Martina Winkler: Children on Display: Children’s History, Socialism, and Photography – 3
Serguei Alex. Oushakine: Realism with Gaze-Appeal: Lenin, Children, and Photomontage – 11
Monica Rüthers: Picturing Soviet Childhood: Photo Albums of Pioneer Camps – 65
Martina Winkler: Imagining Socialist Childhoods: Photographs of Children in 1950s Czechoslovakia – 96
Anja Tippner: Ulitskaia’s Childhood 45–53: Documenting Nostalgic Images and Memories of Growing Up Soviet after the Great War in Literature – 124
Božidar Jezernik: Das wilde Europa. Der Balkan in den Augen westlicher Reisender (rezensiert von Desanka Schwara) – 148
Ruth Leiserowitz: Heldenhafte Zeiten. Die polnischen Erinnerungen an die Revolutions- und Napoleonischen Kriege 1815–1945 (rezensiert von Guido Hausmann) – 150
Marija V. Leskinen: Velikoross / velikorus. Iz istorii konstruirovanija ėtničnosti. Vek XIX (rezensiert von Ricarda Vulpius) – 152
Vladimir V. Kočetkov: Konstitucionalizm i sistema rossijskoj vlasti v konce XIX – načale XX veka (rezensiert von Kirsten Bönker) – 154
Jan Hennings: Russia and Courtly Europe. Ritual and the Culture of Diplomacy, 1648–1725 (rezensiert von Gleb Kazakov) – 157
Kenneth N. Owens, Alexander Yu. Petrov: Empire Maker. Aleksandr Baranov and Russian Colonial Expansion into Alaska and Northern California (rezensiert von Kristina Küntzel-Witt) – 159
Elena I. Campbell: The Muslim Question and Russian Imperial Governance (rezensiert von Franziska Davies) – 161
Kirill Ospovat: Terror and Pity. Alekandr Sumarokov and the Theater of Power in Elizabethan Russia (rezensiert von Ulrike Jekutsch) – 164
Helmut Backhaus: Rikskanslern Axel Oxenstiernas skrifter och brevväxling. Avd. 1. Bd. 17 (rezensiert von Stefan Troebst) – 166
Larry E. Holmes: Stalin’s World War II Evacuations. Triumph and Troubles in Kirov (rezensiert von Dietrich Beyrau) – 169
Aron Shneyer: Pariahs among Pariahs. Soviet-Jewish POWs in German Captivity, 1941–1945 (rezensiert von Andreas Hilger) – 171
Iryna Kashtalian: Repressive Factors of the USSR’s Internal Policy and Everyday Life of the Belarusian Society (1944–1953) (rezensiert von Tatsiana Astrouskaya) – 173
Jan Kusber / Ludwig Steindorff: Zum Tode von Peter Nitsche (1933–2018) – 178
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