1. Popular Organizing for Public Services: Residents Modernize Morelia, Mexico, 1880-1920 Jiménez C.M. pp. 495-518
2. By the People, for the People: Tenant Organizing in Toronto’s Regent Park Housing Project in the 1960s and 1970s Purdy S. pp. 519-548
3. The Suburban Origins of “Color-Blind” Conservatism: Middle-Class Consciousness in the Charlotte Busing Crisis Lassiter M.D. pp. 549-582
4. Monuments, Memory, and the Future of the Past in Modern Urban Germany Davis B. pp. 583-593
5. How Early were Cities in the Eastern United States? Welch P.D. pp. 594-603
6. Chinatown, City and Nation-State: Toward a New Understanding of Asian American Urbanity Chen Y. pp. 604-615
7. Ethnic, Race, and Coalition Politics in Postindustrial Urban America Canton D.A. pp. 616-626
8. History in Urban Theory Beauregard R.A. pp. 627-635