First published in January 1886, The English Historical Review (EHR) is the oldest journal of historical scholarship in the English-speaking world. It deals not only with British history, but also with almost all aspects of European and world history since the classical era: it covers the history of the Americas, including the foreign policy of the USA and her role in the wider world, but excludes the internal history of the USA since Independence, for which other scholarly outlets are plentiful. The EHR includes major Articles, ‘Notes and Documents’, and Debates on medieval and modern themes, as well as an unusually extensive range of Reviews and Shorter Notices of books published throughout the world. A summary of international periodical literature published in the previous twelve months is also provided.
Widows, Native Law and the Long Shadow of England in Thirteenth-Century Wales Emma Cavell
The Ambiguities of Belief and Belonging: Catholicism and the Church of the East in the Sixteenth Century border= Lucy Parker
Reading and Writing Travels: Maximilien Misson, Samuel Waring and the Afterlives of European Voyages, c. 1687–1714 Richard Ansell
The British West India Interest and Its Allies, 1823–1833 Michael Taylor
Women Missionaries and Colonial Silences in Kenya’s Female ‘Circumcision’ Controversy, 1906–1930 David M Anderson
Review Article
Navigating State and Society: New Naval Histories of the Long Eighteenth Century James Davey
Book Reviews
Bannockburn 1314–2014: Battle and Legacy, ed. Michael Penman Bob Harris
The Invisible Hand? How Market Economies Have Emerged and Declined since AD 500, by Bas van Bavel Bart Lambert
Justinian’s Balkan Wars: Campaigning, Diplomacy and Development in Illyricum, Thrace and the Northern World, A.D. 527–65, by Alexander Sarantis Conor Whately
Theodahad: A Platonic King at the Collapse of Ostrogothic Italy, by Massimiliano Vitiello T S Brown
Patron Saints of Early Medieval Italy, A.D. c.350–800: History and Hagiography in Ten Biographies, tr. with an introduction, by Nicholas Everett P Oldfield
Cyprus between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (ca.600–800): An Island in Transition, by Luca Zavagno Tassos Papacostas
Heresy and Dissent in the Carolingian Empire: The Case of Gottschalk of Orbais, by Matthew Bryan Gillis Conor O’Brien
Cnut the Great, by Timothy Bolton Barbara Yorke
Peter Lombard and His Students, by Matthew Doyle P Byrne
The Principality of Antioch and its Frontiers in the Twelfth Century, by Andrew D. Buck Simon John
Hugh de Lacy, First Earl of Ulster: Rising and Falling in Angevin Ireland, by Daniel Brown Robin Frame
English Episcopal Acta, 45: Bath and Wells, 1206–1247, ed. B.R. Kemp Julia Barrow
Reconnaître et délimiter l’espace localement au Moyen Âge: Limites et frontières I, ed. Nacima Baron, Stéphane Boissellier, François Clément and Flocel Sabaté Megan Cassidy-Welch
El Tratado de la Peste de Ibn Jatima, tr. and ed. Luisa María Arvide Cambra Justin Stearns
Tribunali di Mercanti e Giustizia Mercantile nel Tardo Medioevo, ed. Elena Maccioni and Sergio Tognetti Henry Tann
The Geraldines and Medieval Ireland: The Making of a Myth, ed. Peter Crooks and Seán Duffy Henry A Jefferies
Charles VII: Une vie, une politique, by Philippe Contamine Jonathan Sumption
Medieval Merchants and Money: Essays in Honour of James L. Bolton, ed. Martin Allen and Matthew Davies Milan Pajic
Famine and Scarcity in Late Medieval and Early Modern England: The Regulation of Grain Marketing 1256–1631, by Buchanan Sharp Heather Falvey
Regesta Imperii XIII: Regesten Kaiser Friedrichs III (1440–1493). Nach Archiven und Bibliotheken geordnet. Heft 31: Die Urkunden und Briefe aus den Archiven und Bibliotheken der deutschen Bundesländer Bremen, Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein sowie der skandinavischen Länder, ed. Eberhard Holtz Duncan Hardy
The Prose Brut and Other Late Medieval Chronicles: Books have their Histories. Essays in Honour of Lister M. Matheson, ed. Jaclyn Rajsic, Erik Kooper and Dominique Hoche Raluca Radulescu
Custom and Commercialisation in English Rural Society: Revisiting Tawney and Postan, ed. J.P. Bowen and A.T. Brown Jonathan Healey
Archeologies of Confession: Writing the German Reformation, 1517–2017, ed. Carina L. Johnson, David M. Luebke, Marjorie E. Plummer and Jesse Spohnholz Charlotte Methuen
Vives y Moro: La amistad en tiempos dificiles, by Enrique García Hernán John Edwards
The Reformation of the Decalogue: Religious Identity and the Ten Commandments in England, c.1485–1625, by Jonathan Willis Ian Green
The Nine Years War, 1593–1603: O’Neill, Mountjoy and the Military Revolution, by James O’Neill John Childs
Religion and Politics in Urban Ireland, c.1500–c.1750: Essays in Honour of Colm Lennon, ed. Salvadore Ryan and Clodagh Tait Christopher Maginn
Theater of a Thousand Wonders: A History of Miraculous Images and Shrines in New Spain, by William B. Taylor Gervase Rosser
Imaging Stuart Family Politics: Dynastic Crisis and Continuity, by Catriona Murray Anna Groundwater
Amsterdam’s Atlantic: Print Culture and the Making of Dutch Brazil, by Michiel van Groesen Painting and Publishing as Cultural Industries: The Fabric of Creativity in the Dutch Republic, 1580–1800, by Claartje Rasterhoff Andrew Pettegree
Facing the Revocation: Huguenot Families, Faith, and the King’s Will, by Carolyn Chappell Lougee Allan Tulchin
Why Did Europe Conquer the World?, by Philip T. Hoffman John Darwin
In Search of the Way: Thought and Religion in Early-Modern Japan, 1582–1860, by Richard Bowring Kiri Paramore
The Enlightenment on Trial: Ordinary Litigants and Colonialism in the Spanish Empire, by Bianca Premo The Enlightenment in Iberia and Ibero-America, by Brian Hamnett Graciela Iglesias-Rogers
Subjects and Sovereign: Bonds of Belonging in the Eighteenth-Century British Empire, by Hannah Weiss Muller Geoffrey Plank
Cul de Sac: Patrimony, Capitalism, and Slavery in French Saint-Domingue, by Paul Cheney Philippe Girard
Facing the Text: Extra-Illustration, Print Culture, and Society in Britain, 1760–1840, by Lucy Peltz Michael Hunter
The Velizh Affair: Blood Libel in a Russian Town, by Eugene M. Avrutin David Saunders
Expelling the Poor: Atlantic Seaboard States and the Nineteenth-Century Origins of American Immigration Policy, by Hidetaka Hirota Deirdre M Moloney
Orientalizing the Jew: Religion, Culture, and Imperialism in Nineteenth-Century France, by Julie Kalman Ivan Kalmar
Italian Modernities: Competing Narratives of Nationhood, by Rosario Forlenza and Bjørn Thomassen Claudia Baldoli
Historicism and The Human Sciences in Victorian Britain, ed. Mark Bevir Joshua Bennett
Russia in Revolution: An Empire in Crisis, 1890–1928, by S.A. Smith George Gilbert
First of The Small Nations: The Beginnings of Irish Foreign Policy in The Interwar Years, 1919–1932, by Gerard Keown William Mulligan
The Formation of Turkish Republicanism, by Banu Turnaoğlu A Coşkun Tunçer
The Littlehampton Libels: A Miscarriage of Justice and a Mystery about Words in 1920s England, by Christopher Hilliard David Vincent
Challenging the Modern: Conservative Revolution in German Music, 1918–33, by Nicholas Attfield Toby Thacker
A Vision of Europe: Franco-German Relations During the Great Depression, 1929–1932, by Conan Fischer Luc-André Brunet
A Life of Resistance: Ada Prospero Marchesini Gobetti (1902–1968), by Jomarie Alano Kate Ferris
Glubb Pasha and the Arab Legion: Britain, Jordan, and The End of Empire in The Middle East, by Graham Jevon Simon C Smith
Frozen Empires: An Environmental History of The Antarctic Peninsula, by Adrian Howkins Peter J Beck
Algeria Revisited: History, Culture and Identity, ed. Rabah Aissaoui and Claire Eldridge John P Entelis
A History of Algeria, by James McDougall Gavin Murray-Miller
Decolonisation and the Pacific: Indigenous Globalisation and the Ends of Empire, by Tracey Banivanua Mar Robert Aldrich
The Oxford History Of Anglicanism, Vol. IV: Global Western Anglicanism, c.1910–present, ed. Jeremy Morris W M Jacob
Backpack Ambassadors: How Youth Travel Integrated Europe, by Richard Ivan Jobs Joachim C Häberlen