Electronic and audiovisual mass media play an increasing role in modern societies, presenting particular challenges to scholars writing the history of the 20th century onwards. This issue explores what contemporary historians can learn from researchers in media studies, and vice versa. It showcases works which look at the historical role of mass media in social and political change, tracing their impact beyond national boundaries and institutional settings. Particular attention is paid to the role of media personnel, processes of societal reception and comparative approaches. Experts from different fields – history, mass communications, TV studies – engage in an interdisciplinary dialogue and suggest answers to the most pertinent methodical and theoretical challenges faced.
Mark Kramer: The Unintended Revolution. Commentary on ‘Criticism as Crisis, or, Why did the Soviet Union Collapse Nonetheless?’
Jörg Baberowski: “Badly Said is Badly Lied”. Reply to my Critics
Media History after 1945
Edited by Christina von Hodenberg and Ulrich Herbert
Christina von Hodenberg: Expeditionen in den Methodendschungel. Herausforderungen der Zeitgeschichtsforschung im Fernsehzeitalter
Andreas Fickers: The Emergence of Television as a Conservative Media Revolution: Historicising a Process of Remediation in the Post-war Western European Mass Media Ensemble
Dana Mustata: “The Revolution Has Been Televised…”. Television as Historical Agent in the Romanian Revolution
Roundtable with Frank Bösch, Jérôme Bourdon, Michael Meyen and Lynn Spigel : Writing Media History in the Age of Audio-Visual and Digital Media, edited by Christina von Hodenberg
Stefan Wiese: Lalevs Haus brennt. Das Februarpogrom von 1905 in Baku – paralysierter Staat und Massengewalt im Russischen Reich