Český časopis historický 111 (2013), 4

Titel der Ausgabe 
Český časopis historický 111 (2013), 4
Weiterer Titel 

Praha 2013: Academia
Anzahl Seiten
255 S.
110 Euro pro Jahrgang



Český časopis historický / The Czech Historical Review
Czech Republic
Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prosecká 76, CZ-190 00 Praha 9 – Nový Prosek
Pokorná Magdalena


S. 681-924 + I-XII



K organizaci venkovského zázemí středověkých měst
(On the Organisation of the Rural Hinterland of Medieval Towns). S. 681–727.
There exists a long tradition of research into relations between the medieval town or city and the village, at present primarily linked with the names of Jindřich Tomas and Jaroslav Bakala. The dynamic development of the study of urban issues in the past thirty years and simultaneously the entry of archeology and other disciplines into the field of urban research (the work of Jan Klápště about the transformation of the Czech Lands in the Middle Ages being of especial importance) offer new opportunities to capture the role of the medieval town and its rural environs in new dimensions. Undoubtedly, there is no need to emphasise that the relationship between the town and village was one of the determining factors of both economic and social development in the „Czech“ and also European Middle Ages.
Key words: history, Bohemia, town, town and countryside, the right of a one-mile exclusion zone, the Middle Ages.

Nunciatura u císařského dvora v prvních letech vlády Rudolfa II. a české země
(Papal Nunciature at the Imperial Court in the First Years of the Reign of Rudolph II and the Czech Lands). S. 728–742.
The recently edited Nunciature reports from 1577–1581 present valuable information on the beginnings of Catholic confessionalism in the Czech Lands. Based on this, it can be documented that the individual points of the confessionalism programme of the Papal Nuncios at the Imperial Court were realised and were being enforced as early as the beginning of the reign of Rudolph II when the first Nuncios Malaspina and Santacroce resided permanently in Prague. An analysis of the reports makes it possible to identify the Emperor’s attitudes to the Curia plans, as well as to establish prominent agents of the pre-White Mountain Catholic confessionalism in the Czech Lands from amongst the ranks of the nobility and the clergy.
Key words: Nunciature, Rudolph II, Confessionalism, the Czech Lands.

Státoprávní vyčlenění českých zemí ze Svaté říše římské. Důsledky říšské reformy Maxmiliána I. Habsburského
(The Constitutional Exclusion of the Czech Lands from the Holy Roman Empire. Consequences of the Imperial Reform of Maximilian I of the House of Hapsburg). S. 743–804.
This study continues long-term specialist discussions on the constitutional relationship between the Lands of the Czech Crown and the Holy Roman Empire in the period of the Early Modern Age. With the help of new primary resources, the author focuses on the period 1477–1495 during which the exclusion of the Czech Lands from a newly formed Roman-German Empire took place. The emergence of a new constitutional arrangement was completed through the consent of all four participating parties (King of the Romans – the Imperial Estates – the King of Bohemia – the Czech Estates), therefore it was conflict-free. The exclusion of the Czech Lands from the Empire was not the result of the emancipation struggle of the Czech Estates, whether national or religious, but it occurred within the context of the internal re-structuralisation of the Empire at the beginning of the Imperial Reform of Maximilian I. From the very beginning of the emergence of the Early Modern Roman-German Empire in 1495, the Lands of the Czech Crown were not part of it, neither de facto nor de iure, although in the course of the following two centuries these two neighbouring state formations happened to have a joint ruler from time to time. This formerly rather unusual perspective, yet in the author’s view, sufficiently documented by primary sources, on the constitutional development of Early Modern Medieval Europe provides a broader framework for interpretations of long-term trends in the history of the 16th and the 17th centuries.
Key words: the Holy Roman Empire, the Czech Kingdom, constitutional exclusion, Czech Estates’ community, Imperial Princes, Imperial fief, 1477, elector, Arch-Cupbearer, election of King of the Romans, Frankfurt am Main, Imperial diet, 1495, Worms, Emperor Frederick III, Emperor Maximilian I, King, Matthias Corvinus.

Volba a korunovace Karla VI. římským císařem v roce 1711
(The Election and Coronation of Charles VI as Holy Roman Emperor in 1711). S. 805–841.
Based on the existing literature, contemporary printed materials and especially primary sources from the Bohemian Court Chancellary and the Family Archives of the Windisch- Grätz family, the author attempts, for the first time ever in a Czech historiography to deal comprehensively with the election and coronation of Charles VI in 1711. This text has two main purposes. Primarily, it involves a more comprehensive revisiting of the events after the death of Emperor Joseph I (April) in Vienna at the court of the Regent Empress dowager Eleonora Magdalena, at the court of Charles III of Spain in Barcelona, or possibly also in Milan, yet, especially in Frankfurt am Main. There, the pre-electoral negotiations, attended by the Bohemian electoral embassy took place, during which an electoral capitulation was drafted after approximately two months and the proper ceremonial election of Charles as King of the Romans (October) took place. Thereafter, the imperial coronation followed, yet again after an interval of two months (December). In second part, the author researches the events of 1711 in a wider context and compares them with preceding elections and coronations. He attempts to discover to what degree these processes were similar, or to what extent they differed from one another and to establish the reasons why deviations from traditions, which people in the Early Modern Ages held so dear, occurred; who benefited from these innovations and how they influenced the functioning of the Empire as a whole.
Key words: Charles VI, Frankfurt am Main, 18th century, the Holy Roman Empire, Emperor,
elections, coronation, electors.

MOUT Nicolette
„The Beautiful Days in Aranjuez“. A Dutch History Student in Czechoslovakia 1966–1967
(„Překrásné dny v Aranjuez“. Nizozemská studentka historie v Československu v letech 1966–1967). S. 842–859.
Nicolette Mout came to live in Prague in 1966 and again in 1967 on an academic exchange program as the first Dutch research student after the Second World War. The subject of her research for a MA in history (University of Amsterdam) was Comenius’s relations with the Dutch Republic. In Prague, her supervisor was Professor Josef Polišenský (1915–2001). In these reminiscences her contacts with the Czechoslovak academic world are described against the background of changes leading up to the Prague Spring.
Key words: History, Dutch-Czech relations, Charles University of Prague, University of Amsterdam, J. A. Comenius, Josef Polišenský, late 1960’s.


ŠVAŘÍČKOVÁ SLABÁKOVÁ Radmila – KOHOUTOVÁ Jitka – PAVLÍČKOVÁ Radmila – HUTEČKA Jiří a kol., Konstrukce maskulinní identity v minulosti a současnosti. Koncepty, metody, perspektivy (Veronika Mezerová) S. 860–862.

BOLDAN Kamil – MAREK Jindřich (edd.), Libri catenati Egrenses. Knihy a knihovna chebských františkánů v pozdním středověku a raném novověku (Petr Voit) S. 862–865.

Otvetstvennaja redakcija REVJAKINA N. V. – KUDRJAVCEV O. F., Kuľtura Vozroždenija. Enciklopedija, I, II/1–2 (Jaroslav Pánek) S. 865–867.

DAVID Zdeněk V., Nalezení střední cesty. Liberální výzva utrakvistů Římu a Lutherovi (Petr Kubín) S. 867–873.

KOLLER Alexander (ed.), Nuntiaturen des Orazio Malaspina und des Ottavio Santacroce. Interim des Cesare dell’Arena (1578–1581) (Tomáš Černušák) S. 873–875.

FEJTOVÁ Olga, „Já pevně věřím a vyznávám…“ Rekatolizace na Novém Městě pražském v době pobělohorské (Ivana Čornejová) S. 876–879.

BAHENSKÁ Marie – HECZKOVÁ Libuše – MUSILOVÁ Dana, Iluze spásy. České feministické myšlení 19. a 20. století (Milena Lenderová) S. 880–882.

LUFT Robert, Parlamentarische Führungsgruppen und politische Strukturen in der tschechischen Gesellschaft. Tschechische Abgeordnete und Parteien des österreichischen Reichsrats 1907–1914 (Jiří Pešek) S. 883–888.

BURIAN Michal, Sudetoněmecké nacionalistické tělovýchovné organizace a československý stát v letech 1918–1938 (Martin Klement) S. 888–891.

EVANS Helena P., Diplomatic Deceptions: Anglo-Soviet Relations and the Fate of Finland, 1944–1948 (Pavol Jakubec) S. 891–893.

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