Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 38 (2013), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 38 (2013), 2
Weiterer Titel 

4 Hefte / Jahr; 280-400 Seiten / Heft
jährlich € 30 (Personen); € 50 (Institutionen)



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Janssen, Philip Jost

Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR)
2/2013 – Cultural Analysis & In-Depth Hermeneutics

360 pages.

FOCUS I – Henning Salling Olesen (Ed.): Cultural Analysis & In-Depth Hermeneutics – Psycho-Societal Analysis of Everyday Life Culture, Interaction, and Learning

This HSR Focus presents a psycho-societal approach to qualitative empirical research in several areas of everyday social life. It is an approach which integrates a theory of subjectivity and an interpretation methodology integrating hermeneutic experiences from text analysis and psychoanalysis. Its particular focus is on subjectivity – as an aspect of the research object and as an aspect of the research process. By the term "approach", the intrinsic connection between the theorizing of an empirical object and the reflection of the research process and the epistemic subject is indicated. Special attention is paid to Lorenzer's development of a materialistic socialization theory and the indepth hermeneutic cultural analysis. The psycho-societal approach owes a great deal to critical reformulations of each of these traditions, which will be touched upon in some of the articles and will be combined with a number of empirical studies of everyday life culture, social practice, and learning.

FOCUS II – Fumiya Onaka (Ed.): Aspects of Process Theories & Process-Oriented Methodologies in Historical and Comparative Sociology

This HSR Focus discusses the relation between “process-oriented data” and theories, focusing on historical and comparative sociology. The term “process-oriented” has recently been gaining importance in various human and social science disciplines, in addition to the traditional focus on “process” in political science, law, biology, psychology, and philosophy. The process-oriented approach has been related to various theories, but it has been unclear which theories fit this type of data. The five contributions in this HSR Focus therefore examine the merits and demerits of these theories from the viewpoint of process-generated data covering theories as diverse as Path-Dependency Theory, Assemblage / Minoritarian Theory, Communication Process Theory, Nationalization / Symbolic Media Theory and Socio-Cultural Network Theory.

Furthermore this HSR contains a Mixed Issue.

Abstracts of all contributions are available on our website <http://www.gesis.org/hsr/>

Allen Abonnentinnen und Abonnenten von H-Soz-u-Kult bieten wir die neu erschienene HSR-Ausgabe Vol. 38 (2013) No. 2 zum Preis von EUR 12,- an. Rückfragen und Bestellungen richten Sie bitte per Mail an <hsr-quantum@gesis.org>.



FOCUS I – Cultural Analysis & In-Depth Hermeneutics

Henning Salling Olesen
The Societal Nature of Subjectivity: An Interdisciplinary Methodological Challenge. p. 7

Henning Salling Olesen & Kirsten Weber
Socialization, Language, and Scenic Understanding. Alfred Lorenzer's Contribution to a Psycho-Societal Methodology. p. 26

Thomas Leithäuser
Psychoanalysis, Socialization and Society – The Psychoanalytical Thought and Interpretation of Alfred Lorenzer. p. 56

Christine Morgenroth
Deciphering Political Utopias. Unions, Female Night Work, and Gender Justice. p. 71

Kirsten Weber
Learning, Work, and Language Games. p. 91

Betina Dybbroe 107
Work Identity and Contradictory Experiences of Welfare Workers in a Life-History Perspective. p. 107

Linda Lundgård Andersen
Inner and Outer Life at Work. The Roots and Horizon of Psychoanalytically Informed Work Life Research. p. 124

Wendy Hollway & Lynn Froggett
Researching In-Between Subjective Experience and Reality. p. 140

FOCUS II: Process Theories & Process-Oriented Methodologies

Fumiya Onaka
Aspects of Process Theories and Process-Oriented Methodologies in Historical and Comparative Sociology: An Introduction. p. 161

Luciana de Souza Leão
Bringing Historical Sociology and Path-Dependence Together: A Case Study of the Brazilian Political Economy (1930-2000). p. 172

Jae Eon Yu 197
The Use of Deleuze’s Theory of Assemblage for Process-Oriented Methodology. p. 197

Eduardo Andrés Vizer & Helenice Carvalho
Socioanalysis: A Communicational Research Device for Social Intervention. p. 218

Fumiya Onaka
Relating Socio-Cultural Network Concepts to Process-Oriented Methodology. p. 236

Shigeru Tanaka
Nationalization, Modernization and Symbolic Media – Towards a Comparative Historical Sociology of the Nation-State. p. 252


Dmitry Zhukov, Valery Kanishchev & Sergey Lyamin
Fractal Modeling of Historical Demographic Processes. p. 271

Christoph Bernhardt & Frank Hüesker
Von der Wasserkrise des Industriezeitalters zur EU-Umweltpolitik. Interessenaushandlung und Problemlösungsfähigkeit von Sondergesetzlichen Wasserverbänden in Deutschland seit 1900. p. 288

Valérie Canals & Claude Diebolt 315
Die Bildungsökonomie vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg: Ein Bestandteil moderner Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik? p. 315

Ralph Hippe
Are You NUTS? The Factors of Production and their Long-Run Evolution in Europe from a Regional Perspective. p. 324

Weitere Hefte ⇓