Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 39 (2014), 4

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 39 (2014), 4
Weiterer Titel 
Energy Crises

4 Hefte / Jahr; 280-400 Seiten / Heft
Anzahl Seiten
368 S.
jährlich € 30,00 (Personen); € 50,00 (Institutionen)



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Janssen, Philip Jost

SPECIAL ISSUE – Frank Bösch & Rüdiger Graf (Eds.): The Energy Crises of the 1970s. Anticipations and Reactions in the Industrialized World

The oil crisis of 1973 has often been described as an essential caesura in the history of Western industrialized nations and even the world as a whole. Understanding the formation of energy policies as reactions to the anticipation of future energy situations, the articles in this HSR Special Issue challenge the common understanding of the first oil crisis as a global turning point. They do so by extending the perspective on the 1970s energy crises in three dimensions. First of all, they situate the first oil crisis within a longer time frame, often starting in the 1960s and then examining the second oil crisis at the end of 1979. Secondly, they focus not on oil alone, but integrate other sources of energy into the picture: coal, nuclear, and gas. This widened perspective accounts for the fact that “energy” emerged as a coherent field of knowledge and policy in the 1970s. Finally, this HSR Special Issue assumes an international perspective including studies on Western as well as on socialist countries. Thereby it positions the energy crises within the history of the Cold War and asks how “global” the transnational flow of oil and the oil crises truly were.

Furthermore this HSR issue contains a Mixed Issue.

Abstracts of all contributions are available on our website <http://www.gesis.org/hsr/>.

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SPECIAL ISSUE – Energy Crises

Frank Bösch & Rüdiger Graf
Reacting to Anticipations: Energy Crises and Energy Policy in the 1970s. An Introduction. p. 7.

Robert D. Lifset
A New Understanding of the American Energy Crisis of the 1970s. p. 22.

Rüdiger Graf
Claiming Sovereignty in the Oil Crisis. “Project Independence” and Global Interdependence in the United States, 1973/74. p. 43.

Nuno Luis Madureira
Waiting for the Energy Crisis: Europe and the United States on the Eve of the First Oil Shock. p. 70.

Mogens Rüdiger
The 1973 Oil Crisis and the Designing of a Danish Energy Policy. p. 94.

Jeronim Perović & Dunja Krempin
“The Key is in Our Hands:” Soviet Energy Strategy during Détente and the Global Oil Crises of the 1970s. p. 113.

Elisabetta Bini
A Transatlantic Shock: Italy’s Energy Policies between the Mediterranean and the EEC, 1967-1974. p. 145.

Frank Bösch
Energy Diplomacy: West Germany, the Soviet Union and the Oil Crises of the 1970s. p. 165.

David S. Painter
Oil and Geopolitics: The Oil Crises of the 1970s and the Cold War. p. 186.

Henning Türk
The Oil Crisis of 1973 as a Challenge to Multilateral Energy Cooperation among Western Industrialized Countries. p. 209.

André Steiner
“Common Sense is Necessary.” East German Reactions to the Oil Crises of the 1970s. p. 231.

Christian Marx
Failed Solutions to the Energy Crises: Nuclear Power, Coal Conversion, and the Chemical Industry in West Germany since the 1960s. p. 251.

Jonathan Kuiken
Caught in Transition: Britain’s Oil Policy in the Face of Impending Crisis, 1967-1973. p. 272.


Admire Chereni
A Methodological Approach and Conceptual Tools for Studying Migrant Belongings in African Cities: A Case of Zimbabweans in Johannesburg. p. 293.

Michael Zängle
Trends in Papal Communication: A Content Analysis of Encyclicals, from Leo XIII to Pope Francis. p. 329.

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