Historical Social Research 31 (2006), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research 31 (2006), 1
Weiterer Titel 
Special Issue "Football History"

4 Hefte / Jahr; 200 Seiten / Heft
Anzahl Seiten
Sonderpreis H-Soz-u-Kult 10,- €



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Baddack, Cornelia (baddack@za.uni-koeln.de)

HSR Special Issue "Football History"

Most researchers who turned to football history from the 1990s onwards were social historians, but a minority also came from neighbouring disciplines like sociology, anthropology and politics. The questions they were asking were firstly, who played football, when and why? What were the degrees of success and failure, the consequences and by-products? What were the specific developments in individual countries? And finally, following the trends towards cultural history at the time, how did sport contribute to the development of a “national identity”? At the centre of their interest was, however, the development of football in the individual nations.
The essays in this volume build on research to date. They are also a conscious attempt to set new accents in two particular ways. First the authors regard the international, global dimension of football as a constitutive element of the game. For this reason they have deliberately devoted their attention to analysing its transnational relationships. The second accent adopted by all the authors in this volume is both an inevitable and a fruitful by-product of international and transnational perspectives. Local, regional and national developments in football history have been observed “from above”. Looking at the subject from a distance has enabled the authors to cast light on their findings in a way which would have been impossible by using more conventional approaches.

Abstracts zu einzelnen Beiträgen auf: http://hsr-retro.de

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Cornelia Baddack
Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung
Abt. Zentrum für Historische Sozialforschung
Liliencronstr. 6
50931 Köln
Fon +49 / 221 / 476 94 - 96
Fax +49 / 221 / 476 94 - 55


Special Issue / Sonderheft

Football History:
International Perspectives

Internationale Perspektiven

Christiane Eisenberg & Pierre Lanfranchi

(Abstracts zu einzelnen Beiträgen auf: http://hsr-retro.de)

Editorial 4

Matthew Taylor
Global Players? Football, Migration and Globalization, c. 1930-2000. 7

Paul Dietschy
Football Players’ Migrations: a Political Stake. 31

Fabio Chisari
When Football Went Global: Televising the 1966 World Cup. 42

Christiane Eisenberg
FIFA 1975-2000: the Business of a Football Development Organisation. 55

Heidrun Homburg
FIFA and the “Chinese Question”, 1954-1980: an Exercise of Statutes. 69

Matthias Marschik
Mitteleuropa: politische Konzepte – sportliche Praxis. 88

Peter J. Beck
Im Schatten der Vergangenheit: Fußball in den britisch-deutschen Beziehungen. 109

Fabien Archambault
Il calcio e l’oratorio: Football, Catholic Movement and Politics in Italian Post-War Society, 1944-1960. 134

Jean Williams
An Equality Too Far? Historical and Contemporary Perspectives of Gender Inequality in British and International Football. 151

International Bibliography of Football History.
(zusammengestellt von Christiane Eisenberg) 170

Håkan Larsson
A History of the Present on the “Sportsman” and the “Sportswoman”. 209

Martti Silvennoinen
The Many Levels of Sports Narration. 230

Viviane Seigneur
The Problems of the Defining the Risk: the Case of Mountaineering. 245

Sport zwischen Ost und West (Kaspar Näf, Carmen Scheide), p. 257; XIth International CESH Congress: Sport and the Construction of Identities, p. 269.

ZHSF-Methodenseminar 2006: Forschungsmethoden, Datenbankmanagement, Deskriptivstatistik, multivariate Abhängigkeitsanalyse in der Historischen Sozialforschung, p. 273.

International Master in Management, Law and Humanities of Sport (“FIFA Master”), p. 275; MA Sport History and Culture, p. 293.

In Memoriam – Eric Monkkonen: 1942-2005, p. 302.

Review: Christiane Eisenberg, Pierre Lanfranchi, Tony Mason, Alfred Wahl: FIFA 1904-2004. 100 Jahre Weltfußball, p. 304.

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