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Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee Institute, and the German Empire: Race and Cotton in the Black Atlantic Andrew Zimmerman
Refusing to be “Good Germans”: New Left Violence as a Global Phenomenon Jeremy Varon
Terrorism in Germany: The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon Stefan Aust
Putting German Terrorism in Perspective: An American Response Bruce Hoffman
Proto-Eugenic Thought and Breeding Utopias in the United States before 1870 Maren Lorenz
The African-American Civil Rights Struggle and Germany, 1945-1989 Martin Klimke
Connecting Atlantic, Indian Ocean, China Seas, and Pacific Migrations from the 1830s to the 1930s Gisela Mettele
Transregional and Transnational Families David Sabean
Managing the Unknown: Natural Reserves in Historical Perspective Frank Uekötter
Modernization as a Global Project: American, Soviet, and European Approaches David C. Engermann and Corinna R. Unger
1968 – Forty Years Later Martin Klimke
Perspectives on National Socialism, Global War, and the Holocaust: A Symposium in Honor of Gerhard L. Weinberg Philipp Gassert
Flammable Cities: Fire, Urban Environment, and Culture in History Greg Bankoff, Uwe Lübken, Jordan Sand
Public Eating, Public Drinking: Places of Consumption from Early Modern to Postmodern Times Maren Möhring and Marc Forster
Early Modern German History, 1500-1790: Fourteenth Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar Richard F. Wetzell
Gender and the Long Postwar: Reconsiderations of the United States and the Two Germanys, 1945-1989 Michael Grutchfield, Reid Gustafson, Melissa Kravetz, Christina Larocco, Amy Rutenberg
Why Do Terrorists Stop? Carola Dietze
Civilizing Nature: National Parks in Transnational Historical Perspective Sabine Höhler
Archival Summer Seminar in Germany, 2008 Corinna R. Unger
GHI Research Seminar, Spring 2008
Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships Fellowship in Social and Economic History Postdoc-Stipendium für Nordamerikanische Geschichte GHI Internships
New Publications Library Report Recipients of GHI Fellowships Recipients of GHI Internships Staff News
Lecture Series, Fall 2008 Events Sponsored by the GHI, Fall 2008 - 2009