Heft 58 (Spring 2016) des "Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington DC)" ist soeben erschienen. Der Volltext der Ausgabe ist kostenlos online verfügbar unter:
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Capitalism and the Jews Revisited Jerry Z. Muller
Capitalism and the Jews Revisited: A Comment Miriam Rürup
Defining the Modern Metropolis: Universal Expositions from the Mid-Nineteenth to the Mid-Twentieth Century Friedrich Lenger
The Prussians of the East: Samurai, Bushido, and Japanese Honor in the German Imagination, 1905–1945 Sarah Panzer
“A Wild, Ungovernable Thing”: Risk and Insurance during the Beginnings of American Independence, 1770–1840 Elisabeth Engel
Financialization: A New Chapter in the History of Capitalism? Laura Rischbieter
Fourth Junior Scholars Conference in German-Jewish History: "Heritage" in the Study of Jewish and Other (Diaspora) Cultures – The Search for Roots as a Recurring Theme of Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century History Anne Schenderlein and Adrienne Wallman
Bosch Foundation Archival Summer School for Young Historians 2015: American History in Transatlantic Perspective Mischa Honeck
Contested Visions of Justice: The Allied War Crimes Trials in Global Context, 1943–1958 Lisette Schouten and Valentyna Polunina
Medieval History Seminar 2015 Natalie Anderson
Atlantic Brotherhoods: Fraternalism in Transcontinental Perspective, 1770–1930 Jan C. Jansen
2015 Helmut Schmidt Prize in German-American Economic History
2015 Fritz Stern Dissertation Prize
New Staff Publications
Staff Changes
GHI Fellowships and Internships
Recipients of GHI Fellowships
GHI Doctoral and Research Seminars, Fall 2015
GHI Lecture Series, Spring 2016
GHI Calendar of Events 2016
GHI Library