Das neueste Heft (Herbst 2004) des Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington DC) ist vor kurzem erschienen und online verfuegbar unter der Adresse: http://www.ghi-dc.org/bulletinF04/fall04bulletin_index.html
Die Druckausgabe ist kostenlos erhaeltlich. Bitte schicken Sie eine Email mit Ihrer postalischen Adresse an Frau Baerbel Thomas: b.thomas@ghi-dc.org
Reflecting on the Past, Envisioning the Future: Perspectives for German Jewish Studies Liliane Weissberg
New Perspectives in German Jewish Studies: Toward a Diasporic and Global Perspective Jeffrey Peck
German Catholics in America Kathleen Conzen
Landscape and Landschaft Denis Cosgrove
Emplacing Memory Through the City: The New Berlin Karen Till
The Vulnerability of Globalization Helmut Schmidt Prize Lecture Harold James
Competing Modernities: Germany and the United States, 1890 to the Present Christof Mauch and Kiran Patel
Natural Disasters in Transatlantic Perspective: River Floods in German and U.S. History Christof Mauch and Uwe Lübken
Reconstituting Public Realms: Archivists, Librarians, and Journalists in Postwar Germany Astrid M. Eckert
Hertie Roundtable: The Welfare State -- Past, Present, and Future in Transatlantic Perspective Dirk Schumann
The Spatial Turn in History Thomas Zeller
Natural Disasters and Cultural Strategies: Responses to Disasters in Global Perspective Christof Mauch
Pietism in Two Worlds: Transmissions of Dissent in Germany and North America, 1680-1820 Jonathan Strom
Taxation, State, and Civil Society in Germany and the United States, 1750-1950 Alexander Nützenadel
Toward a Biographical Turn? Biography in Modern Historiography B Modern Historiography in Biography Simone Lässig
Criminal Justice in Times of Political Crisis: Central Europe 1920-1950 Richard F. Wetzell
A New History of the German People Frank Wagner
Civil Society, the Public Sphere, and Popular Politics in the Rhineland, 1800-1848: Mid-Atlantic German History Seminar Marion Deshmukh
German History in the Short Nineteenth Century, 1790-1890: Tenth Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar in German History Richard F. Wetzell
War and the Environment: Contexts and Consequences of Military Destruction in the Modern Age Charles Closmann and Christof Mauch
The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War, 1945-1990 David Lazar
Beyond Anti-Semitism and Philo-Semitism: Searching for Normality in German-Jewish Relations Simone Lässig
International Dialogue between Young Germans and Young American-Jewish Leaders Anne Lümers
The Origins of Green Parties in Global Perspective Frank Zelko
Environment, Culture, Politics: Transatlantic Perspectives. Young Scholars Forum Charles Closmann
Summer Seminar in Germany Astrid M. Eckert
Environmental History and the Oceans Frank Zelko
Alexander von Humboldt and North America Andreas Daum
In the Shadow of Power Gerald Livingston
German Studies Abroad Philipp Gassert
Fellows Seminars Dirk Schumann
Fritz Stern Dissertation Prize Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar 2005 Summer Seminar 2005 Kade-Heideking Fellowship Thyssen-Heideking Fellowship Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships Internships
In memoriam Carola Wessel (1964-2004) Hermann-Josef Rupieper (1942-2004) Wolfgang Mommsen (1930-2004) GHI Email List Research Fellows Win Historikerverband Prizes Helmut Schmidt Prize Bucerius Seminar Competing Modernities German Unification Event Breuninger Fellowship German History in Documents and Images Library Report New Publications Fellowship Recipients Internship Recipients Staff Changes
GHI Events 2004-05
GHI Publications