Wir freuen uns, Sie auf das soeben erschienene Heft 45 (Herbst 2009) des "Bulletin of the German Historical Institute" (Washington) aufmerksam zu machen. Der Volltext der Ausgabe ist kostenlos elektronisch verfuegbar unter: http://www.ghi-dc.org/bulletin
Die Druckausgabe des Bulletins kann kostenlos abonniert werden. Falls Sie an einem Abonnement interessiert sind, schicken Sie bitte eine entsprechende Email an Frau Baerbel Thomas: b.thomas@ghi-dc.org
Civilizing Capitalism? The Beginnings of Credit Rating in the United States and Germany Hartmut Berghoff
Corporate Freedom of Action in Nazi Germany Peter Hayes
Corporate Freedom of Action in Nazi Germany: A Response to Peter Hayes Christoph Buchheim and Jonas Scherner
Rejoinder Peter Hayes
Where to Shop? The Geography of Consumption in the Twentieth-Century Atlantic World Jan Logemann
1968 in Japan, Germany, and the United States: Political Protest and Cultural Change Laura Elizabeth Wong and Alexander Holmig
Representing Poverty: American and European Perspectives Christoph Ribbat
Black Diaspora and Germany Across the Centuries Mischa Honeck
Nuclear Armament, Peace Movements, and the Second Cold War: The 1979 NATO Double-Track Decision in German-German and International Perspective Philipp Gassert
15th Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar: German History in the Nineteenth Century Richard F. Wetzell
Junior Scholars Conference on the Future of German-Jewish History Amos Bitzan
A World of Population: Twentieth-Century Demographic Discourses and Practices in Global Perspective Jesse Olszynko-Gryn
Global Challenge and Regional Response: Early-Twentieth-Century Northeast China’s Encounters with the World Susanne Hohler and Sören Urbansky
The Economic Effects of German Exploitation in Occupied Countries during World War II Jonas Scherner
Archival Summer Seminar in Germany Corinna Unger
Public History in Germany and the United States Anke Ortlepp
Tenth Gerd Bucerius Lecture New GHI Publications Library Report Recipients of GHI Fellowships GHI Fellowships and Internships GHI-Sponsored Events, Spring 2009 GHI Research Seminar, Spring 2009 GHI Lecture Series, Fall 2009 GHI Calendar of Events, Fall 2009/Spring 2010