A new issue of The English Historical Review has been made available:
February 2005; Vol. 120, No. 485
The Demise of the General Eyre in the Reign of Edward I Caroline Burt, pp. 1-14.
Language, Politics and Society: the uses of the vernacular in the later Middle Ages Malcolm Vale, pp. 15-34.
The Sind Blue Books of 1843 and 1844: The Political 'Laundering' of Historical Evidence Sarah Ansari, pp. 35-65.
Seasonal Festivity in Late Medieval England: Some Further Reflections Ronald Hutton, pp. 66-79.
The Earl of Huntly and the King of France, 1548: Man for Rent Elizabeth Bonner, pp. 80-103.
Review: The Victoria History of the County of Somerset. Volume VIII: The Poldens and the Levels J. H. Bettey, pp. 104-106.
Review: The Cross Goes North: Processes of Conversion in Northern Europe, AD 300-1300 J. Campbell, pp. 106-108.
Review: Alfred the Great: Papers from the Eleventh-Centenary Conference D. P. Kirby, pp. 108-110.
Review: Senyoria de la terra i tinenca pagesa al Comtat de Barcelona (segles XI-XIII) Paul Freedman, pp. 110-112.
Review: Dienst und Verdienst: Die Ministerialen Friedrich Barbarossas und Heinrichs VI D. J. A. Matthew, pp. 112-114.
Review: Courts and Conflict in Twelfth-Century Tuscany Paul R. Hyams, pp. 114-117.
Review: Vom inszenierten Konsens zum systematisierten Konflikt: Die englische-franzosischen Beziehungen und ihre Wahrnehmung an der Wende vom Hoch- zum Spatmittelalter John Gillingham, pp. 117-119.
Review: The Conciliarist Tradition: Constitutionalism in the Catholic Church, 1300-1870 J. H. Burns, pp. 119-121.
Review: The Making of a Court Society: Kings and Nobles in Late Medieval Portugal Susannah Humble Ferreira, pp. 122-123.
Review: Sanctifying Signs: Making Christian Tradition in Late Medieval England Anne Hudson, pp. 123-125.
Review: Margaret of Anjou: Queenship and Power in Late Medieval England John Watts, pp. 125-127.
Review: Studies in Italian History in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Vol. I: Political Thought and the Language of Politics. Art and Politics George Holmes, pp. 127-129.
Review: Westminster Abbey: The Lady Chapel of Henry VII D. M. Palliser, pp. 129-131.
Review: Beyond Florence: The Contours of Medieval and Early Modern Italy Trevor Dean, pp. 131-133.
Review: Nuns' Chronicles and Convent Culture in Renaissance and Counter-Reformation Italy Mary Laven, pp. 133-135.
Review: Republicanism: A Shared European Heritage. Vol.I: Republicanism and Constitutionalism in Early Modern Europe; Vol.II: The Values of Republicanism in Early Modern Europe David Wootton, pp. 135-139.
Review: From Strangers to Citizens: The Integration of Immigrant Communities in Britain, Ireland and Continental America, 1550-1750 Andrew Pettegree, pp. 140-142.
Review: Leopold Ier (1640-1705): Fondateur de la puissance autrichienne R. Portner, pp. 142-144.
Review: Science and Medicine in the Scottish Enlightenment Thomas Ahnert, pp. 144-146.
Review: Golden Ages and Barbarous Nations: Antiquarian Debate and Cultural Politics in Ireland, c. 1750-1800 Colin Kidd, pp. 147-148.
Review: London Booksellers and American Customers: Transatlantic Literary Community and the Charleston Library Society, 1748-1811 Jack P. Greene, pp. 149-150.
Review: Enlightenment and Revolution: Essays in Honour of Norman Hampson Martyn Lyons, pp. 150-152.
Review: Christianity and Revolutionary Europe c. 1750-1830 Geoffrey Ellis, pp. 153-156.
Review: Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1772-1844: A Visionary Naturalist Robert Fox, pp. 156-158.
Review: Civilising Subjects: Metropole and Colony in the English Imagination, 1830-1867 Howard Temperley, pp. 158-160.
Review: An Elusive Victorian: The Evolution of Alfred Russel Wallace Greta Jones, pp. 160-162.
Review: Europe Reconsidered Jon E. Wilson, pp. 162-164.
Review: The Diaries of Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby (1826-93) between 1878 and 1893 Richard Shannon, pp. 164-168.
Review: The Rise of Conservation in South Africa: Settlers, Livestock, and the Environment, 1770-1950 Andrew Porter, pp. 168-169.
Review: The Empire of the Raj: India, Eastern Africa and the Middle East, 1858-1947 Edward Ingram, pp. 169-171.
Review: The Pity of It All: A Portrait of Jews in Germany 1743-1933 Steven Beller, pp. 171-173.
Review: The Coming of the Third Reich Neil Gregor, pp. 173-175.
Review: The Victorians Since 1901: Histories, Representations and Revisions Asa Briggs, pp. 175-177.
Review: Rising '44: 'The Battle for Warsaw' E. D. R. Harrison, pp. 177-179.
Review: Nehru: A Political Life D. A. Low, pp. 179-181.
Review: Parties and the Party System in France: A Disconnected Democracy? D. S. Bell, pp. 181-183.
Review: An Affluent Society? Britain's Post-War 'Golden Age' Revisited G. O'Hara, pp. 183-185.
Review: Scotland; From Prehistory to the Present A. A. M. Duncan, p. 186.
Review: Oxford Before the University: The Late Saxon and Norman Archaeology of the Thames Crossing, the Defences and the Town John Steane, pp. 186-187.
Review: Essays on Anglo-Saxon and Related Themes in Memory of Lynne Grundy J. Campbell, p. 188.
Review: Families, Friends and Allies: Boulogne and Politics in Northern France and England, c. 879-1160 Kathleen Thompson, pp. 188-190.
Review: Political Assemblies in the Earlier Middle Ages J. R. Maddicott, pp. 190-191.
Review: Symeon of Durham: Libellus de Exordio atque Procursus istius hoc est Dunhelmensis Ecclesie Catherine Cubitt, pp. 191-192.
Review: Il secolo XII: La 'renovatio' dell'Europa cristiana Colin Morris, pp. 192-193.
Review: De novitiis instruendis: Text und Kontext eines anonymen Traktates vom Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts H. E. J. Cowdrey, pp. 193-194.
Review: English Episcopal Acta 24: Durham, 1153-1195; 25: Durham, 1196-1237 Frank Barlow, pp. 194-195.
Review: Receipt Rolls for the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Years of the Reign of King Henry III, Easter 1220, 1221, 1222 Robert C. Stacey, pp. 195-196.
Review: Heinrich Raspe--Landgraf von Thuringen und romischer Konig (1227-1247) Jane Sayers, pp. 196-197.
Review: Le Crime de poison au Moyen Age Jean Dunbabin, pp. 197-199.
Review: The Hanged Man: A Story of Miracle, Memory, and Colonialism in the Middle Ages R. C. Finucane, pp. 199-200.
Review: Nobilta di Stato: Famiglie e identita aristocratiche nel tardo medioevo: La Sicilia S. R. Epstein, pp. 200-201.
Review: L'Obrador d'un apotecari medieval segons el llibre de comptes de Francesc ses Canes (Barcelona, 1378-1381) Peter Rycraft, pp. 201-202.
Review: The Beauchamp Pageant Rosemary Horrox, p. 202.
Review: Kastellorizo, una isla griega baja dominio de Alfonso el Magnanimo (1450-1458) Peter Rycraft, p. 203.
Review: Edward V: The Prince in the Tower Rosemary Horrox, pp. 203-204.
Review: A Calendar of the Registers of the Priory of Llanthony by Gloucester, 1457-1466, 1501-1525 Benjamin Thompson, pp. 204-205.
Review: Lollards of Coventry, 1486-1522 Maureen Jurkowski, pp. 205-207.
Review: L'homme arme en Europe XIVe siecle-XVIe siecle S. J. Gunn, pp. 207-208.
Review: European Warfare 1494-1660 D. J. B. Trim, pp. 208-209.
Review: Ivan the Terrible: Profiles in Power Priscilla Hunt, pp. 209-211.
Review: Authority and Consent in Tudor England: Essays presented to C.S.L. Davies A. G. R. Smith, pp. 211-212.
Review: Religion, Politics and Society in Sixteenth-Century England David Loades, pp. 212-213.
Review: The Survey of Cornwall Daniel Woolf, pp. 214-215.
Review: King James VI and I: Selected Writings Kevin Sharpe, pp. 215-216.
Review: Early Modern Women's Manuscript Writing: Selected Papers from the Trinity/Trent Colloquium James Daybell, pp. 216-218.
Review: Widowhood and Visual Culture in Early Modern Europe C. Peters, pp. 218-219.
Review: Architecture and Image-Building in Seventeenth-Century Hertfordshire Giles Worsley, pp. 219-220.
Review: The Duel in Early Modern England: Civility, Politeness and Honour V. G. Kiernan, pp. 220-222.
Review: The Printed Plans of Norwich, 1558-1840: A Carto-Bibliography J. Campbell, p. 222.
Review: Visite et Gouvernement dans la Royaume de Naples (XVIe-XVIIe siecles) H. G. Koenigsberger, p. 223.
Review: Auctoritas e potestas: Marcantonio de Dominis fra l'Inquisizione e Giacomo I A. D. Wright, p. 224.
Review: Kampf gegen Windmuhlen: Der niedere Adel Kastiliens in der fruhen Neuzeit Henry Kamen, pp. 224-225.
Review: Studies of the Jews of Venice, 1382-1797 Brian Pullan, pp. 225-226.
Review: Il buon governo: Organizzazione e legitimazione del rapporto fra sovrano e comunita nello stato pontificio (secc. XVI-XVIII) A. D. Wright, pp. 226-228.
Review: The Scottish Exile Community in the Netherlands, 1660-1690 R. A. Houston, pp. 228.
Review: Quellenkunde der Habsburgermonarchie (16.-18. Jahrhundert): Ein exemplarisches Handbuch R. Portner, pp. 229-230.
Review: An Admiral for America: Sir Peter Warren, Vice-Admiral of the Red, 1703-1752 Philip Woodfine, pp. 230-231.
Review: Women and Urban Life in Eighteenth-Century England: 'On the Town' J. M. Ellis, pp. 231-232.
Review: The Forgotten Commissioner: Sir William Mildmay and the Anglo-French Commission of 1750-1755 John Rogister, pp. 233-234.
Review: The Maiden of Tonnerre: The Vicissitudes of the Chevalier and the Chevaliere d'Eon John Rogister, pp. 234-235.
Review: 'Pedlar in Divinity': George Whitefield and the Transatlantic Revivals, 1737-1770 Frank Cogliano, pp. 235-236.
Review: The Great Tour of John Patteson, 1778-1779 Andrew Moore, pp. 236-237.
Review: Old Believers, Religious Dissent and Gender in Russia, 1760-1850 Lindsey Hughes, pp. 237-239.
Review: Die Waffen der Publizitat: Zum Funktionswandel der politischen Literatur unter Joseph II Derek Beales, pp. 239-240.
Review: The Oxford History of the French Revolution Norman Hampson, pp. 240-241.
Review: The European Linen Industry in Historical Perspective L. A. Clarkson, pp. 241-243.
Review: British Friendly Societies, 1750-1914 Susannah Morris, pp. 243-244.
Review: Cities of Ideas: Civil Society and Urban Governance in Britain, 1800-2000. Essays in Honour of David Reeder Anthony Sutcliffe, p. 245.
Review: Pitt the Younger: A Life Emma Vincent Macleod, pp. 245-246.
Review: Fra Regola e Licenza: Chiesa e vita religiosa, feste e beneficenza a Napoli e in Campania (secoli XVIII-XX) Christopher F. Black, pp. 246-248.
Review: Robert Stephenson: The Eminent Engineer R. Angus Buchanan, pp. 248-249.
Review: Madame Tussaud and the History of Waxworks Colin Haydon, pp. 249-250.
Review: Catholic Intellectuals and the Challenge of Democracy Sheridan Gilley, pp. 250-251.
Review: Auf der Suche nach dem 'wahren' Liberalismus: Demokratische Bewegung und liberale Politik im viktorianischen England Stefan Berger, pp. 251-253.
Review: Palace of the People: The Crystal Palace at Sydenham, 1854-1936 Asa Briggs, pp. 253-254.
Review: Missionary Women: Gender, Professionalism and the Victorian Idea of Christian Mission Elizabeth Buettner, pp. 254-255.
Review: Social Investigation and Rural England, 1870-1914 Alun Howkins, pp. 255-256.
Review: The Place of Enchantment: British Occultism and the Culture of the Modern * Review: A Science for the Soul: Occultism and the Genesis of the German Modern Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke and Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, pp. 256-258.
Review: Christabel Pankhurst: Fundamentalism and Feminism in Coalition Martin Pugh, pp. 258-259.
Review: The Christian Communities of Jerusalem and the Holy Land Bernard Wasserstein, pp. 260-261.
Review: Sowing the Wind: The Mismanagement of the Middle East, 1900-1960 Ritchie Ovendale, pp. 261-262.
Review: Medicine and Medical Ethics in Nazi Germany: Origins, Practices, Legacies Paul Weindling, p. 262.
Review: A Topography of Memory: Representations of the Holocaust at Dachau and Buchenwald in Comparison with Auschwitz, Yad Vashem and Washington, DC Rainer Schulze, pp. 263-264.
Review: Cold Peace: Stalin and the Soviet Ruling Circle, 1945-1953 Alexander Hill, p. 265.
Review: Pauvrete et inegalites en Grande-Bretagne, 1942-1990 Rodney Lowe, p. 266.
Review: Russia, America and the Cold War, 1949-1991 John W. Young, pp. 266-267.
Review: The Parlour and the Suburb: Domestic Identities, Class, Femininity and Modernity F. M. L. Thompson, pp. 267-268.
Review: Writing Ottoman History: Documents and Interpretations Amy Singer, pp. 268-269.
Review: Postmodernism and History John Stevenson, pp. 269-270.
Review: Esquisse d'une histoire universelle John A. Hall, pp. 270-271.