Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 39 (2014), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 39 (2014), 2
Weiterer Titel 
Spatial Analysis

4 Hefte / Jahr; 280-400 Seiten / Heft
Anzahl Seiten
352 S.
jährlich € 30,00 (Personen); € 50,00 (Institutionen)



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Janssen, Philip Jost

SPECIAL ISSUE – Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences and Humanities

Cornelia Thierbach, Anna Laura Raschke, Linda Hering and Nina Baur (Eds.): Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Towards Integrating Qualitative, Quantitative and Cartographic Approaches

Due to the Spatial Turn, research on space and spatiality has increased in all humanities and social sciences. Although there have been many theoretical debates and empirical studies within the above fields of research about the meaning and relevance of space, the debate is to this day surprisingly unintegrated as debates remain fixed within their respective fields. Interdisciplinary discussion is still the exception and so far has not resulted in a common cohesive analytical framework. Even more startling is that despite the long history and large quantity of empirical studies using space and spatial concepts as an analytical category, there is no systematic debate on methodology and methods of spatial analysis. This is even more surprising as there is a broad and thorough knowledge on many methodological problems concerning spatial analysis in various disciplines and subfields of these disciplines.

This HSR Special Issue thus aims at starting a debate on integrating the methodological debate on spatial analysis in various humanities and social sciences, bridging the gaps between different research fields like geography, cartography and geo-information sciences, cross-cultural survey research, sociology, architecture and urban planning, literature and philosophy. The contributions in this issue address questions such as: Which qualitative and/or quantitative methods are best suited for which kind of theoretical problems? Which sampling strategies are appropriate for spatial problems? What are the specific data requirements for spatial analysis, and how can these data be collected? Which strategies of data analysis are appropriate for spatial analysis?

Abstracts of all contributions are available on our website <http://www.gesis.org/hsr/>.

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SPECIAL ISSUE – Spatial Analysis

Nina Baur, Linda Hering, Anna Laura Raschke & Cornelia Thierbach
Theory and Methods in Spatial Analysis. Towards Integrating Qualitative, Quantitative and Cartographic Approaches in the Social Sciences and Humanities. p. 7

Sebastian Scholl, Matthias Lahr-Kurten & Marc Redepenning
Considering the Role of Presence and Absence in Space Constructions. Ethnography as Methodology in Human Geography. p. 51

Janneke Rauscher
Grasping Cities through Literary Representations. A Mix of Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Analyze Crime Novels. p. 68

Petra Gehring & Andreas Großmann
Constructing Discursive Differences. Towards a “Logic“ of Cities. p. 103

Grégoire Mallard
Studying Tensions between Imaginary Spaces and Concrete Places: The Method of Paired Biographies Applied to Scientists’ Laboratory Lives. p. 115

Cornelia Thierbach & Alexandra Lorenz
Exploring the Orientation in Space. Mixing Focused Ethnography and Surveys in Social Experiment. p. 137

Sabine Reh & Robert Temel
Observing the Doings of Built Spaces. Attempts of an Ethnography of Materiality. p. 167

Eva-Christina Edinger
Examining Space Perceptions. Combining Visual and Verbal Data with Reactive and Non-Reactive Methods in Studies of the Elderly and Library Users. p. 181

Bettina Lelong
Grasping Micro-Macro-Interactions in Urban Development Politics: A Multidimensional Network Approach to Collective Action. p. 203

Gabriela B. Christmann
Investigating Spatial Transformation Processes. An Ethnographic Discourse Analysis in Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods. p. 235

Nina Baur
Comparing Societies and Cultures. Challenges of Cross-Cultural Survey Research as an Approach to Spatial Analysis. p. 257

Vojtěch Nosek & Pavlína Netrdová
Measuring Spatial Aspects of Variability. Comparing Spatial Autocorrelation with Regional Decomposition in International Unemployment Research. p. 292

Anjanette M. Chan-Tack
The Case for Spatially-Sensitive Data: How Data Structures Affect Spatial Measurement and Substantive Theory. p. 315

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