Adomnán’s De Locis Sanctis and the Seventh-Century Near East Robert G. Hoyland and Sarah Waidler English Historical Review 2014 129: 787–807
Pius II in the Bath: Papal Ceremony and Cultural History peter godman English Historical Review 2014 129: 808–829
Divided Conquerors: The Rump Parliament, Cromwell’s Army and Ireland John Cunningham English Historical Review 2014 129: 830–861
Liberalism, Scottish Nationalism and the Home Rule Crisis, c.1886–93 Naomi Lloyd-Jones English Historical Review 2014 129: 862–887
‘All Human Life is There’: The John Hilton Bureau of the News of the World and Advising the Public, 1942–1969 Kate Bradley English Historical Review 2014 129: 888–911
Book Reviews
Charters of Glastonbury Abbey, ed. S.E. Kelly Francesca Tinti English Historical Review 2014 129: 912–913
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture. Volume IX: Cheshire and Lancashire, by Richard N. Bailey Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture. Volume X: The Western Midlands, by Richard Bryant Meggen M. Gondek English Historical Review 2014 129: 913–915
Warfare in Tenth-Century Germany, by David S. Bachrach John Haldon English Historical Review 2014 129: 916–917
The Medieval Discovery of Nature, by Steven A. Epstein Alexander Murray English Historical Review 2014 129: 917–918
Archbishop Anselm, 1093–1109: Bec Missionary, Canterbury Primate, Patriarch of Another World, by Sally N. Vaughn John S. Ott English Historical Review 2014 129: 918–920
Archbishops Ralph d’Escures, William of Corbeil and Theobald of Bec: Heirs of Anselm and Ancestors of Becket, by Jean Truax Anna Trumbore Jones English Historical Review 2014 129: 920–922
The School of Heretics: Academic Condemnation at the University of Oxford, 1277–1409, by Andrew E. Larsen Jeremy Catto English Historical Review 2014 129: 922–924
Richard II and the English Royal Treasure, by Jenny Stratford Christopher Fletcher English Historical Review 2014 129: 924–926
Sacred Folly: A New History of the Feast of Fools, by Max Harris Ronald Hutton English Historical Review 2014 129: 926–928
Isabel I de Castilla: Siete ensayos sobre la reina, su entorno y sus empresas, by Miguel Ángel Ladero Quesada John Edwards English Historical Review 2014 129: 928–929
Thomas Wyatt: The Heart’s Forest, by Susan Brigden Scott C. Lucas English Historical Review 2014 129: 929–931
Renata di Francia (1510–1575): Un eresia di corte, by Eleonora Belligni Anne Overell English Historical Review 2014 129: 931–933
Catholic and Protestant Translations of the Imitatio Christi, 1425–1650: From Late Medieval Classic to Early Modern Bestseller, by Maximilian von Habsburg Ian Green English Historical Review 2014 129: 933–935
The Songs and Travels of a Tudor Minstrel, Richard Sheale of Tamworth, by Andrew Taylor Katie Nelson English Historical Review 2014 129: 935–936
The Ideas of Man and Woman in Renaissance France: Print, Rhetoric, and Law, by Lyndan Warner Katherine Crawford English Historical Review 2014 129: 936–938
Guardianship, Gender, and the Nobility in Early Modern Spain, by Grace E. Coolidge E. Buttigieg English Historical Review 2014 129: 938–940
Hernando de los Ríos Coronel and the Spanish Philippines in the Golden Age, by John Newsome Crossley Simon Ditchfield English Historical Review 2014 129: 940–941
Brokers of Change: Atlantic Commerce and Cultures in Pre-Colonial Western Africa, ed. Toby Green Anne Haour English Historical Review 2014 129: 941–943
Imagining Jerusalem in the Medieval West, ed. Lucy Donkin and Hanna Vorholt C. J. Tyerman English Historical Review 2014 129: 944–946
The Oxford Handbook of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and Colonial America, ed. Brian P. Levack Jan Machielsen English Historical Review 2014 129: 946–949
English Episcopal Acta. Volume 41: Norwich, 1289–1299, ed. Christopher Harper-Bill Norman Tanner English Historical Review 2014 129: 949–950
Punishment and Penance: Two Phases in the History of the Bishop’s Tribunal of Novara, by Thomas B. Deutscher Christopher F. Black English Historical Review 2014 129: 950–951
Popular Protest in Late Medieval English Towns, by Samuel K. Cohn, Jr. R.N. Swanson English Historical Review 2014 129: 951–953
Being Protestant in Reformation Britain, by Alec Ryrie Alexandra Walsham English Historical Review 2014 129: 953–955
Friedrich Hermann Schubert. Ludwig Camerarius (1573–1651): Eine Biographie and Die Pfälzische Exilregierung im Dreissigjährigen Krieg. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des politischen Protestantismus. 2. Auflage. Mit Beiträgen zu Leben und Werk des Verfassers, ed. Anton Schindling Joachim Whaley English Historical Review 2014 129: 955–957
Custom, Improvement and the Landscape in Early Modern Britain, ed. Richard W. Hoyle Angus J. L. Winchester English Historical Review 2014 129: 958–959
Horses, People and Parliament in the English Civil War: Extracting Resources and Constructing Allegiance, by Gavin Robinson Ian Gentles English Historical Review 2014 129: 959–961
Kaiser Ferdinand III (1608–1657): Eine Biographie, by Mark Hengerer Robert Frost English Historical Review 2014 129: 961–963
Angels, Demons and the New World, ed. Fernando Cervantes and Andrew Redden Alice Brooke English Historical Review 2014 129: 963–965
Making Ireland English: The Irish Aristocracy in the Seventeenth Century, by Jane Ohlmeyer Mark Williams English Historical Review 2014 129: 965–967
The Miraculous Conformist: Valentine Greatrakes, the Body Politic and the Politics of Healing in Restoration Britain, by Peter Elmer Alexandra Walsham English Historical Review 2014 129: 967–969
The Later Stuart Church, 1660–1714, ed. Grant Tapsell William Gibson English Historical Review 2014 129: 969–971
Making Toleration: The Repealers and the Glorious Revolution, by Scott Sowerby Mark Goldie English Historical Review 2014 129: 971–972
The Burgher and the Whore: Prostitution in Early Modern Amsterdam, by Lotte van de Pol, tr. Liz Waters James R. Farr English Historical Review 2014 129: 973–974
Mr Collier’s Letter Racks: A Tale of Art and Illusion at the Threshold of the Modern Information Age, by Dror Wahrman Ludmilla Jordanova English Historical Review 2014 129: 974–976
From Peace to Freedom: Quaker Rhetoric and the Birth of American Antislavery, 1657–1761, by Brycchan Carey Richard Huzzey English Historical Review 2014 129: 976–978
Vagrancy in Law and Practice under the Old Poor Law, by Audrey Eccles Des Newell English Historical Review 2014 129: 978–980
The Evil Necessity: British Naval Impressment in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World, by Denver Brunsman N.A.M. Rodger English Historical Review 2014 129: 980–981
The Nation Made Real: Art and National Identity in Western Europe, 1600–1815, by Anthony D. Smith Eric Storm English Historical Review 2014 129: 981–983
The First English Detectives: The Bow Street Runners and the Policing of London, 1750–1840, by J.M. Beattie Boyd Hilton English Historical Review 2014 129: 983–985
La Liberté guidant les peuples: Les révolutions de 1830 en Europe, ed. Sylvie Aprile, Jean-Claude Caron and Emmanuel Fureix William Doyle English Historical Review 2014 129: 985–987
Nationalists who Feared the Nation: Adriatic Multi-Nationalism in Habsburg Dalmatia, Trieste and Venice, by Dominique Kirchner Reill John Davis English Historical Review 2014 129: 987–989
The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Britain and the Low Countries, ed. Hugh Dunthorne and Michael Wintle Daniel Laqua English Historical Review 2014 129: 989–991
The Legend of Spring-heeled Jack: Victorian Urban Folklore and Popular Cultures, by Karl Bell William Whyte English Historical Review 2014 129: 991–992
The Writing Culture of Ordinary People in Europe, c.1860–1920, by Martyn Lyons Robert D. Priest English Historical Review 2014 129: 992–994
Life on the Fringe? Ireland and Europe, 1800–1922, ed. Brian Heffernan M.P. McCabe English Historical Review 2014 129: 994–996
Religious Internationals in the Modern World: Globalization and Faith Communities since 1750, ed. Abigail Green and Vincent Viaene Luke Kelly English Historical Review 2014 129: 996–998
The Right in France: From the Third Republic to Vichy, by Kevin Passmore William D. Irvine English Historical Review 2014 129: 998–999
The Fall of Tsarism: Untold Stories of the February 1917 Revolution, by Semion Lyandres Catherine Andreyev English Historical Review 2014 129: 999–1000
The Disarmament of Hatred: Marc Sangnier, French Catholicism and the Legacy of the First World War, 1914–45, by Gearóid Barry Tom Buchanan English Historical Review 2014 129: 1001–1002
Ulster Since 1600: Politics, Economy, and Society, ed. Liam Kennedy and Philip Ollerenshaw Marc Mulholland English Historical Review 2014 129: 1002–1004
Hunger and Scarcity under State-Socialism, ed. Matthias Middell and Felix Wemheuer Patricia Clavin English Historical Review 2014 129: 1004–1006
Nazi Policy on the Eastern Front, 1941: Total War, Genocide, and Radicalization, by Alex J. Kay, Jeff Rutherford and David Stahel Evan Mawdsley English Historical Review 2014 129: 1006–1007
Chełmno and the Holocaust: The History of Hitler’s First Death Camp, by Patrick Montague Catherine Epstein English Historical Review 2014 129: 1007–1009
Motherland in Danger: Soviet Propaganda during World War II, by Karel Berkhoff Polly Jones English Historical Review 2014 129: 1009–1011
Sarajevo 1941–1945: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Hitler’s Europe, by Emily Greble Jelena Batinic English Historical Review 2014 129: 1011–1013
The State of Health: Illness in Nazi Germany, by Geoffrey Campbell Cocks Jane Caplan English Historical Review 2014 129: 1013–1015
Pierre Laroque and the Welfare State in Postwar France, by Eric Jabbari J. Wardhaugh English Historical Review 2014 129: 1015–1017
Postwar Anti-Racism: The United States, UNESCO, and ‘Race’, 1945–1968, by Anthony Q. Hazard Jr. Ryan Shaffer English Historical Review 2014 129: 1017–1018
Black Market Britain, 1939–1955, by Mark Roodhouse Geoffrey Field English Historical Review 2014 129: 1018–1021
Oscar’s Shadow: Wilde, Homosexuality and Modern Ireland, by Eibhear Walshe Diarmaid Ferriter English Historical Review 2014 129: 1021–1022
Doing History, by Colin Richmond C.S.L. Davies English Historical Review 2014 129: 1022–1024
A Companion to Global Environmental History, ed. J.R. McNeill and Erin Stewart Mauldin Scott Ashley English Historical Review 2014 129: 1024–1025
Other Publications
Attention is also drawn to the following publications: English Historical Review 2014 129: 1026–1048
Erratum English Historical Review 2014 129: 1049