Heft 63 (Fall 2018) des "Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington DC)" ist erschienen. Das Heft enthaelt den thematischen Schwerpunkt "Knowledge and Copyright in Historical Perspective". Alle Aufsaetze sind kostenlos als Volltext verfügbar unter:
Die Druckausgabe des Bulletins kann kostenlos abonniert werden. Falls Sie an einem Abonnement interessiert sind, schicken Sie bitte eine entsprechende Email an mlist@ghi-dc.org
Karl Marx and the History of Capitalism Jürgen Kocka
Edited by Sarah Beringer and Atiba Pertilla
Introduction Sarah Beringer and Atiba Pertilla
Mondrian's Dress: Copying (and) the Couture Copy Nancy Troy
Japanese Industrial Espionage, Foreign Direct Investment, and the Decline of the U.S. Industrial Base in the 1980s Mario Daniels
Why Are Universities Open-Access Laggards? Peter Baldwin
In Global Transit: Jewish Migrants from Hitler’s Europe in Asia, Africa, and Beyond Mayurakshi Das
Cultures of Capitalism in Weimar and Nazi Germany Martin Kristoffer Hamre
Bounded Democracy: Global Workshop on American Urbanisms Anke Ortlepp
West Coast Germanists' Workshop Andrea Westermann, Edward Ross Dickinson, Frank Biess
Settlement and Unsettlement: The Ends of World War I and Their Legacies Paul Schweitzer-Martin
Marx at 200: A Symposium Warren Breckman
Migrant Knowledges: Concepts, Voices, Spaces Andrea Westermann
Fourteenth Workshop on Early Modern German History Hannes Ziegler
Transoceanic American Studies Madeleine Miller
24th Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar: German History in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Richard F. Wetzell
Learning by the Book: Manuals and Handbooks in the History of Knowledge Alrun Schmidtke
Defining Black European History Madeleine Miller
New Publications Staff Changes GHI Fellowships and Internships GHI Fellowship Recipients GHI Research Seminar and Colloquium, Spring and Summer 2018 GHI Calendar of Events 2018/19 GHI Library