Decolonization and Cold War forced the Western nations to redefine their relationships to the late- and postcolonial parts of the world. In the course of the 1950s, “modernization” became a leading concept. Missionary energy and scientific funded methods of the highly developed industrial societies were mobilized to transform the “backward” societies and ways of life quickly and radically on a global basis.
Frederick Cooper Writing the History of Development
Modernizing MissionsEdited by Andreas Eckert, Stephan Malinowski and Corinna R. Unger
Joseph M. Hodge British Colonial Expertise, Post-Colonial Careering and the Early History of International Development
Corinna R. Unger West German Modernization Policies in India in the 1950s and 1960s
Abou B. Bamba The United States, France, and The Making of the Kossou Project in Central Ivory Coast
Constantin Katsakioris Soviet Educational Aid towards Arab Countries after 1956
Moritz Feichtinger and Stephan Malinowski Umsiedlungslager und Zwangsmodernisierung im Algerienkrieg 1954-1962