Journal of Modern European History 12 (2014), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Journal of Modern European History 12 (2014), 2
Weiterer Titel 
Ideas, Practices and Histories of Humanitarianism

München 2014: C.H. Beck Verlag
bis 2011 zweimal, ab 2012 viermal jährlich
Anzahl Seiten
152 S.
Jährlich € 92,–[D] / sFr 125,– / € 94,60[A]. Einzelheft € 34,–[D] / sFr 45,90 / € 35,–[A]



Jörg Später
Historisches Seminar der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau
Redaktion Journal of Modern European History
United Kingdom
Schriftleitung: Christina von Hodenberg, Alexander Nützenadel, Joachim von Puttkamer, Milos Reznik
Später, Jörg

How and why have activists launched initiatives in support of people who were often far removed from them? The journal issue seeks to answer this question, casting a critical eye on the construction of humanitarian causes. The authors draw attention to the different rationales for humanitarian activism: from compassion and solidarity to self-interest. They also examine how activists viewed and represented the objects of their campaigns. The contributions thus investigate what aid efforts can tell us about the self-perception of those who engaged in them. The coverage ranges from the early nineteenth century to the 1970s. Although the historical contexts differ, a number of shared themes emerge. One is the way in which activists used dramatic appeals to attract attention for their cause. Another aspect is the use or transformation of existing associational structures in the face of events that were seen as emergencies. Finally, the articles highlight the political sub-texts of endeavours that the activists themselves tended to portray as ‘apolitical’.



Alan Kramer: Recent Historiography of the First World War (Part II)

Ideas, Practices and Histories of Humanitarianism
Edited by Daniel Laqua and Charlotte Alston

Daniel Laqua: Inside the Humanitarian Cloud: Causes and Motivations to Help Friends and Strangers

Norbert Götz: Rationales of Humanitarianism: The Case of British Relief to Germany, 1805–1815

Charlotte Alston: “A Great Host of Sympathisers”: The Doukhobor Emigration and its International Supporters, 1895–1905

Stefan Dyroff: Minority Rights and Humanitarianism: The International Campaign for the Ukrainians in Poland, 1930–1931

Isabella Löhr: Solidarity and the Academic Community: The Support Networks for Refugee Scholars in the 1930s

Angéline Escafré-Dublet: Aid, Activism and the State in Post-War France: AMANA, a Charity Organisation for Colonial Migrants (1945–1962)

Jochen Kemner: Fourth World Activism in the First World: The Rise and Consolidation of European Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples


Jie-Hyun Lim: A Postcolonial Reading of Sonderweg: Marxist Historicism Revisted

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