The English Historical Review 130 (2015), 546

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The English Historical Review 130 (2015), 546
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The English Historical Review
United Kingdom
ARTICLES EDITOR: Dr Martin Conway Balliol College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 3BJ UK BOOK REVIEW EDITOR: Dr Catherine Holmes University College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 4BH UK ASSISTANT EDITOR Catherine Wright The English Historical Review Faculty of History The Old Boys' High School George Street Oxford OX1 2RL UK Oxford University Press Great Clarendon Street Oxford, OX2 6DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)1865 556767 Fax: +44 (0)1865 267485
Fritsche, Jana

First published in January 1886, The English Historical Review (EHR) is the oldest journal of historical scholarship in the English-speaking world. It deals not only with British history, but also with almost all aspects of European and world history since the classical era: it covers the history of the Americas, including the foreign policy of the USA and her role in the wider world, but excludes the internal history of the USA since Independence, for which other scholarly outlets are plentiful. The EHR includes major Articles, ‘Notes and Documents’, and Debates on medieval and modern themes, as well as an unusually extensive range of Reviews and Shorter Notices of books published throughout the world. A summary of international periodical literature published in the previous twelve months is also provided.



Bede’s horologium: Observational Astronomy and the Problem of the Equinoxes in Early Medieval Europe (c.700–1100)
C. Philipp E. Nothaft
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1079–1101

Medical Practice, Urban Politics and Patronage: The London ‘Commonalty’ of Physicians and Surgeons of the 1420s
Justin Colson and Robert Ralley
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1102–1131

‘Till these Experiments be Made’: Senegambia and British Imperial Policy in the Eighteenth Century
Matthew P. Dziennik
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1132–1161

Keynes, Liberalism, and ‘The Emancipation of the Mind’
Richard Toye
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1162–1191

Book Reviews

The Church on its Past (Studies in Church History, Vol. 49), ed. Peter D. Clarke and Charlotte Methuen
S. Bauer
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1192–1193

Religious Women in Early Carolingian Francia: A Study of Manuscript Transmission and Monastic Culture, by Felice Lifshitz
Véronique Thouroude
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1194–1195

Becoming a Poet in Anglo-Saxon England, by Emily V. Thornbury
D. Pratt
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1195–1197

Changing Perspectives on England and the Continent in the Early Middle Ages, by Anton Scharer
I. Rembold
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1197–1199

The Place-Name Evidence for a Routeway Network in Early Medieval England, by Ann Cole
David Harrison
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1199–1201

The Open Fields of England, by David Hall
Champion: The Making and Unmaking of the English Midland Landscape, by Tom Williamson, Robert Liddiard and Tracey Partida
Mark Bailey
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1201–1203

The Historia Ierosolimitana of Baldric of Bourgueil, ed. Steven Biddlecombe
C.J. Tyerman
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1203–1205

Die Pfarrei im späten Mittelalter, ed. Enno Bünz and Gerhard Fouquet
Stephen Mossman
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1205–1207

Heresy, Inquisition and Life Cycle in Medieval Languedoc, by Chris Sparks
H. Skoda
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1207–1209

The Histories of a Medieval German City: Worms c.1000–c.1300. Translation and Commentary, tr. David S. Bachrach
Jonathan R. Lyon
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1209–1211

Writing and the Administration of Medieval Towns: Medieval Urban Literacy I, ed. Marco Mostert and Anna Adamska
Uses of the Written Word in Medieval Towns: Medieval Urban Literacy II, ed. Marco Mostert and Anna Adamska
Tom Scott
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1211–1213

Signorie italiane e modelli monarchici (secoli XIII–XIV), ed. Paolo Grillo
Le signorie cittadine in Toscana: Esperienze di potere e forme di governo personale (secoli XIII–XV), ed. Andrea Zorzi
Oren J. Margolis
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1213–1215

Seigneurs et Condottières: Les Dal Verme. Appartenances sociales, constructions étatiques et pratiques politiques dans l’Italie de la Renaissance, by Pierre Savy
Paul M. Dover
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1216–1218

La comunità pratese di Ragusa (1414–1434): Crisi economica e migrazioni collettive nel tardo medioevo, by Francesco Bettarini
Sally McKee
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1218–1219

The Origin of Capitalism in England, 1400–1600, by Spencer Dimmock
H.R. French
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1219–1221

The Fight for Status and Privilege in Late Medieval and Early Modern Castile, 1465–1598, by Michael J. Crawford
Jodi Campbell
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1221–1223

Die Tagsatzung der Eidgenossen: Politik, Kommunikation und Symbolik einer repräsentativen Institution im europäischen Kontext (1470–1798), by Andreas Würgler
Duncan Hardy
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1223–1225

The Reception of Bodin, ed. Howell A. Lloyd
Robin Briggs
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1225–1227

Shadows of Doubt: Language and Truth in Post-Reformation Catholic Culture, by Stefania Tutino
Jan Machielsen
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1227–1229

The Correspondence of Joseph Justus Scaliger, ed. Paul Botley and Dirk van Miert
Jan Machielsen
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1229–1230

The New Christians of Spanish Naples, 1528–1671, by Peter A. Mazur
Christopher F. Black
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1231–1232

The Hero of Italy: Odoardo Farnese, Duke of Parma, his Soldiers, and his Subjects in the Thirty Years War, by Gregory Hanlon
John Condren
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1232–1234

A New World of Labor: The Development of Plantation Societies in the British Atlantic, by Simon P. Newman
Trevor Burnard
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1234–1236

Mystery Unveiled: The Crisis of the Trinity in Early Modern England, by Paul C.H. Lim
Carl Trueman
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1236–1237

The Complete Works of John Milton. Volume VI: Vernacular Regicide and Republican Writings, ed. N.H. Keeble and Nicholas McDowell
Jason Peacey
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1238–1239

Desperate Magic: The Moral Economy of Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Russia, by Valerie Kivelson
Matthew P. Romaniello
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1240–1241

The Whispers of Cities: Information Flows in Istanbul, London and Paris in the Age of William Trumbull, by John-Paul Ghobrial
James E. Baldwin
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1241–1243

Protestant Cosmopolitanism and Diplomatic Culture: Brandenburg–Swedish Relations in the Seventeenth Century, by Daniel Riches
David Scott Gehring
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1243–1245

Flattering Alliances: Scandinavia, Diplomacy, and the Austrian–French Balance of Power, 1648–1740, by Peter Lindström and Svante Norrhem, tr. Charlotte Merton
Daniel Riches
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1246–1247

Bride Ales and Penny Weddings: Recreations, Reciprocity, and Regions in Britain from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century, by R.A. Houston
Martin Ingram
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1248–1249

Married Women and the Law: Coverture in England and the Common Law World, by Tim Stretton and Krista Kesselring
C. Spence
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1249–1251

Defending the Revolution: The Church of Scotland, 1689–1716, by Jeffrey Stephen
Allan Kennedy
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1251–1253

A History of Infanticide in Britain, c.1600–Present, by Anne-Marie Kilday
Mark Jackson
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1253–1254

Malthus: The Life and Legacies of an Untimely Prophet, by Robert J. Mayhew
Matthew Hughes
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1255–1256

Re-imagining Democracy in the Age of Revolutions: America, France, Britain, Ireland, 1750–1850, ed. Joanna Innes and Mark Philp
David Craig
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1256–1258

Bouki Fait Gombo: A History of the Slave Community of Habitation Haydel (Whitney Plantation), Louisiana, 1750–1860, by Ibrahima Seck
Toby Green
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1258–1260

Visions of Science: Books and Readers at the Dawn of the Victorian Age, by James A. Secord
B.W. Young
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1260–1262

Victorian Religious Revivals: Culture and Piety in Local and Global Contexts, by David Bebbington
Andrew Chandler
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1262–1263

Power, Law and the End of Privateering, by Jan Martin Lemnitzer
Jeremy Black
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1263–1264

Konstruktionen bürgerlicher Identität: Städtische Selbstbilder in Freiburg, Dresden und Dortmund 1900–1960, by Jochen Guckes
Zweite Industrialisierung und Konsum: Energieversorgung, Haushaltstechnik und Massenkultur am Beispiel nordenglischer und westfälischer Städte, 1880–1939, by Karl Ditt
Christoph Mick
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1264–1266

Landscapes of Protest in the Scottish Highlands after 1914: The Later Highland Land Wars, by Iain J.M. Robertson
Richard J. Finlay
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1267–1268

Bolshevism, Syndicalism and the General Strike: The Lost Internationalist World of A.A. Purcell, by Kevin Morgan
Paul Corthorn
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1268–1270

Nazism as Fascism: Violence, Ideology and the Ground of Consent, 1930–1945, by Geoff Eley
Tim Kirk
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1270–1272

Police and Politics in Marseille, 1936–1945, by Simon Kitson
R.N. Gildea
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1272–1274

Discourse and Defiance under Nazi Occupation: Guernsey, Channel Islands, 1940–1945, by Cheryl R. Jorgensen-Earp
Protest, Defiance and Resistance in the Channel Islands, by Gilly Carr, Paul Sanders and Louise Willmot
Ludivine Broch
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1274–1277

Smolensk under the Nazis: Everyday Life in Occupied Russia, by Laurie Cohen
Evan Mawdsley
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1277–1278

The Roar of the Lion: The Untold Story of Churchill’s World War II Speeches, by Richard Toye
Simon Ball
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1279–1280

Women and Democracy in Cold War Japan, by Jan Bardsley
S. Barkhof
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1280–1282

Origins of the Suez Crisis: Postwar Development Diplomacy and the Struggle over Third World Industrialization, 1945–1956, by Guy Laron
G.S. O’Hara
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1282–1283

Schwellenmacht: Bonns heimliche Atomdiplomatie von Adenauer bis Schmidt, by Stephan Geier
Holger Nehring
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1284–1285

The War Prerogative: History, Reform, and Constitutional Design, by Rosara Joseph
Robert v. Friedeburg
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1285–1287

Europe’s 1968: Voices of Revolt, ed. Robert Gildea, James Mark and Anette Warring
Geoff Eley
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1287–1289

Banking in Crisis: The Rise and Fall of British Banking Stability, 1800 to the Present, by John D. Turner
Duncan Needham
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1289–1291

On Historical Distance, by Mark Salber Phillips
B.W. Young
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1291–1293

Notices of Periodicals and Occasional Publications

Notices of Periodicals and Occasional Publications mainly from 2014
English Historical Review 2015 130: 1294–1360

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