Journal of Urban History (JUH), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, provides scholars and professionals with the latest research, analyses, and discussion on the history of cities and urban societies throughout the world. JUH presents original research by distinguished authors from the variety of fields concerned with urban history. Each insightful issue offers the latest scholarship on such topics as public housing, migration, urban growth, and more.
Special Section: Making Places, Shaping Cities: Narrating Spatial History in Three American Cities
In MemoriumSamuel P. Hays, 1921–2017
Special Section Introduction
Introduction: Making Places, Shaping Cities—Narrating Spatial History in Three American Cities Matthew Klingle
Special Section Articles
Reforging the Steel City: Symbolism and Space in Postindustrial Pittsburgh Tracy Neumann
A Gateway without a Port: Making and Contesting San Francisco’s Early Waterfront Laura E. Ferguson
From Fort George to the Fields: The Public Space and Military Geography of Revolutionary New York City John Gilbert McCurdy
Police Misconduct, Community Opposition, and Urban Governance in New York City, 1945–1965 Themis Chronopoulos
New Careers for the Poor: Human Services and the Post-Industrial City Claire Dunning
“The Struggle for Land and Liberty”: Segregation, Violence, and African American Resistance in Baltimore, 1898-1918 Dennis P. Halpin
“A Pleasant and Tidy Arrangement”: Housing Development and Economies of Segregation in Mtwara, Tanganyika, 1949-1954 Chau Johnsen Kelly
Manufacturing Landmarks in New York City Parks Alexander Reichl
The Right to Housing: Squatter Settlements in Interwar Belgrade—The Defense and Demolition of Jatagan-mala Zlata Vuksanović Macura and Vladimir Macura
Review Essays
The Long History of Segregation and Desegregation in the Urban South Cristina V. Groeger
Paris: Zenith to Nadir David P. Jordan
Making a Virtue of Necessity? Citizenship and Formal Structures of Urban Power from the Great Society to the “Metropolitan Revolution” Mason B. Williams
Teaching the City
Urban Literature: A User’s Guide Carlo Rotella