Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 66 (Spring 2020)

Titel der Ausgabe 
Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 66 (Spring 2020)
Weiterer Titel 

Washington DC. 2020: Selbstverlag des Herausgebers
zweimal im Jahr; ausserdem jährlich ein Beiheft (Supplement)
Anzahl Seiten
169 S.



Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington DC)
United States
Redaktion: Dr. Richard F. Wetzell German Historical Institute 1607 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington DC 20009, USA Email: wetzell@ghi-dc.org Phone (202) 387-3355; Fax (202) 483-3430 Abonnement/Bezug der Zeitschrift: Susanne Fabricius German Historical Institute 1607 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington DC 20009, USA Email: fabricius@ghi-dc.org Phone (202) 387-3355; Fax (202) 483-3430
Wetzell, Richard

The Spring 2020 issue of the Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington) has just been published. All articles are available for open-access download at:


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Moral Reasoning in the Wake of Mass Murder: Disability and Reproductive Rights in 1980s–1990s Germany
Dagmar Herzog

The Object’s Afterlife: Nazi-Looted Precious Metal Objects, Art History, and Jewish History in Postwar Germany
Anna Augustin

Between Ausländer and Almancı: The Transnational History of Turkish-German Migration
Michelle Lynn Kahn

Free Chinese Migrants in the Americas in the Modern Age: Dynamics of Exclusion and Xenophobia
Albert Manke


Global Knowledge, Global Legitimacy? Transatlantic Biomedicine since 1970
Susan L. Speaker

Sixth Junior Scholars Conference in Jewish History: Radicalism and Resistance in Modern Jewish History
Anna-Carolin Augustin and Miriam Rürup

Eleventh Medieval History Seminar
Paul Schweitzer-Martin

Digital Hermeneutics: From Research to Dissemination
Tim van der Heijden, Juliane Tatarinov, Gerben Zaagsma

Third Annual Bucerius Young Scholar Forum. Histories of Migration: Transatlantic and Global Perspectives
Levke Harders and Andrea Westermann

Archives of Migration: Annual Academic and Policy Symposium “Innovation through Migration”
Fatima El-Tayeb, Katharina Hering, Andrea Westermann


2019 Fritz Stern Dissertation Prize
New Staff Publications
Staff Changes
GHI Fellowships and Internships
GHI Fellowship Recipients, 2019/20
GHI Research Seminar and Colloquium, Fall 2019
GHI Spring Lecture Series 2020
GHI Calendar of Events
GHI Library

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