Journal of Modern European History 12 (2014), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Journal of Modern European History 12 (2014), 1
Weiterer Titel 
Illegal Mediterranean Migrations to Western Europe after World War II

München 2014: C.H. Beck Verlag
viermal jährlich
Anzahl Seiten
150 S.
Jährlich € 92,–[D] / sFr 125,– / € 94,60[A]. Einzelheft € 34,–[D] / sFr 45,90 / € 35,–[A].



Jörg Später
Historisches Seminar der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau
Redaktion Journal of Modern European History
United Kingdom
Schriftleitung: Christina von Hodenberg, Alexander Nützenadel, Joachim von Puttkamer, Milos Reznik
Später, Jörg

Irregular migration is one of the most discussed social and political issues in Western European countries since at least a century. It has caused divisive debates on security and control policies and on the strong and compelling link between the legal status of migrants and their inclusion in host societies. This issue aims to address empirical historical questions on this topic which interrogate the dichotomy opposing legal and illegal migration in Europe. Shifting legal conditions and uncertain resident status are common situations and usual everyday matters for many migrants nowadays as in past times. In order to catch these ambiguous status and changing social conditions this issue focus on an historical period, going from the immediate period after WWII up to the restriction policies of the mid-Seventies, which is usually neglected in illegal migration studies.


Sandro Rinauro: L’émigration illégale des Italiens en France et en Suisse après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale

Victor Pereira: Les réseaux de l’émigration clandestine portugaise vers la France entre 1957 et 1974

Amelia H. Lyons: French or Foreign? The Algerian Migrants’ Status at the End of Empire (1962–1968)


Alan Kramer: Recent Historiography of the First World War (Part I)

Die Krise des demokratischen Kapitalismus. Mit Beiträgen von Werner Plumpe, Kim Christian Priemel, Laura Rischbieter, Jakob Tanner, Adam J. Tooze und Lutz Wingert

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