Das Heft 40 (Spring 2007) des Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington DC) ist soeben erschienen. Der Volltext des Heftes ist kostenlos online verfuegbar unter:
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List of Contributors
Europe: A Community of Memory? Aleida Assmann
Comments on Aleida Assmann’s Lecture Peter Novick
Response to Peter Novick Aleida Assmann
Bridging the Oder: Reflections on Poland, Germany, and the Transformation of Europe: Part I Gesine Schwan
Bridging the Oder: Part II Janusz Reiter
Fact, Truth, and Fiction: An Interview with Novelist Frederick Reuss David Lazar
Cosmopolitan Conservatism: Transnational Elite Politics in the German-American Atlantic of the Nineteenth Century and the Dialectic of Commerce and Community Lars Maischak
A Plea for a Rapprochement between History and Economic History Volker Berghahn
Terror in the Nineteenth Century: Political Assassinations and Public Discourse in Europe and the United States, 1878-1901 Carola Dietze
Mass Migration and Local Politics in Chicago and Vienna, 1850-1938: Some Questions, Some Hypotheses Marcus Gräser
Public Spirit in Suburbia? The Garden City as Civic Experiment Gisela Mettele
Friendly Skies? A Cultural History of Air Travel in Postwar America Anke Ortlepp
Coca-Cola History: A “Refreshing” Look at German-American Relations Jeff R. Schutts
Modernization à la Mode: West German and American Development Plans for the Third World Corinna R. Unger
Historical Development of World Rivers Dorothy Zeisler-Vralsted
The Forgotten Generation: The First Generation of Spanish Immigrants in Hamburg Anke Ortlepp
Bucerius Seminar 2006: American History and American Archives Andreas Etges
Parsing Prussian Personality – Christian Thomasius and the Psychogram: Edmund Spevack Memorial Lecture Richard F. Wetzell
Award of the Franz Steiner Prize Ulrich Bachteler
A Resource Rediscovered: The Reopening of the German Society of Pennsylvania Library Frank Trommler
Fifteenth Annual Symposium of the Friends of the GHI and Award of the Fritz Stern Dissertation Prize Richard F. Wetzell
Five Germanies He Has Known: Symposium in Honor of Fritz Stern Carolin Brinkmann and Thrine Kane
Arnold Brecht (1884-1977): Democratic Civil Servant and Political Scholar in Berlin and New York Corinna R. Unger
Fellows Seminars, Fall 2006 Dirk Schumann
Fritz Stern Dissertation Prize Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships Kade-Heideking Fellowship Thyssen-Heideking Fellowship Postdoc-Stipendium für Nordamerikanische Geschichte GHI Körber Internships GHI Internships
GHI Reference Guides No Longer Available By Subscription German Americana, 1956-2005 GHI Fellowship at the Horner Library New Publications Library Report GHI Fellowship Recipients GHI Internship Recipients Staff Changes
Lecture Series, Spring 2007 Events Sponsored by the GHI