The English Historical Review 134 (2019), 566

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The English Historical Review 134 (2019), 566
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The English Historical Review
United Kingdom
ARTICLES EDITOR: Dr Martin Conway Balliol College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 3BJ UK BOOK REVIEW EDITOR: Dr Catherine Holmes University College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 4BH UK ASSISTANT EDITOR Catherine Wright The English Historical Review Faculty of History The Old Boys' High School George Street Oxford OX1 2RL UK Oxford University Press Great Clarendon Street Oxford, OX2 6DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)1865 556767 Fax: +44 (0)1865 267485
Morawski, Paul

First published in January 1886, The English Historical Review (EHR) is the oldest journal of historical scholarship in the English-speaking world. It deals not only with British history, but also with almost all aspects of European and world history since the classical era: it covers the history of the Americas, including the foreign policy of the USA and her role in the wider world, but excludes the internal history of the USA since Independence, for which other scholarly outlets are plentiful. The EHR includes major Articles, ‘Notes and Documents’, and Debates on medieval and modern themes, as well as an unusually extensive range of Reviews and Shorter Notices of books published throughout the world. A summary of international periodical literature published in the previous twelve months is also provided.



The Vita Alcuini, Asser and Scholarly Service at the Court of Alfred the Great
Rebecca Thomas

Tallage-at-Will in Later Medieval England
Mark Bailey

Translating the Jansenist Controversy in Britain and Ireland
Mark R F Williams

Famine on the Coast: The Royal Navy and the Relief of Ireland, 1846–1847
David McLean

A War of Position? The Thatcher Government’s Preparation for the 1984 Miners’ Strike
Richard Vinen

Book Reviews

Arabs and Empires before Islam, ed. Greg Fisher
Andrew Marsham

A History of the ‘Alawis: From Medieval Aleppo to the Turkish Republic, by Stefan Winter
Timothy J Fitzgerald

Killing and Being Killed: Bodies in Battle, ed. Jörg Rogge
Patricia Skinner

Fountains and Water Culture in Byzantium, ed. Brooke Shilling and Paul Stephenson
Ine Jacobs

Justinian’s Men: Careers and Relationships of Byzantine Army Officers, 518–610, by David Alan Parnell
Mischa Meier

St Samson of Dol and the Earliest History of Brittany, Cornwall and Wales, ed. Lynette Olson
Ben Guy

Islamic Palace Architecture in the Western Mediterranean, by Felix Arnold
Richard Piran McClary

Medieval Cantors and their Craft: Music, Liturgy and the Shaping of History, 800–1500, ed. Katie Ann-Marie Bugyis, A.B. Kraebel and Margot E. Fassler
Benjamin Pohl

The Art and Science of the Church Screen in Medieval Europe: Making, Meaning, Preserving, ed. Spike Bucklow, Richard Marks and Lucy Wrapson
Paul Williamson

Remembering the Crusades and Crusading, ed. Megan Cassidy-Welch
Mike Horswell

The Indies and the Medieval West: Thought, Report, Imagination, by Marianne O’Doherty
Amanda Power

Scotland’s Second War of Independence, 1332–1357, by Iain A. MacInnes
Alice Taylor

Heilige, Helden, Wüteriche: Herrschaftsstile der Luxemburger (1308–1437), ed. Martin Bauch, Julia Burkhardt, Tomáš Gaudek and Václav Žůrek
Mark Whelan

Chaucer and the Child, by Eve Salisbury
Larissa Tracy

Ming China and Vietnam: Negotiating Borders in Early Modern Asia, by Kathleen Baldanza
Joshua C Herr

Cecily Duchess of York, by Joanna L. Laynesmith
Rachel M Delman

Seeking Sanctuary: Crime, Mercy, and Politics in English Courts, 1400–1550, by Shannon McSheffrey
Ian Forrest

Contesting Orthodoxy in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Heresy, Magic and Witchcraft, ed. Louise Nyholm Kallestrup and Raisa Maria Toivo
Catherine Rider

Peasants and Soldiers: The Management of the Venetian Military Structure in the Mainland Dominion between the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, by Giulio Ongaro
Stephen Bowd

The Making of Selim: Succession, Legitimacy, and Memory in the Early Modern Ottoman World, by H. Erdem Çıpa
Tobias P Graf

The Sultan’s Renegades: Christian-European Converts to Islam and the Making of the Ottoman Elite, 1575–1610, by Tobias P. Graf
Christopher Markiewicz

Early Modern English Catholicism: Identity, Memory and Counter-Reformation, ed. James E. Kelly and Susan Royal
Eilish Gregory

History and its Objects: Antiquarianism and Material Culture since 1500, by Peter N. Miller
R Sweet

Monarchy Transformed: Princes and their Elites in Early Modern Western Europe, ed. Robert von Friedeburg and John Morrill
Liesbeth Geevers

A Social History of England, 1500–1750, ed. Keith Wrightson
Jonathan Healey

The Irish in the Spanish Armies in the Seventeenth Century, by Eduardo de Mesa
Rory Rapple

The Story of War: Church and Propaganda in France and Sweden, 1610–1710, by Anna Maria Forssberg
Erik Thomson

Admiration and Awe: Morisco Buildings and Identity Negotiations in Early Modern Spanish Historiography, by Antonio Urquízar-Herrera
François Soyer

Fashioning the Early Modern: Dress, Textiles and Innovation in Europe 1500–1800, ed. Evelyn Welch
Elizabeth Currie

The History of Parliament: The House of Lords, 1660–1715, ed. Ruth Paley
Mark Knights

Europe’s India: Words, People, Empires 1500–1800, by Sanjay Subrahmanyam
P J Marshall

The General in Winter: The Marlborough–Godolphin Friendship and the Reign of Queen Anne, by Frances Harris
John B Hattendorf

Becoming Centaur: Eighteenth-Century Masculinity and English Horsemanship, by Monica Mattfeld
Michele Cohen

Motivation in War: The Experience of Common Soldiers in Old-Regime Europe, by Ilya Berkovich
Matthew McCormack

The Martyr and the Traitor: Nathan Hale, Moses Dunbar, and the American Revolution, by Virginia DeJohn Anderson
Frank Cogliano

Food Rioting in Ireland in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: The ‘Moral Economy’ of the Irish Crowd, by James Kelly
S J Connolly

Black Jokes, White Humour: Africans in English Caricature, 1769–1819, by Temi Odumosu
Ryan Hanley

The Social Life of Maps in America, 1750–1850, by Martin Brückner
Elizabeth Baigent

Political Reform in the Ottoman and Russian Empires: A Comparative Approach, by Adrian Brisku
Alp Eren Topal

‘Shooting Niagara—and After?’ The Second Reform Act and its World, ed. Robert Saunders
Angus Hawkins

Ireland and the Imperial World: Citizenship, Opportunism and Subversion, ed. Timothy G. McMahon, Michael de Nie and Paul Townend
Maria Luddy

Conductors in Britain 1870–1914: Wielding the Baton at the Height of Empire, by Fiona M. Palmer
Clive Brown

The Fear of Invasion: Strategy, Politics, and British War Planning, 1880–1914, by David G. Morgan-Owen
Jonathan Boff

Workers and Nationalism: Czech and German Social Democracy in Habsburg Austria, 1890–1918, by Jakub Beneš
Axel Körner

Gender and the Great War, ed. Susan R. Grayzel and Tammy M. Proctor
Susan Kingsley Kent

Chosen Nation: Mennonites and Germany in a Global Era, by Benjamin W. Goossen
Thomas Brodie

Kriegsbeziehungen: Intimität, Gewalt und Prostitution im besetzten Polen, 1939 bis 1945, by Maren Röger
A Hájková

Modern Hungers: Food and Power in Twentieth-Century Germany, by Alice Weinreb
Filip Slaveski

Cuba’s Revolutionary World, by Jonathan C. Brown
Antoni Kapcia

The Peculiar Revolution: Rethinking the Peruvian Experiment under Military Rule, ed. Carlos Aguirre and Paulo Drinot
Herbert S Klein

De l’égalité à la pauvreté: Une socio-histoire de l’assistance en Belgique (1895–2015), by Daniel Zamora Vargas
Guy Vanthemsche

Judicial Review and American Conservatism: Christianity, Public Education, and the Federal Courts in the Reagan Era, by Robert Daniel Rubin
Emma Folwell

When the World Seemed New: George H.W. Bush and the End of the Cold War, by Jeffrey A. Engel
Sarah B Snyder

Visions of Empire: How Five Imperial Regimes Shaped the World, by Krishan Kumar
Alex Middleton

The Moral Economists: R.H. Tawney, Karl Polanyi, E.P. Thompson and the Critique of Capitalism, by Tim Rogan
Martin Daunton

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