The editors of the Journal of Genocide Research (journal of the International Network of Genocide Scholars) are pleased to announce the publication of the first issue of 2017.
A conspiracy to murder: explaining the dynamics of Romanian ‘policy’ towards Jews in Transnistria Vladimir Solonari
The Italian executioners: revisiting the role of Italians in the Holocaust Simon Levis Sullam
Policing a riot-torn city: Kolkata, 16–18 August 1946 Ranabir Samaddar
Reexamining risk factors of genocide Holly Nyseth Brehm
The effect of economic sanctions on the severity of genocides or politicides Matthew Krain
A nation destroyed: an existential approach to the distinctive harm of genocide Shmuel Lederman
Benjamin Madley, An American genocide: the United States and the California Indian catastrophe, 1846–1873 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016).
Golden State, genocide state Karl Jacoby
Ghost dances, bears and the legacies of genocide in California William Bauer
Bearing witness to California genocide Margaret Jacobs
California and the American genocide debate Jeff Ostler
Genocide in the Golden State: Response to William Bauer, Jr., Margaret Jacobs, Karl Jacoby, and Jeffrey Ostler Benjamin Madley