Allgemeine Geschichte
Philippe MOULIN
Lehnsrecht, Lehnspolitik und Lehnshof der Grafen von Luxemburg im 13. Jahrhundert (1. Teil) [Feudal law, feudal policy and feudal court of the counts of Luxembourg in the 13th century]
The feudal system in the medieval county of Luxembourg is a rather unknown and little explored aspect of Luxembourgish history. This research has the goal to clarify this issue for the 13th century by analysing the feudal law, policy and court of the counts of Luxembourg in comparison to neighbouring principalities. This article provides a general introduction to the subject, a discussion of the current state of research and an analysis of the holding collections and terminology of the most important sources concerning feudality in medieval Luxembourg. It will also discuss the feudal policy of the counts with regard to the concept of the “Lehnsauftragung”, the conversion of alods into fiefs, which is an essential part of the development of the feudal system in the 13th century. The analysis of other elements of the feudal policy as well as the composition and relevance of the feudal court will be continued in subsequent issues of this journal.
Eine unbekannte Urkunde des Markgrafen Jost von Mähren (1402) [An unknown charter by Jost, margrave of Moravia (1402)]
The contribution presents an unknown charter, dated Olomouc, 5th February 1402, by Jost, margrave of Brandenburg and Moravia (* 1351/1354-† 1411) and pledge lord of the Duchy of Luxembourg at that time. The content of this hitherto unedited document is analysed here for the first time along with an edition and one reproduction. Furthermore, the lot description which was first published in a German auction catalogue has been corrected. The document is important because it sheds more light on Jost's relationship with Hans Küchenmeister (Jan Küchmeister), his captain and treasurer from Krnov. The charter, whose current place of conservation is unknown, was issued by Hinko, prothonotary of Brno.
Michel PAULY
Das Zinsregister der Luxemburger Deutschordenskommende von 1457–1458 [The censurable roll of the Luxembourg commandery of the Teutonic Order of 1457–58]
The article presents a twelve-page register dating back to 1457-58, which lists the annual rent incomes of the Teutonic Order based at the St. Elisabeth House in Ulrichgasse in the city of Luxembourg. The article describes this rare source, asks about the possible circumstances of its origins and elaborates some prosopographical, topographical and economic conclusions that may be drawn from it. In the last part, it offers a critical edition of the document.
Le Bacchus et Vénus du MNHA de Luxembourg comme base de solution de l’énigme du décor de la Galerie François Ier de Fontainebleau [Bacchus and Venus of MNHA, a solution to an old enigma, the décor of the Francis I Gallery in the royal palace of Fontainebleau]
Rosso Fiorentino’s Bacchus and Venus (circa 1531-1532) now in the MNHA in Luxembourg, was on display at the Francis I Gallery in the royal palace of Fontainebleau, until 1639. The décor of this Gallery is famous to represent an old enigma in art history, which this article (and the doctoral research it is based on) proposes to solve. This painting is a unicum that falls into the mirabilia category. Using the antique Art of memory, it also “memorizes” the diagram of the heavenly Monarchy portrayed by Jean Thenaud. The painting is at the centre of a simultaneously intellectual, material and practical device, linking the 16 original decorative units, and inviting a specific reception of the Valois-Angoulême princes so that they can themselves express the organised discursive and secret programme. The intellectual basis of this device is theological in nature, and refers to Erasmus, Nicolas de Cues, and Bonaventure. It is unique in that it transposes the mental concepts of these Christian thinkers to a painted, stuccoed décor.
Joëlle WEIS
Johann Friedrich Schannat (1683–1739) und die europäische Gelehrtenrepublik. Praktiken historisch-kritischer Gelehrsamkeit zwischen Kommunikation, Wissenserzeugung und Identifikation. Dissertation, Universität Luxemburg/Universität Wien 2019; Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Michel Margue, Prof. Dr. Thomas Winkelbauer
S. 215–218
Christian MÜLLER
Surviving the Storm: The Question of Luxembourg at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. Master’s Dissertation in Theory and History of International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science 2019; supervised by Prof. David Stevenson
S. 218–221
Leitwert ‘Demokratie’? Dialektik eines politischen Grundbegriffs im Kontext der luxemburgischen Exilregierung während des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Abschlussarbeit im Master en histoire européenne contemporaine, 2019; Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Michel Pauly
S. 221–225
Der Strukturbruch in Luxemburg in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, Bachelorarbeit im BCE Geschichte, Universität Luxemburg 2019; Betreuer: Ass.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Brüll
S. 225–228
Polemik ante portas? Die Regierung „Thorn“ im synchronen Spiegel von Luxemburger Wort und Tageblatt. Eine diskurslinguistische und -ethische Untersuchung. Dissertation an der Universität Luxemburg 2019; Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Heinz Sieburg
S. 228–232
The Success and Failure of Right-wing Populist Parties in the Benelux. PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge 2019; supervised by Dr Julie Smith and Dr Pieter van Houten
S. 232–236.
Decentring the Museum: Examining Young People’s Perceptions and Experiences from a Sociocultural Perspective. PhD thesis in Museum Studies, University of Leicester 2019; supervised by Prof. Richard Sandell
S. 236–239.
(Volltext einsehbar auf
S. 240–254
Gisela Naegle, Rezension zu:
Jean-Luc FRAY, Michel PAULY, Magda PINHEIRO und Martin SCHEUTZ (Hg.), Urban Spaces and the complexity of Cities, (Städteforschung, A.97), Wien/Köln/Weimar: Böhlau Verlag, 2018; 312 S.; ISBN 978-3-412-50759-6; 45 €.
Steven Thiry, Rezension zu:
Un château disparu? 1604–2018, édité par les Archives nationales de Luxembourg et les Amis du château de Mansfeld, Luxembourg 2019; 192 p.; ISBN 978-2-919773-22-0; 25 €.
Paul Dostert, Rezension zu:
François HEISBOURG, Cet étrange nazi qui sauva mon père. L’odyssée du baron von Hoiningen, Paris 2019, 334 p., ISBN : 978-2-234-08355-4 ; 20,50 €.
Christoph Brüll, Rezension zu:
Lutz RAPHAEL, Jenseits von Kohle und Stahl. Eine Gesellschaftsgeschichte Westeuropas nach dem Boom, Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2019; 526 S.; ISBN 978-3-518-58735-5; 32 €.
Sam Mersch, Rezension zu:
Denise BESCH, Vu villa bis Weiler, vu fréier bis haut. Suffixe der Luxemburger Ortsnamen (Beiträge zur luxemburgischen Sprach- und Volkskunde, 38), Lëtzebuerg: Institut grand-ducal. Section linguistique, ethnologie et onomastique, 2018; 470 S.; ISBN 978-2-919910-00-7; 34 €.