Allgemeine Geschichte
Yves Müller
„dass die Aufbauarbeit der SA in Luxemburg im Augenblick
eine Krisis durchmacht“. Die nationalsozialistische ‚Sturmabteilung‘ (SA) in
Luxemburg 1941-1944 [“that the build-up of the SA in Luxembourg is currently undergoing a crisis”. The National Socialist ‘Storm Troopers’ (SA) in Luxembourg 1941-1944] S. 7–21
The role of the ‘Storm Troopers’ (SA) for the National Socialist occupation policy at regional level represents a complete academic void and is virtually unexplored. Concerning the recruitment efforts promoted by the Supreme SA Command (OSAF), or rather the SA groups, fundamental parallels on the one hand can be diagnosed in the build-up of the SA. On the other, central differences have to be seen with regard to regional conditions and Nazi power structures. Using the example of the SA in the CdZ (Head of Civil Administration) region of Luxembourg, it is therefore possible to assess specifics as well as similarities with other areas regarding to mustering, recruitment and integration (1). For the research on German occupation in the Grand Duchy, the micro-perspective on a concrete National Socialist organization may raise the question of the entanglements of collaboration, co-operation, conformity and resistance, thus providing further impetus in contemporary history to the recent discussion of the behavior of Luxembourgers under German rule (2).
Aurélia Lafontaine
Le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg aux origines de
l’OTAN. Un nain à la table des géants [A Dwarf at the Table of Giants. The Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg at the Origins of NATO], S. 23–44
In 1949, the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg became the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) smallest founding member. The current article explores if and how the small state was able to influence the Washington Exploratory Talks on Security leading to NATO’s birth. Based on a theoretical frame drawn from small state theory, the analyse of Luxembourg’s role takes in consideration three variables: the International System, the country’s institutional structure and its strategy in international relations. It also examines the actions of two key players, its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Bech, and its ambassador to the United States, Hugues Le Gallais. Balancing its membership in the Benelux, its proximity to France and its close relationship with the United States, the Grand-Duchy tried to secure its military defence by subtly pushing NATO’s establishment without surrendering vital parts of its self-determination to the soon-to-be-created body.
Wolfgang Müller
Wetterheiliger der Großregion: Donatus von Münstereifel
in Luxemburg und im Bistum Trier. Mit Ergänzungen von Thomas Gergen
und Joachim Conrad [A Saint Responsible of the Weather and His Veneration
in the Great Region: Donatus of Münstereifel in Luxembourg and the Bishopric of Trier. With Supplements by Thomas Gergen and Joachim Conrad], S. 45–56
The fourth and last part of the study on Saint Donatus focuses upon the literary presence of the saint in the diocese of Trier.
Henri Carême
L’instauration du culte de saint Donat de Münstereifel à Arlon
et Luxembourg-Ville [The Beginnings of the Cult of St. Donatus of Münstereifel in Arlon and in the City of Luxembourg], S. 57–76
At the beginning of the 18th century, the fortified city of Arlon is experiencing suc- cessive thunderstorms, the inhabitants were sinking in fear. They feared for their lives, but especially for the fruit of their crops. In these times of crisis, the estab- lishment and spread of the cult of St. Donatus of Münstereifel by the Capuchins allowed the people of Luxembourg to regain a sense of security full of piety. The need to live and express their faith in this new devotion gave birth to the emergence of iconographic works glorifying the omnipotence of the saint.
In a general way, the purpose of the paper is to be a complement to the study of the historian Wolfgang Müller (1931-2016) dedicated to the worship of St. Donatus of Münstereifel in the diocese of Trier. The contribution aims to submit a supplement for the establishment of this devotion in the cities of Arlon and Luxembourg during the 18th century. To do this, it reviews in a chronological way the major key events of the implementation of this particular veneration at the convent of the Capuchins of Arlon and at the Abbey of Neumünster in Luxembourg. It looks at the iconographic aspect, which was not developed by the aforementioned author. This subject is developed through isolated prints and different frontispieces published in Luxembourg in pious little books devoted to this holy martyr. These were used for a better propagation and practice of the worship of St. Donatus in the former Duchy of Luxembourg.
Nicole Graf and Marina Kessler,
Die Neutorkaserne – eine Wohnstätte der Soldaten in Luxemburg. Ergebnisse bauhistorischer Untersuchungen im Haus Place des Bains 1 [The Building History of the Neutor Barracks in Luxembourg], S. 77–92
Between 2013 and 2016, the residential building at 1 Place des Bains in Luxembourg City was rebuilt and the history of the building was investigated. The building consists of a well-preserved part of former barracks dating back to the 17th century. The Neutor barracks were established in 1673. They consisted of two long wings with three floors each. After its dismantlement in 1872, the buildings were sold and removed; the only remaining parts are analysed here. The findings of the investigation of the building history as well as the written and cartographic sources show the ordinary life of the soldiers between the end of the 17th century until the 19th century. The block had two rooms with an open chimney and a wall cabinet in each of the three floors. The rooms were connected with a narrow spiral staircase up to the second floor. The top floor could only be entered by a main staircase. The construction of the ceiling was carried by two massive beams. The internal equipment was very simple. By the end of the 18th century, the barracks were modernized and the ceilings refurbished. Until now, the remarkable construction is well preserved and it consists of massive beams. The narrow staircase was expanded and thus, the living conditions were slightly improved. Around 1833, the Prussians took over the barracks and modernized them. By the end of the 19th century, the building was converted into current structure, while maintaining the historic constructions and therewith valuable insights into the life of the soldiers who had stayed in these rooms.
S. 93–98
Corinne Schroeder
L’émergence de la politique étrangère du Grand-Du- ché de Luxembourg vue à travers le ministère des Affaires étrangères (1945–1973). Thèse de doctorat soutenue à l’Université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve en 2014 sous la direction du professeur Michel Dumoulin et du Dr Charles Barthel.
Sacha Pulli
Das gescheiterte Jahrhundertprojekt. Die Geschichte der Atomzentrale in Remerschen von 1973–1979. Masterabschlussarbeit im Fach europäische Zeitgeschichte an der Universität Luxemburg, 2017. Betreuer: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Denis Scuto.
S. 99–122
(Volltext einsehbar auf
Gabriel Zellinger, Rezension zu:
Lo sguardo lungimirante delle capitali. Saggi in onore di Francesca Bocchi / The far-sighted gaze of capital cities. Essays in honour of Francesca Bocchi, a cura di / edited by Rosa Smurra, Hubert Houben, Manuela Ghizzoni, Roma: Viella libreria editrice, 2014; ISBN 978-88-6728-313-2; 48 €.
Thomas Gergen, Rezension zu:
João Pereira/Jochen Zenthöfer, Einführung in das luxemburgische Recht (Schriftenreihe der Juristischen Schulung / Ausländisches Recht 202), München: C.H. Beck, 2017; 223+XX Seiten; ISBN 978-3-406-69539-1; 49,80 €.
Luc Heuschling, Rezension zu:
Philippe Poirier (dir.), Les pouvoirs d’un parlement. La Chambre des députés du Luxembourg, Windhof: Promoculture-Larcier, 2014, 578 p. ; ISBN 978-2879741598 ; 65 €.
Michel Pauly, Rezension zu:
Bernhard Schneider, Christliche Armenfürsorge. Von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des Mittelalters. Eine Geschichte des Helfens und seiner Grenzen, Freiburg/Basel/Wien 2017; 480 S., 33 Abb.; ISBN 978-3-451-30518-4; 29,99 €.
Max Schmitz, Rezension zu:
Die Rechnungsbücher der Stadt Luxemburg, Zehntes Heft 1483-1491, hrg. v. Claudine Moulin und Michel Pauly (Publications du CLUDEM, 44), Luxemburg, 2018; 184 S.; ISBN: 978-2-919979-33-2; 19 €.
Martin Uhrmacher, Rezension zu:
Quellen zur Landesgeschichte der Rheinprovinz im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Teil 2: Oberpräsidium und Regierungsbezirk Koblenz, bearb. v. Dieter Heckmann (Veröffentlichungen aus den Archiven Preußischer Kulturbesitz; Arbeitsberichte 19), Berlin: Selbstverlag des Geheimen Staatsarchivs Preußischer Kulturbesitz, 2016, 353 S. inkl. Orts- und Personenindex; ISBN 978-3-923579-20-04; 20 €.
Andrea Binsfeld, Rezension zu:
Alexander Hilpert, Archäologie im Grenzraum Saar-Lor-Lux. Altertumsforschung, Vernetzung und Identitätskonstruktion in den regionalen Geschichtsvereinen des 19. Jahrhunderts (Geschichte & Kultur. Kleine Saarbrücker Reihe, 5), Trier: Kliomedia, 2016; 190 S.; ISBN 978-3-89890-197-0; 32 €.
Fabienne Gilbertz, Rezension zu:
Roger Muller, Dicks – Rodange – Lentz. Die Geschichte ihrer literarischen Beziehungen, Mersch: Centre national de littérature, 2017, 320 S.; ISBN: 978- 2-919903-52-8; 25 €.
Renée Wagener, Rezension zu:
Henri Wehenkel, Entre chien et loup, Luxembourg: Éd. d’Lëtzebuerger Land, 2017, 304 p. ; ISBN 978-99959-949-4-5 ; 29 €.
Paul Dostert, Rezension zu:
Les traces ineffaçables de l’être humain, Luxembourg : Commune de Walferdange, 2017; 124 p.; ohne ISBN oder Preisangabe
Michel Pauly, Rezension zu:
Christophe Masson, Le patrimoine de Marche-en-Famenne (Carnets du Pa- trimoine, 153), Jambes: Agence wallonne du Patrimoine, 2018, 60 p., ISBN 978-2-39038-003-0, 6 €.