Comparativ 22 (2012), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
Comparativ 22 (2012), 3
Weiterer Titel 
Polizei und (post-) koloniales Regieren

Erscheint fünfmal jährlich (mit einem Doppelheft) im Umfang von je ~140 Seiten.
Anzahl Seiten
139 S.
Einzelheft EUR 12,00, Jahresabonnement EUR 50,-



Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung
Comparativ Universität Leipzig Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics IPF 348001 Ritterstrasse 24 04109 Leipzig GERMANY e-mail:
Middell, Matthias




Markus-Michael Müller
Polizei und (post-)koloniales Regieren. Eine Einleitung, S. 9

Dominik Nagl
Policing the Periphery – Polizei, Gewalt und Staatsformierung im kolonialen South Carolina, S. 17

This article analyses the transfer of policing and legal structures from England to colonial South Carolina. Situated at the periphery of the British Empire, South Carolina was the only plantation colony in North America with a majority “black” population and its economic, social, geographic and demographic structures differed significantly from those in England. Such differences shaped the reception and adaption processes that shaped the transfer of legal and policing structure from England to the North American colonial context, thereby shaping local governance structures and supplanting them with informal modes of coercion-backed political ordering. In light of these observations, the article to critically interrogates dominant “top down” approaches on the history of state formation by arguing that colonial state formation was an overly negotiated and “bottom up” process, which was decisively shaped by the periphery.

Debora Gerstenberger
(Post-)Koloniales Regieren in einer imperialen Hauptstadt: Die Polizeiintendanz in Rio de Janeiro, 1808–1821, S. 35

The transfer of the Portuguese Court to Brazil in 1807/1808 signaled the emergence of a new spatio-political order within the Portuguese Empire. This transfer implied that the imperial center shifted from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro, transforming the city within a couple of years from a “typical” colonial city into a “tropical Versaille.” Through an analysis of the city’s Police Intendancy, an institution that substantially shaped this “metropolization process” (Schultz), and by drawing on archival police documents, this article offers an analysis of the changing patterns of governance and rule that accompanied this transition process in Rio de Janeiro. After locating the Police Intendancy within the overall workings of imperial governmentality, the article addressed the following questions: Were local authorities consciously aware that colonial practices had to be changed after the transfer of the Court? Which problems and paradoxes accompanied the emergence of new technologies of power that accompanied the shift from a colonial to a metropolitan, and thus post-colonial, space?

Lars Ostermeier
Die politische Bedeutung von „Polizeihilfe“ in Afghanistan zwischen den fünfziger und siebziger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts, S. 50

Following World War II, the Afghan government asked the Federal republic of Germany for German police advisors, initiating the longest period of German-Afghan “technical collaboration” within the field of police assistance. This period came to an end in the aftermath of Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1 979. Based on archival resources from the Political Archive of the Federal foreign Office, this article analysis the performative construction of German police assistance for the period between 1 952 and 1 979 and discusses this type of “technical collaboration” by drawing on analytical insights from the field of “translation studies”. It is argued that the political meaning of police assistance was more based upon abstract theoretical assumptions regarding development and social transformations processes than on an evaluation of the content, objectives and impact of this form of technical collaboration.

Alex Veit
Die Grenzen liberaler Intervention: intermediäre Herrschaft in der demokratischen Republik Kongo, S. 65

International interventions, whose aim is the fostering of peace and state building in conflict zones, are guided by ideas of a liberal police governmentality. However, in order to pursue their peace building and state building agendas on the ground, intervening actors depend upon the collaboration with local institutions. When such intermediaries of transnational rule do not share the agenda of liberal interventionism, intervening actors are confronted with the “paradox of intermediary rule”. By offering an analysis of the reform of the Congolese army in the district Ituri (Democratic Republic of Congo), this article demonstrates that the joint Peace Enforcement by international actors and the local army did not lead to the emergence of a peaceful liberal order. Instead, because of the dependence of international actors form local institutions (and interests), the intervening forces became accomplices in the (re-)production of an overly illiberal order of violence, indicating how the implementation of an international liberal police governmentality encountered its limits in the paradoxical interactions between national and international actors.


Sebouh David Aslanian:
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean. The Global Trade Networks of Armenian Merchants from New Julfa,Berkeley 2011
(Stefan Troebst), S. 79

A. C. S. Peacock (Hrsg.):
The Frontiers of the Ottoman World, Oxford 2009
(Nikolay Antov), S. 81

Ulrike Schmieder / Hans-Heinrich Nolte (Hrsg.):
Atlantik. Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte in der Neuzeit, Wien 2010
(Claudia Schnurmann), S. 84

Ulrich Niggemann:
Hugenotten, Köln 2011
(Katharina Middell), S. 86

Boris Loheide:
Seit wann gibt es eigentlich Globalisierung?, Hamburg 2011
(Jörg Roesler), S. 88

Darren J. O’Byrne / Alexander Hensby:
Theorizing Global Studies, Basingstoke 2011
(Tayyibe Zeynep Armagan), S. 89

Peter O’Connor:
The English-language Press Networks of East Asia, 1918–1945, Kent 2010
(Amelia Bonea), S. 92

Shogo Suzuki:
Civilization and Empire. China and Japan’s Encounter with European International Society, London 2009
(Ariane Knüsel), S. 94

Max Weber:
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Teilband 3: Recht, hrsg. von Werner Gephart und Siegfried Hermes (= Max-Weber-Gesamtausgabe, Bd. I/22-3), Tübingen 2010
(Helmut Goerlich), S. 96

Sylvia Schraut:
Kartierte Nationalgeschichte. Geschichtsatlanten im internationalen Vergleich 1860–1960, Frankfurt am Main 2011
(Susanne Grindel), S. 99

Moritz Csáky:
Das Gedächtnis der Städte. Kulturelle Verflechtungen – Wien und die urbanen Milieus in Zentraleuropa, Wien 2010
(Frank Henschel), S. 102

Walter Sperling:
Der Aufbruch der Provinz. Die Eisenbahn und die Neuordnung der Räume im Zarenreich, Frankfurt am Main 2011
(Martina Winkler), S. 107

Daniel Gossel:
Medien und Politik in Deutschland und den USA. Kontrolle, Konflikt und Kooperation vom 18. bis zum frühen 20. Jahrhundert, Stuttgart 2010
(Rudolf Stöber), S. 109

Barbara Lüthi:
Invading bodies. Medizin und Immigration in den USA 1880–1920, Frankfurt am Main 2009
(Benedikt Brunner), S. 110

Jürgen Mothes:
Lateinamerika und der ‚Generalstab der Weltrevolution‘. Zur Lateinamerika-Politik der Komintern. Hrsg. von Klaus Meschkat, Berlin 2010
(David Mayer), S. 113

Sean Scalmer:
Gandhi in the West. The Mahatma and the Rise of Radical Protest, Cambridge 2011
(Gita Dharampal-Frick / Milinda Banerjee), S. 116

Ewald Nowotny / Peter Mooslechner / Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald (Hrsg.):
The Integration of European Labour Markets, Cheltenham, MA 2009
(Nancy Scharpff), S. 119

Ed Bates:
The Evolution of the European Convention on Human Rights. From its Inception to the Creation of a Permanent Court of Human Rights, Oxford 2010
(Helmut Goerlich), S. 122

Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann (Hrsg.):
Moralpolitik. Geschichte der Menschenrechte im 20. Jahrhundert, Göttingen 2010
(Philip Czech), S. 126

Karlheinz Wöhler / Andreas Pott/Vera Denzer (Hrsg.):
Tourismusräume. Zur sozialkulturellen Konstruktion eines globalen Phänomens, Bielefeld 2010
(Andreas Mai), S. 129

Constantin Goschler / Rüdiger Graf:
Europäische Zeitgeschichte seit 1945, Berlin 2010
(Isabella Löhr), S. 133

Autorinnen und Autoren, S. 137

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