The English Historical Review 131 (2016), 548

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The English Historical Review 131 (2016), 548
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The English Historical Review
United Kingdom
ARTICLES EDITOR: Dr Martin Conway Balliol College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 3BJ UK BOOK REVIEW EDITOR: Dr Catherine Holmes University College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 4BH UK ASSISTANT EDITOR Catherine Wright The English Historical Review Faculty of History The Old Boys' High School George Street Oxford OX1 2RL UK Oxford University Press Great Clarendon Street Oxford, OX2 6DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)1865 556767 Fax: +44 (0)1865 267485
Fritsche, Jana

First published in January 1886, The English Historical Review (EHR) is the oldest journal of historical scholarship in the English-speaking world. It deals not only with British history, but also with almost all aspects of European and world history since the classical era: it covers the history of the Americas, including the foreign policy of the USA and her role in the wider world, but excludes the internal history of the USA since Independence, for which other scholarly outlets are plentiful. The EHR includes major Articles, ‘Notes and Documents’, and Debates on medieval and modern themes, as well as an unusually extensive range of Reviews and Shorter Notices of books published throughout the world. A summary of international periodical literature published in the previous twelve months is also provided.



Thomas Becket and the Royal Abbey of Reading
Rachel Koopmans
English Historical Review 2016 131: 1–30

Speaking Truth to Power: The Problem of Authority in the Whitehall Debates of 1648–9
Carolyn Polizzotto
English Historical Review 2016 131: 31–63

America and the American Revolution in British Geographical Thought, c.1760–1830
Paul Stock
English Historical Review 2016 131: 64–91

Mass-Observation, Left Intellectuals and the Politics of Everyday Life
Alexandre Campsie
English Historical Review 2016 131: 92–121

Review Article

The Irish Revolution, 1916–23
Eugenio F. Biagini
English Historical Review 2016 131: 122–132

Book Reviews

Inventing the Individual: The Origins of Western Liberalism, by Larry Siedentop
Michael Drolet
English Historical Review 2016 131: 133–135

Anglo-Saxon Farms and Farming, by Debby Banham and Rosamond Faith
Christopher Dyer
English Historical Review 2016 131: 135–136

A Critical Commentary on the Taktika of Leo VI, by John Haldon
James Howard-Johnston
English Historical Review 2016 131: 137–138

Space in the Medieval West: Places, Territories, and Imagined Geographies, ed. Meredith Cohen and Fanny Madeline
Lucy Donkin
English Historical Review 2016 131: 138–140

Chartes et documents hagiographiques de l’abbaye de Saint-Sever (Landes) (988–1359), ed. and tr. Georges Pon and Jean Cabanot
Mark Whittow
English Historical Review 2016 131: 140–141

Penance in Medieval Europe 600–1200, by Rob Meens
Kathleen G. Cushing
English Historical Review 2016 131: 142–143

The Sleep of Behemoth: Disputing Peace and Violence in Medieval Europe, 1000–1200, by Jehangir Yezdi Malegam
Daniel Gerrard
English Historical Review 2016 131: 144–145

Reimagining History in Anglo-Norman Prose Chronicles, by John Spence
Jean-Claude Thiolier
English Historical Review 2016 131: 145–146

The Secular Clergy in England, 1066–1216, by Hugh M. Thomas
Benjamin Pohl
English Historical Review 2016 131: 147–148

York: The Making of a City, 1068–1350, by Sarah Rees Jones
Philipp Schofield
English Historical Review 2016 131: 149–150

Portugalia Pontificia: Materials for the History of Portugal and the Papacy, by Peter Linehan
Tiago Viúla De Faria
English Historical Review 2016 131: 150–152

English Episcopal Acta, 43: Coventry and Lichfield, 1215–1256, and English Episcopal Acta, 44: Coventry and Lichfield, 1258–1295, ed. J.H. Denton and Philippa M. Hoskin
Julia Barrow
English Historical Review 2016 131: 153–154

Edward II: The Unconventional King, by Kathryn Warner
Eleanor of Castile: The Shadow Queen, by Sara Cockerill
Andrew M. Spencer
English Historical Review 2016 131: 154–156

Muslims of Medieval Latin Christendom, c.1050–1614, by Brian A. Catlos
Javier AlbarrÁn
English Historical Review 2016 131: 156–158

Spiritual Rationality: Papal Embargo as Cultural Practice, by Stefan K. Stantchev
C.J. Tyerman
English Historical Review 2016 131: 158–160

Holy Matter: Changing Perceptions of the Material World in Late Medieval Christianity, by Sara Ritchey
Christine Peters
English Historical Review 2016 131: 160–162

Poder político y sociedad en Castilla: Siglos XIII al XV. Selección de estudios, by Miguel Ángel Ladero Quesada
Francisco J. HernÁndez
English Historical Review 2016 131: 162–164

The Gattilusio Lordships and the Aegean World, 1355–1462, by Christopher Wright
David Jacoby
English Historical Review 2016 131: 164–166

Die Lebenswelt des europäischen Spätmittelalters: Kleine Schicksale selbst erzählt in Schreiben an den Papst, by Arnold Esch
D.L. D’Avray
English Historical Review 2016 131: 166–168

Pilgrim and Preacher: The Audiences and Observant Spirituality of Friar Felix Fabri (1437/8–1502), by Kathryne Beebe
Erin Maglaque
English Historical Review 2016 131: 168–170

Machiavelli: A Portrait, by Christopher S. Celenza
Robert Black
English Historical Review 2016 131: 170–172

Archbishop Pole, by John Edwards
Gonzalo Velasco Berenguer
English Historical Review 2016 131: 172–174

Royal Priesthood in the English Reformation, by Malcolm B. Yarnell III
Lucy Wooding
English Historical Review 2016 131: 174–175

The Dutch Revolt and Catholic Exile in Reformation Europe, by Geert H. Janssen
Jan Machielsen
English Historical Review 2016 131: 176–177

Shakespeare’s Medieval Craft: Remnants of the Mysteries on the London Stage, by Kurt A. Schreyer
Beatrice Groves
English Historical Review 2016 131: 177–179

Forensic Shakespeare, by Quentin Skinner
Paul Raffield
English Historical Review 2016 131: 179–181

Catholic Reformation in Protestant Britain, by Alexandra Walsham
James E. Kelly
English Historical Review 2016 131: 181–183

The Ashgate Research Companion to Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe, ed. Allyson M. Poska, Jane Couchman and Katherine A. McIver
Amanda Flather
English Historical Review 2016 131: 183–184

Acta Pacis Westphalicae, Serie II A, Band 9: Die kaiserlichen Korrespondenzen Mai–August 1648, ed. Stefanie Fraedrich-Nowag
Joachim Whaley
English Historical Review 2016 131: 184–186

The English Civil War: A Military History, by Peter Gaunt
Andrew Hopper
English Historical Review 2016 131: 186–187

The Nature of the English Revolution Revisited: Essays in Honour of John Morrill, ed. Stephen Taylor and Grant Tapsell
Ted Vallance
English Historical Review 2016 131: 187–189

Military Engineers and the Development of the Early-Modern State, ed. Bruce P. Lenman
John Childs
English Historical Review 2016 131: 189–191

Absolute Monarchy on the Frontiers: Louis XIV’s Military Occupations of Lorraine and Savoy, by Phil McCluskey
William Doyle
English Historical Review 2016 131: 191–193

The Final Crisis of the Stuart Monarchy: The Revolutions of 1688–91 in their British, Atlantic and European Contexts, ed. Tim Harris and Stephen Taylor
Mark Knights
English Historical Review 2016 131: 193–194

The Financial Decline of a Great Power: War, Influence, and Money in Louis XIV’s France, by Guy Rowlands
Julian Swann
English Historical Review 2016 131: 194–196

Paris ou Versailles? La monarchie absolue entre deux capitales 1715–1723, by Laurent Lemarchand
William Doyle
English Historical Review 2016 131: 196–198

Jacobitism, Enlightenment and Empire, 1680–1820, ed. Allan I. Macinnes and Douglas J. Hamilton
Gabriel Glickman
English Historical Review 2016 131: 198–200

The ‘Perpetual Fair’: Gender, Disorder and Urban Amusement in Eighteenth–Century London, by Anne Wohlcke
Louise Falcini
English Historical Review 2016 131: 200–201

Brotherly Love: Freemasonry and Male Friendship in Enlightenment France, by Kenneth Loiselle
David Andress
English Historical Review 2016 131: 202–203

Bookscape: Geographies of Printing and Publishing in London before 1800, by James Raven
Richard B. Sher
English Historical Review 2016 131: 204–205

Rebellious Prussians: Urban Political Culture under Frederick the Great and his Successors, by Florian Schui
T. Biskup
English Historical Review 2016 131: 205–207

The Scottish Town in the Age of the Enlightenment, 1740–1820, by Bob Harris and Charles McKean
Richard Rodger
English Historical Review 2016 131: 208–209

Geburtsaristokratie in Frankfurt am Main: Geschichte des reichsstädtischen Patriziats, by Andreas Hansert
Joachim Whaley
English Historical Review 2016 131: 210–212

Public Pantheons in Revolutionary Europe: Comparing Cultures of Remembrance, c.1790–1840, by Eveline G. Bouwers
Michael Rapport
English Historical Review 2016 131: 212–214

Informal Justice in England and Wales, 1760–1914, by Stephen Banks
R.B. Shoemaker
English Historical Review 2016 131: 214–215

Saint-Simonians in Nineteenth-Century France: From Free Love to Algeria, by Pamela Pilbeam
Osama Abi-Mershed
English Historical Review 2016 131: 216–217

Reinventing the Reformation in the Nineteenth Century: A Cultural History, ed. Peter Nockles and Vivienne Westbrook
Alexandra Walsham
English Historical Review 2016 131: 217–220

The International Exhibition of 1862: The Illustrated Catalogue of the Industrial Department
Fleeting Cities: Imperial Expositions in Fin-de-Siècle Europe, by Alexander C.T. Geppert
Exhibitions and the Development of Modern Planning Culture, ed. Robert Freestone and Marco Amati
William Whyte
English Historical Review 2016 131: 220–223

Making The Market: Victorian Origins of Corporate Capitalism, by Paul Johnson
James Thompson
English Historical Review 2016 131: 223–225

Colonial Medical Care in North India: Gender, State, and Society c.1830–1920, by Samiksha Sehrawat
Monica Saavedra
English Historical Review 2016 131: 225–226

The Humours of Parliament: Harry Furniss’ View of Late Victorian Political Culture, ed. Gareth Cordery and Joseph S. Meisel
Ian Cawood
English Historical Review 2016 131: 227–228

Christian Homes: Religion, Family and Domesticity in the 19th and 20th Centuries, ed. Tine Van Osselaer and Patrick Pasture
Lucinda Matthews-Jones
English Historical Review 2016 131: 229–230

Black Vienna: The Radical Right in the Red City, 1918–1938, by Janek Wasserman
R. Knight
English Historical Review 2016 131: 230–232

1915/1916: Das etwa andere Lesebuch zum 1. Weltkrieg. Heinrich Wildner: Tagebuch, ed. Rudolf Agstner
William Mulligan
English Historical Review 2016 131: 232–234

Germany and Propaganda in World War I: Pacifism, Mobilization and Total War, by David Welch
A.S. O’gorman
English Historical Review 2016 131: 234–236

The Life of R.H. Tawney: Socialism and History, by Lawrence Goldman
‘Red Ellen’ Wilkinson: Her Ideas, Movements and World, by Matt Perry
Peter Sloman
English Historical Review 2016 131: 236–238

Worth Saving: Disabled Children during the Second World War, by Sue Wheatcroft
Vicky Long
English Historical Review 2016 131: 239–240

Zwischen Sympathie und Eigennutz: NS-Propaganda und die türkische Presse im Zweiten Weltkrieg, by Berna Pekesen
Norman Stone
English Historical Review 2016 131: 240–242

Hitler’s Scandinavian Legacy, ed. John Gilmour and Jill Stephenson
Andrew G. Newby
English Historical Review 2016 131: 242–244

The Perils of Peace: The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany, by Jessica Reinisch
Michael H. Kater
English Historical Review 2016 131: 244–245

Lionel Robbins, by Susan Howson
Ben Jackson
English Historical Review 2016 131: 246–247

The Ideological Origins of the Dirty War: Fascism, Populism and Dictatorship in Twentieth Century Argentina, by Federico Finchelstein
Colin M. Lewis
English Historical Review 2016 131: 247–249

Goodbye To All That? The Story of Europe since 1945, by Dan Stone
Holger Nehring
English Historical Review 2016 131: 249–251

Other Publications

Other Publications
English Historical Review 2016 131: 252–259

Annual Index
The English Historical Review
English Historical Review 2016 131: NP

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