Herausgeber:innen des Bandes: Stefan Benedik, Zuzanna Dziuban, Ljiljana Radonić Redaktion: Alexandra Preitschopf This issue brings together analysis of power issues faced by museums exhibiting conflicted or violent histories worldwide. It traces recent transformations of the ways in which museums deal with the representation of violence: whether they reflect on the standpoint of victims and integrate their voices; remain inclusive towards marginalised communities; address long silenced legacies of violence; and respond to ethical challenges associated with display of images, objects and curation of human remains. The examinations of culturally and geographically diverse curatorial practices highlight how museums challenge or perpetuate violence and hegemonic structures of power and marginalisation, how they represent a multiplicity of voices or homogenized narratives and manage to engage visitors with reflexive meta-questions. The understanding of violence in this issue does not remain limited to atrocities or physical harm but also poses questions regarding the violence of museum displays, and structural violence of the very institution of the museum, in past and present. As many papers focus on questions of colonial violence and its museal representation, they highlight the centrality of this issue to current public debates and discussions on the identity of the institution. In their choice of cases, the papers, moreover, expand the notion of museum space, to include not only sites of historical atrocities and off-site museums, but also botanic gardens and public spaces.
7-17 Zuzanna Dziuban, Stefan Benedik, Ljiljana Radonić
Research Papers
18-36 James A. Tyner Nixon’s Ghost and the Haunting of Violence at Cambodia’s Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum
37-58 Anna Clara Basilicò Though the Agony is Eternal: Voices from Below, from Anywhere. Exhibit of Dungeon Graffiti in Palazzo Chiaramonte-Steri, Palermo
59-84 Ljiljana Radonić Displaying Violence in Memorial Museums – Reflections on the Use of Photographs
85-106 Stefan Benedik Reinstated Dignity – Continued Silencing. Violent, Gendered Imagery in Holocaust Web Exhibitions
107-133 Fabiola Arellano Cruz How to Display Absence: Museographic Representations of the Disappeared in Peru
134-161 Mariana Eva Perez, Ulrike Capdepón Childhood and the Display of Violence in Contemporary Museum Exhibitions on Argentine State Terrorism
162-183 Andrea Berger Objects Confiscated During the Nazi Era in Exhibitions of Austrian Federal Museums
184-208 Zuzanna Dziuban Museum-Cemetery: (Infra)Structural Violence Against Human Remains
209-231 Sofia Lovegrove Displaying Violence and the Violence of Display: Durable Modern/Colonial Worldviews and the Production of Alterity in a Botanical Garden in Lisbon, Portugal
232-255 Markus Wurzer (Counter-)Narratives of Violence. Colonial Legacies and Activism in Italy’s Public Spaces
256-265 Daphné Budasz Relocating Violence: A Reflection on the Mapping of Colonial Traces in Italy
266-277 Louise Beckershaus, Stefan Benedik, Markus Fösl, Eva Meran, Laura Langeder, Monika Sommer Aura versus Dialogue. Displaying Nazi Objects in the Exhibition "Disposing of Hitler: Out of the Cellar, Into the Museum"
278-292 Christian Rapp, Andrea Thuile, Benedikt Vogl Emergence, Power Relations, and Proponents: A New Display of War and Nazi Crimes at the House of History at the Museum Niederösterreich
293-300 Vojtěch Kyncl Creating an Exhibition, a Political Narrative, or Both? Reflections on the Redesign of a Museum and Memorial Space at the Nazi Execution Site in Pardubice
301-311 Ursula K. Mindler-Steiner Controversies Regarding Memorials to Romani Victims of National Socialist Violence in Burgenland (Austria)
312-320 Margit Berner, Zuzanna Dziuban Retracing Violence, Reshaping the Gaze, and Challenging the Collection. An Interview by Zuzanna Dziuban with Margit Berner, Curator of the Anthropological Collection of the Natural History Museum in Vienna
Online only
321-332 Stefan Benedik Appendix to “Reinstated Dignity”
All articles (open access): https://journals.univie.ac.at/index.php/oezg/issue/view/645