OBITUARYClare Morton
Ever Closer Union? Unification, Difference, and the ‘Making of Europe’, c.950–c.1350 Len Scales
Refugees and International Networks after the Fall of Constantinople, 1453–1475 Jonathan Harris
The Woolfes of Wine Street: Middling Culture and Community in Bristol, 1600–1620 Callan Davies
Amon Wilbee and Leveller Beginnings, 1647–8 Gary S De Krey
Speculative Metaphysics and the Culture of Ideas in Early Victorian Britain: The Case of Francis Foster Barham Martha Vandrei
Preparing for the Next Blockade: Non-ferrous Metals and the Strategic Economic Policy of the Third Reich Jonas Scherner
Poverty, Inequality Statistics and Knowledge Politics Under Thatcher Felix Römer
Slavery and the African Diaspora Beyond the Atlantic Stuart M McManus
Debasement: Manipulation of Coin Standards in Pre-Modern Monetary Systems, ed. Kevin Butcher Oliver Volckart
Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages (500–1300), by Florin Curta Elod Nemerkenyi
Rome, Ravenna and Venice, 750–1000: Byzantine Heritage, Imperial Present, and the Construction of City Identity, by Veronica West-Harling Giulia Bellato
Elite Byzantine Kinship, ca.950–1204, by Nathan Leidholm Meredith L D Riedel
The Kings of Aileach and the Vikings, AD 800–1060, by Darren McGettigan Stephen H Harrison
Cities of Strangers: Making Lives in Medieval Europe, by Miri Rubin Sharon Farmer
Anglo-Norman Studies, XLII: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2019, ed. S.D. Church Levi Roach
Knights, Lords, and Ladies: In Search of Aristocrats in the Paris Region, 1180–1220, by John W. Baldwin G E M Lippiatt
The Triumph of An Accursed Lineage: Kingship in Castile from Alfonso X to Alfonso XI (1252–1350), by Fernando Arias Guillén Laurence McKellar
Edward I: New Interpretations, ed. Andy King and Andrew M. Spencer Adrian Jobson
The Illuminated World Chronicle: Tales from the Late Medieval City, by Nina Rowe Rosamund Oates
Military Society and the Court of Chivalry in the Age of the Hundred Years War, by Philip J. Caudrey Anthony Musson
Narrative Pasts: The Making of a Muslim Community in Gujarat, c.1400–1650, by Jyoti Gulati Balachandran Ali Anooshahr
Gunpowder, Masculinity, and Warfare in German Texts, 1400–1700, by Patrick Brugh Cathleen Sarti
Describing the City, Describing the State: Representations of Venice and the Venetian Terraferma in the Renaissance, by Sandra Toffolo Nicola Carotenuto
Héraldique et papauté: Moyen Âge–Temps modernes, ed. Yvan Loskoutoff Joëlle Rollo-Koster
The Dynamics of the Early Reformation in their Reformed Augustinian Context, by Robert Christman Eric Saak
The Globe on Paper: Writing Histories of the World in Renaissance Europe and the Americas, by Giuseppe Marcocci, tr. Richard Bates Sanjay Subrahmanyam
Counsel and Command in Early Modern English Thought, by Joanne Paul Sarah Mortimer
Bishop Morley of Winchester, 1598–1684: Politician, Benefactor, Pragmatist, by Andrew Thomson Trixie Gadd
Democracy and Anti-Democracy in Early Modern England, 1603–1689, ed. Cesare Cuttica and Markku Peltonen George Southcombe
Early Modern Ireland: New Sources, Methods and Perspectives, ed. Sarah Covington, Vincent P. Carey and Valerie McGowan Doyle Ciaran Brady
State Trials and the Politics of Justice in Later Stuart England, ed. Brian Cowan and Scott Sowerby William Gibson
Hearing Enslaved Voices: African and Indian Slave Testimony in British and French America, 1700–1848, ed. Sophie White and Trevor Burnard Chris J Gismondi
Learning Law and Travelling Europe: Study Journeys and the Developing Swedish Legal Profession, c. 1630–1800, by Marianne Vasara-Aaltonen Maria ÅGren
The Promise and Peril of Credit: What a Forgotten Legend about Jews and Finance Tells Us about the Making of European Commercial Society, by Francesca Trivellato Julie Mell
British Jacobin Politics, Desires, and Aftermaths: Seditious Hearts, by James Epstein and David Karr Mark Philp
The Hispanic-Anglosphere from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century: An Introduction, ed. Graciela Iglesias-Rogers Alex Middleton
Jews, Liberalism, Antisemitism: A Global History, ed. Abigail Green and Simon Levis Sullam Adam Sutcliffe
The Underground Railroad and the Geography of Violence in Antebellum America, by Robert H. Churchill Nikki Taylor
Inventing the Social in Romania, 1848–1914: Networks and Laboratories of Knowledge, by Călin Cotoi Irina Marin
Bismarcks ewiger Bund: Eine neue Geschichte des Kaiserreichs, by Oliver F.R. Haardt Frederik Frank Sterkenburgh
The Americanisation of Ireland: Migration and Settlement, 1841–1925, by David Fitzpatrick Sophie Cooper
Communities under Fire: Urban Life at the Western Front, 1914–1918, by Alex Dowdall Susan R Grayzel
Fascism and Constitutional Conflict: The British Extreme Right and Ulster in the Twentieth Century, by James Loughlin N C Fleming
Ireland and the Great War: A Social and Political History, by Niamh Gallagher Brian Hughes
The Disparity of Sacrifice: Irish Recruitment to the British Armed Forces, 1914–1918, by Timothy Bowman, William Butler and Michael Wheatley Gary Sheffield
Counterterrorism between the Wars: An International History, 1919–1937, by Mary S. Barton David French
Unite, Proletarian Brothers! Radicalism and Revolution in the Spanish Second Republic, by Matthew Kerry Andrew H Lee
Borders on the Move: Territorial Change and Ethnic Cleansing in the Hungarian–Slovak Borderlands, 1938–1948, by Leslie Waters Rebekah Klein-Pejšová
Boundaries of Belonging: Localities, Citizenship and Rights in India and Pakistan, by Sarah Ansari and William Gould Gyanesh Kudaisya
Cold War Mary: Ideologies, Politics, Marian Devotional Culture, ed. Peter Jan Margry Mary Heimann
Modern Brazil: A Social History, by Herbert S. Klein and Francisco Vidal Luna Jennifer Eaglin
Love Lives: From Cinderella to Frozen, by Carol Dyhouse Laura King
Paramilitarism: Mass Violence in the Shadow of the State, by Uğur Ümit Üngör Gregor Kranjc
The Polymath: A Cultural History from Leonardo da Vinci to Susan Sontag, by Peter Burke Richard Calis
A History of Solitude, by David Vincent Thomas Dixon