Timothy R. Mahoney Introduction: The Middle Class and the City pp. 283-288
Wendy Gamber Away from Home: Middle-Class Boarders in the Nineteenth-Century City pp. 289-305
Katja Zelljadt Presenting and Consuming the Past: Old Berlin at the Industrial Exhibition of 1896 pp. 306-333
Alexandra Staub St. Petersburg’s Double Life: The Planners’ versus the People’s City pp. 334-354
Timothy R. Mahoney Middle-Class Experience in the United States in the Gilded Age, 1865-1900 pp. 355-366
David S. Parker Middle-Class Mobilization and the Language of Orders in Urban Latin America: From Caste to Category in Early Twentieth-Century Lima pp. 367-381
Carol E. Harrison The Bourgeois after the Bourgeois Revolution: Recent Approaches to the Middle Class in European Cities pp. 382-392
Sven Beckert Comments on "Studying the Middle Class in the Modern City" pp. 393-399