Journal of Urban History (JUH), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, provides scholars and professionals with the latest research, analyses, and discussion on the history of cities and urban societies throughout the world. JUH presents original research by distinguished authors from the variety of fields concerned with urban history. Each insightful issue offers the latest scholarship on such topics as public housing, migration, urban growth, and more.
Urban Governance and Tolerance: The Regulation of Suspect Spaces and the Burden of Surveillance in Post–World War I Asheville, North Carolina Seth Epstein
Metropolitan Growth Along the Nation’s River: Power, Waste, and Environmental Politics in a Northern Virginia County, 1943–1971 Andrew C. Baker
Industrialization on Chicago’s Periphery: Examining Industrial Decentralization, 1893–1936 Edward V. Miller
Shanghai Industries in the Civil War (1945–1947) Christian Henriot
The Metropolitan Military: Homeownership Resistance to Military Family Housing in Southern California, 1979–1990 Ryan Reft
Sahat al-Borj: A Feminine City Square as a Container of Events Dolly Daou
Disassembling the City: A Historical and an Epistemological View on the Agency of Cities Bert De Munck
Review Essays
Cities in a World-Historical Perspective Paul Hohenberg
The Great Rebuilding, American Style: Infrastructure and Mobility in the Automobile Age Robert Buerglener
Experiencing Urban Spaces in Early Modern Europe B. Ann Tlusty
Harlem: New Perspectives on an Old Neighborhood Michael P. Marino