Český časopis historický 111 (2013), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Český časopis historický 111 (2013), 1
Weiterer Titel 

Praha 2013: Academia
Anzahl Seiten
265 S.
110 Euro pro Jahrgang



Český časopis historický / The Czech Historical Review
Czech Republic
Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prosecká 76, CZ-190 00 Praha 9 – Nový Prosek
Pokorná, Magdalena





BŮŽEK Václav – MAREK Pavel
Nemoci, smrt a pohřby Rudolfa II.
(The Illnesses, Death and Funerals of Rudolph II.). S. 1–30.
This study, based, in particular, on reports, until now unused in research, from foreign envoys to the Imperial Court; the Hapsburgs’family correspondence, the post-mortem report, deals with the course of the illnesses of Rudolph II., his death and funeral ceremonies in Madrid and Prague. In connection with the spread of the reports of the death of the Central European ruler during the year of 1612, the authors have attempted to gain an insight into the contents and means of communication at the Imperial Court in Prague. They have not failed to pay attention to the activities of influential courtiers and their intelligence networks. At the same time they traced the communication routes between Prague, Antwerp, Brussels, Florence, Madrid, Nuremberg and Rome along which the information about the death of Rudolph II and preparations for his funeral spread. The focus of this study lies in the interpretation of the symbolic importance of the social body of the deceased Emperor. From the lying-in-state of the corpse to the requiem mass, he was entering the collective memory as a virtuous ruler, a Christian knight and a defender of the Catholic faith, like his famous ancestors of the Hapsburg dynasty.
Key words: the Hapsburg dynasty, Rudolph II., Prague, Madrid, the Imperial Court, illness, death, funerals, castrum doloris, symbolic communication, the memory of the social body.

ŽITNÝ Miroslav
Keresztes 1596. Vytváření obrazu prohrané bitvy s Turky a její druhý život
(Keresztes 1596. The Creation of an Image of the Lost Battle with the Ottomans and its Second Life). S. 31–65.
This study traces, using the approaches of historic anthropology and symbolic communication, the creation of a discourse image of the Battle of Keresztes (Eger) in October 1596, the largest clash during the fifteen years of conflict between the Hapsburgs and the Ottoman Turks. Attention is further devoted to the changes and the subsequent life of this image in the Rudolphinian period and its overlap into the 19th century.
Key words: Keresztes 1596, fifteen years war, battle, Ottoman expansion in the 16th and 17th century, discursive image, Christian knighthood, propaganda, the Rudolphinian period, historical anthropology, symbolic communication, Czech patriotism.

Renesanční epitaf v průsečíku historických disciplín a jeho vypovídací možnosti
(Renaissance Epitaph on the Intersection of Disciplines and its Communicational Possibilities). S. 66–100.
Despite a number of particular studies, the Renaissance epitaph remains a largely undervalued source. Art historians study it solely as a “work of art,” while historians tend to use it as a source of purely factual data (heraldic, epigraphic, genealogical, prosopographic etc.). However, from the wider, cultural-historical or historical- anthropological perspective, it is necessary for both disciplines to realize the specific value of the epitaph as a sepulchral monument, the goal of which was to construct the identity of the “social body” of the deceased. The specific conceptual character of the epitaph thus offers a possibility to study it as a complex medium (source) reflecting cultural codes of dying, death, remembering and salvation (which is especially interesting in the context of Europe divided by different denominations), but also as a pure phenomenon that took part in forming the death discourse of the period.
Key words: Epitaph, sepulchral monuments, death, Renaissance, early modern era, confessions, Czech Lands.

Jednota bratrská a rodinné zázemí Václava Hollara
(The Unity of the Brethren and the Family Backround of Wenceslaus Hollar). S. 101–116.
This contribution, on the basis of data from a recently discovered primary source on the history of the Unity of the Brethren, i.e. the name index of its members from the Towns of Prague and suburbs from 1607, and their confrontation with other contemporary documents, reveals the allegiance of Wenceslaus Hollar’s father to this confession. However, some members of the Hollar Family, which had Czech Brethren roots, suceeded in behaving rather pragmatically in a new contemporary confessional environment and in adapting to the changes of confessional conditions by which they went beyond the usual notions of the Brethren confession and stood in contrast to the fortunes of the majority of other Prague members of the congregation of the Unity of the Brethren.
Key words: 17th century, the Czech Lands, Prague, Horažďovice, Wenceslaus Hollar, John Hollar, the Unity of the Brethren.


Synody a synodální zákonodárství ve středovýchodní Evropě. Přehled bádání za posledních patnáct let
(Synods and Synodical Legislation in East Central Europe. An Overview of Research over the last Fifteen Years). S. 117–143.
The author presents an overview of research into the issues related to synods and synod legislation in East Central Europe over the last fifteen years. The paper describes the outputs dealing with legatine synods, provincial synods and diocesan synods. The territory is limited to the lands of the Bohemian Crown, Poland, Hungary, Pomerania, the State of German Knights in Prussia and the Margraviate of Meissen. Given the fact that the dioceses of Prague and Olomouc were included in the Mainz church province, the paper also deals with works on Mainz Archbishops’ provincial synods and statutes. The article is structured in the following chapters: 1. Introduction; 2. Position of synodical issues within Czech historiography; 3. Book sources editions; 4. Book monographs; 5. Chapters on synods in syntheses; 6. Conference collections on synods and book anthologies of synodical studies; 7. Studies and articles: 7.1. Legatine, provincial and diocesan synods in the lands of the Bohemian Crown; 7.2. Polish legatine, provincial and diocesan synods; 7.3. Synods in Prussia and Pomerania; 7.4. Legatine synods of Hungary (and Poland) and Hungarian diocesan synods; 7.5. Catholic synods and the Hussite movement; 8. Summary. Publications in preparation.
Key words: legatine synod, provincial synod, diocesan synod, legatine statutes, provincial statutes, diocesan statutes, synodical statutes, synodical legislation, particular eccclesiastical law, canon law, codification, East Central Europe, Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Lusatia, Polonia, Pomerania, Prussia, Hungary, Meißen, church provinces of Prague, Gniezno, Riga, Esztergom, Mainz, L’viv, dioeceses of Meißen, Kamień Pomorski, the high and late Middle Ages.


RAKOVÁ Svatava
Dilemata antifašismu: mezi appeasementem a Kominternou
(The Dilemma of Anti-Fascism: Between Appeasement and the Comintern). S. 144–151.
This review article is concerned with the tactics and tools employed by the European Left in the anti-fascist campaigns related to the significant political events of the 1930’s (Reichstag Fire, Spanish Civil War etc.). The relationship among anti-fascism, struggle against anti-Semitism and pro-Soviet sympathies are followed through the case study of Otto Katz (sentenced to death as André Simone in the so called „Slánský process“ 1952), an important figure of the Communist organizational and propaganda network, and the reflection of his intricate career in the recent English historiography.
Key words: Interwar period, communist movement, anti-fascism, Otto Katz, propaganda.

ŽEMLIČKA Josef, Přemysl Otakar II. Král na rozhraní věků (Jiří Kuthan) S. 152–154.

CERMAN Markus, Villagers and Lords in Eastern Europe, 1300–1800 (Josef Grulich) S. 154–157.

DOLEŽALOVÁ Eva, Svěcenci pražské diecéze 1395–1416 (Jindřich Marek) S. 157–159.

BYLINA Stanisław, Rewolucja husycka. Przedświt i pierwsze lata (Pavel Krafl) S. 159–161.

KELLER Katrin – CATALANO Alessandro (edd.), Die Diarien und Tagzettel des Kardinals Ernst Adalbert von Harrach (1598–1667), I–VII (Rostislav Smíšek) S. 161–165.

LEONHARD Jörn – WIELAND Christian (Eds.), What Makes the Nobility Noble? Comparative Perspectives from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century (Jan Županič) S. 165–167.

BAHLCKE Joachim – KAMPMANN Christoph (edd.), Wallensteinbilder im Widerstreit. Eine historische Symbolfigur in Geschichtsschreibung und Literatur vom 17. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert (Václav Bůžek) S. 167–170.

MILLER Michael Laurence, Rabbis and Revolution: The Jews of Moravia in the Age of Emancipation (Daniel Baránek) S. 170–174.

VIRŠINSKÁ Miriam, Evanjelická cirkev a. v. v Uhorsku a Slováci v druhej polovici 19. storočia (Zdeněk R. Nešpor) S. 174–176.

KOELTZSCH Ines, Geteilte Kulturen. Eine Geschichte der tschechisch-jüdisch-deutschen Beziehungen in Prag (1918–1938) (Bedřich Loewenstein) S. 176–178.

KOELTZSCH Ines, Geteilte Kulturen. Eine Geschichte der tschechisch-jüdisch-deutschen Beziehungen in Prag (1918–1938) (Jiří Pešek) S. 178–190.

KOVALEV Michail V., Russkije istoriki-emigranty v Prage (1920–1940 gg.) (Jiří Vacek) S. 190–193.

KRÁLOVÁ Kateřina, Nesplacená minulost. Řecko-německé vztahy ve stínu nacismu (Konstantinos Tsivos) S. 193–196.

BROUČEK Stanislav a kol., Lidová kultura. Národopisná encyklopedie Čech, Moravy a Slezska (Marcela Suchomelová) S. 196–199.

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