Journal of Modern European History 11 (2013), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Journal of Modern European History 11 (2013), 1
Weiterer Titel 
Corruption and the Rise of Modern Politics

München 2013: C.H. Beck Verlag
bis 2011 zweimal, ab 2012 viermal jährlich
Anzahl Seiten
144 S.
Abonnement Print & Online€ 88; Einzelpreis: € 34



Jörg Später
Historisches Seminar der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau
Redaktion Journal of Modern European History
United Kingdom
Schriftleitung: Christina von Hodenberg, Alexander Nützenadel, Joachim von Puttkamer, Milos Reznik
Später, Jörg

Recent years have seen a revival of historical interest into political corruption. Questions range from finding out what, at times, constituted corruption and when, how and why assumptions of correct public behaviour changed. In this special issue, authors investigate the occurrence of corruption and changing attitudes towards it, in Germany, the Netherlands, France and Great Britain in the long nineteenth century. Scandals of corruption are centred around the hypothesis that modernisation (bureaucratisation, democratisation and industrialisation) led to change in these countries and to a shift from early modern plurality of values to modern clashing political ideologies. Although some “old” practices undoubtedly remained, it turns out that the hypothesis largely holds true.


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Corruption and the Rise of Modern Politics

Toon Kerkhoff / Ronald Kroeze / Pieter Wagenaar: Corruption and the Rise of Modern Politics in Europe in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: A Comparison between France, the Netherlands, Germany and England. Introduction

Niels Grüne / Tom Tölle: Corruption in the Ancien Régime: Systems-theoretical Considerations on Normative Plurality

Robert Bernsee: Corruption in German Political Discourse between 1780 and 1820: A Categorisation

Christian Ebhardt: In Search of a Political Office: Railway Directors and Electoral Corruption in Britain and France, 1820–1870

Toon Kerkhoff: Changing Perceptions of Corruption in the Netherlands: From Early Modern Pluralism to Modern Coherence

Ronald Kroeze / Annika Klein: Governing the First World War in Germany and the Netherlands: Bureaucratism, Parliamentarism and Corruption Scandals

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