Heft 59 (Fall 2016) des "Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington DC)" ist vor kurzem erschienen. Alle Aufsaetze sind kostenlos online in Volltext verfügbar unter:
Die Druckausgabe des Bulletins kann kostenlos abonniert werden. Falls Sie an einem Abonnement interessiert sind, schicken Sie bitte eine entsprechende Email an <mlist@ghi-dc.org>
German History as Global History: The Case of Coffee in the Twentieth Century Dorothee Wierling
The History of Knowledge and the Expansion of the Historical Research Agenda Simone Lässig
Old and New Orders of Knowledge in Modern Jewish History Kerstin von der Krone
Data, Diplomacy, and Liberalism: August Ferdinand Lueder’s Critique of German Descriptive Statistics Anna Echterhölter
The Western Art World between 1930 and 1950: Methodological Approaches to Transdisciplinary Research Jeroen Euwe
The Refugee Crisis: Historical Perspectives from Europe and North America, 1945–2000 Sascha Brünig and Jan C. Jansen
The Historian and the World – The Worlds of History: Positions, Purposes, and Politics in the Twenty-First Century Mischa Honeck and Jan C. Jansen
Navigating Diversity: Narratives, Practices and Politics in German-Speaking Europe Richard F. Wetzell
Forging Bonds Across Borders: Mobilizing for Women's Rights and Social Justice in the Nineteenth-Century Transatlantic World Sonya Michel and Anja Schüler
Thirteenth Workshop on Early Modern German History Hannah Briscoe and Rebecca Lott
22nd Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century German History Anna von der Goltz
Willy Brandt and the Americas, 1974–1992 Sophie Lange
Archival Summer Seminar in Germany 2016 Elisabeth Engel
Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Transnational Comparative Perspective, 18th Century to Today Atiba Pertilla
Uncertainty and Risk in America: (Un)Stable Histories from the Late Colonial Period to the "Gilded Age" Elisabeth Engel
Cultural Mobility and Knowledge Formation in the Americas Margaretha Schweiger-Wilhelm
GHI West: GHI will open branch office at UC Berkeley in 2017
New Digital Project: German History Intersections
Fritz Stern (1926–2016)
New GHI Publications
Staff Changes
GHI Fellowships and Internships
Recipients of GHI Fellowships
GHI Research Seminars and Colloquium, Spring and Summer 2016
GHI Calendar of Events
GHI Library