Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington DC) 50 (Spring 2012)

Titel der Ausgabe 
Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington DC) 50 (Spring 2012)
Weiterer Titel 

Washington DC. 2012: Selbstverlag des Herausgebers
zweimal im Jahr; ausserdem jährlich ein Beiheft (Supplement)
Anzahl Seiten
179 S.



Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington DC)
United States
Redaktion: Dr. Richard F. Wetzell German Historical Institute 1607 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington DC 20009, USA Email: wetzell@ghi-dc.org Phone (202) 387-3355; Fax (202) 483-3430 Abonnement/Bezug der Zeitschrift: Susanne Fabricius German Historical Institute 1607 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington DC 20009, USA Email: fabricius@ghi-dc.org Phone (202) 387-3355; Fax (202) 483-3430
Wetzell, Richard

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National Socialism and the Search for International Order
Mark Mazower

National Socialism and the Search for International Order: Comment
Lutz Klinkhammer

Nationalism on the Margins: Silesians Between Germany and Poland, 1848-1945
Brendan Karch

Creating Killers: The Nazification of the Black Sea Germans and the Holocaust in Southern Ukraine, 1941-1944
Eric C. Steinhart

Lessons from History? German Economic Experiences and the Crisis of the Euro
Charles S. Maier


Modernity Calling: Interpersonal Communication and the Telephone in Germany and the United States, 1880-1990
Clelia Caruso


The Cold War: History, Memory, and Representation
Jula Danylow, Jasmin Heermann, Claudia Schumacher, Andreas Etges

Summer Seminar: Europe -- Migration -- Identity
Jan Logemann

2011 Bosch Foundation Archival Seminar for Young Historians: American History in Transatlantic Perspective
Mischa Honeck

The Transnational Significance of the American Civil War: A Global History
Katharina Wagner

Shifting Visions of Development: International Organizations, Non-Governmental Actors, and the Rise of Global Governance, 1945-1990
Samuel Misteli

Medieval History Seminar 2011
Jan-Hendryk de Boer

Uncertain Knowledge: Discourses and Practices of (Non-)Affirmation in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century American History
Sebastian Jobs

Transatlantic Tourism: American Visitors to Europe in the Long Twentieth Century
Frank Schipper

"Trust, but Verify": Confidence and Distrust from Détente to the End of the Cold War
Nadja Klopprogge and Emily Malkin

From Mass Murder to Exhibition: Museum Representations in Transatlantic Comparison Jacob S. Eder


2011 Fritz Stern Dissertation Prizes
2011 Helmut Schmidt Prize
New Publications by GHI Staff
Library Report
Staff Changes
GHI Fellowships and Internships
Recipients of GHI Fellowships
GHI Research Seminar, Fall 2011
GHI Doctoral Seminar, Fall 2011
GHI Lecture Series, Spring 2012
GHI Calendar of Events 2012

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