Journal of Urban History 49 (2023), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
Journal of Urban History 49 (2023), 3

Thousand Oaks 2023: Sage Publications
Individual: One Year £70/US$102



Journal of Urban History
United States
Moritz Pallasch, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Special Section Introduction

Mediating and Representing the Slum: An Introduction
Jason Finch and Maxwell Woods

Special Section Articles

The Origin of Slum as a Trans-Class Concept
Jason Finch

Naming and Blaming: Civic Shame and Slum Journalism in Late Nineteenth-Century and Early Twentieth-Century Manchester and Birmingham
Carole O’Reilly

Can the Slumdweller Speak? James Joyce and Mediating Dublin Slum Discourse
Maxwell Woods

Situating Slums in Hegemonic Urban Discourse: A Historiography of English-Language Architecture and Planning Journals
Alejandro de Castro Mazarro

Slums, Villas Miseria, and Barriadas: Why Terms Matter
Adriana Laura Massidda

Thinking from the Barrio: Location, Modernity, and the Popular in Alejandro Moreno
Carlos Colmenares Gil

The City of the Missing: Poetic Responses to the Grenfell Fire
Dominic Davies

Abandon the Slum? Toward an Alternative Recognition of Urban Informal Dwelling
Paroj Banerjee


Promoting “Orderly and Sound Growth”: 1960s Debates Over Administering Public Transportation in Service of Mobility or Regional Planning
Yonah Freemark

Colonial Domesticity and the Modern City: Bandung in the Early Twentieth-Century Netherlands Indies
Farabi Fakih

A Big Plan for Small Homes: The Effort to Set Housing Standards in Turkey
Emre Altürk

Review Essays

Asian Independence: Notes on Modernism and Creativity in the Built Environment
Gregory Bracken

Historic Continuities and Discontinuities in Urban Culture in four Chinese Metropolises, Past, Present, and Future
Harry den Hartog

Erasing Race from the Urban Terrain: The “Colorblind” Path to Place-Based Inequality
Erica Gilbert-Levin

Parallel Lives: Bella Abzug, Crystal Eastman, Precarity, Peace, and the Politics of Care
Janette Clay

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