The contributions explore the experiences of urban devastation in the wake of the Second World War, with a particular focus on Central and Eastern Europe, where destruction was most profound. They ask for the connections between urbicide and genocide, the wars of extinction of cities and peoples and what this meant for re-establishing urban communities, in particular during and after Soviet-style state socialism. While the German and Allied bombing campaigns in the West have received much attention in recent years, this issue shifts the research agenda to cities that were directly effected by the fierce life-or-death struggle between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. This includes not only bombing, but planned devastation (as in the case of Warsaw), the transformation of cities into battlefields (Berlin), starvation (Leningrad) as well as genocide and forced exchange of populations (Lviv).
Manfred Hildermeier: “Well said is half a lie”. Observations on Jörg Baberowski’s “Criticism as crisis, or why the Soviet Union still collapsed”
Aleksei Filitov: The End of the Cold War and the Dissolution of the USSR
Post-Catastrophic Cities
Edited by Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann, Martin Kohlrausch and Manfred Hildermeier
Lisa Kirschenbaum: Remembering and Rebuilding: Leningrad after the Siege from a Comparative Perspective
Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann: Gazing at Ruins: German Defeat as Visual Experience
David Crowley: Memory in Pieces: The Symbolism of the Ruin in Warsaw after 1944
Tarik Cyril Amar: Different but the Same or the Same but Different? The Re-Making of Public Memory of the Second World War in Post-Soviet Lviv
Massimo Baioni: Anniversaries and the Public Uses of the Risorgimento in Twentieth-century Italy