rez. zu:
Joëlle Weis, Johann Friedrich Schannat (1683-1739). Praktiken historischkritischer Gelehrsamkeit im frühen 18. Jahrhundert (Wissenskulturen und ihre Praktiken. Cultures and Practices of Knowledge in History, 8). Berlin/Boston: DeGruyter Oldenbourg, 2022; 427 S.; ISBN 978-3-11-066834-6; 79,95 €.
Monique WEIS, Rez. zu:
André Deblon, Christian Dury, Julie Dury, Pierre Hannick, Jean-Claude Muller (éd.), La visite des 75 paroisses du doyenné de Bastogne en 1693 par le doyen et officiel Jean de Herlenvaln curé d’Ortho (Annales de l’Institut archéologique du Luxembourg-Arlon, CXL-CXLI), 2009-2010, paru en 2021 ; 320 p. ; ISSN 0776-1244 ; 28 €.
Josiane WEBER, Rez. zu:
Germaine Goetzinger, Aline Mayrisch-de Saint-Hubert 1874-1947. Ein Frauenleben im Spannungsfeld von Feminismus, sozialem Engagement und Literatur, Luxemburg: Éditions Guy Binsfeld, 2022, 504 S., ISBN 978-99959-42-79-3, 56 €.
Marc SCHOENTGEN, Rez. zu:
Franziska Leitzgen, Die Rolle der Trierer Oberbürgermeister im
Nationalsozialismus: Ludwig Christ (1933/34–38) und Dr. Konrad Gorges
(1938–45). Ein Gutachten (Publikationen aus dem Stadtarchiv Trier, 8), Trier: Verlag für Geschichte und Kultur 2020; 95 S.; ISBN 978-3-945768-14-3; 24,90 €.
Paul DOSTERT, Rez. zu:
Thierry Grosbois (éd.), Résistance contre le nazisme, maquisards et partisans. Sur le front occidental et soviétique, Éditions Universitaires Européennes, s.l. 2020 ; 356 p. : ISBN 978-620-2-53877-0 ; 93,90 €.
Oliver KOHNS, Rez. zu:
Verschwörungstheorien früher und heute. Katalog zur Sonderausstellung der Stiftung Kloster Dalheim. LWL-Landesmuseum für Klosterkultur 18. Mai 2019 bis 22. März 2020. Lëtzebuerg City Museum 26. Mai 2021 bis 16. Januar 2022, hg. v. der Stiftung Kloster Dalheim, LWL-Landesmuseum für Klosterkultur. 2. Auflage, Lichtenau-Dalheim 2021; 304 S.; ISBN 978-3-87023-442-3; 29,90 €.
Guido VON BÜREN, Rez. zu:
Förderverein Schloss Malberg e.V. (Hg.), Schloss Malberg. Das Barockjuwel in der Südeifel, Bitburg 2021; 238 S.; ISBN 978-3-00-068717-4; 29 €.
Michel PAULY, Rez. zu:
Patrimoine féodal et fortifié au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. 12 exemples
d’aménagements conçus et réalisés entre 2010 et 2020 par le Service des Sites et Monuments nationaux, éd. p. SSMN, Luxembourg 2020; 103 p.; ISBN 978-2-919883-50-9; 22 €.
Patrimoine rural et urbain au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. 20 exemples de restauration réalisés et accompagnés par le Service des Sites et Monuments nationaux, devenu l’Institut national pour le patrimoine architectural, éd. p.INPA, Luxembourg 2022; 114 p.; ISBN 978-2-919883-54-7; 22 €.
La tour Malakoff à Luxembourg, éd. p. l’Administration des bâtiments publics,Luxembourg 2022; 64 p.; ISBN 978-2-9199533-8-7; hors commerce.