A new issue of Journal of Urban History has been made available: URL: http://juh.sagepub.com/content/vol32/issue3/?etoc
Table of Contents
Excavating the Postwar Sex District in San Francisco Josh Sides, pp, 355-379
Two Urban Celebrations in Jewish Palestine Anat Helman, pp, 380-403
Race, Violence, and Urban Territoriality: Cleveland's Little Italy and the 1966 Hough Uprising Todd M. Michney, pp, 404-428
State Formation and Urban Finances in Sixteenth and Seventeenth-century Holland Manon Van Der Heijden, pp, 429-450
Review Essay: The Search for a Useable Past: Modernist Urban Planning in a Postmodern Age Georg Leidenberger, pp, 451-465
Review Essay: Modernity and the Search for the Urban Variable Iain S. Black, pp, 466-476
Review Essay: Apres Le Deluge: New Orleans and the New Environmental History Scott P. Marler, pp, 477-490
Review Essay: National Traditions and Foreign Influences in the Architecture and Urban Form of China and Japan Carola Hein, pp, 491-497
Review Essay: Civil Society in Suburbia: Between Planning and the Market Stephanie Dyer, pp, 498-508