Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung 34 (2009), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung 34 (2009), 1
Weiterer Titel 
Special Issue: Linking Theory and Data

4 Hefte / Jahr; 280-400 Seiten / Heft
Anzahl Seiten
368 S.
€ 12,00



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Schulz, Sandra

*Historical Social Research/ Historische Sozialforschung
HSR Vol. 34 (2009) No. 1 – Special Issue: Linking Theory and Data*

Nina Baur (Ed.):
Linking Theory and Data: Process-Generated and Longitudinal Data for Analysing Long-Term Social Processes. / Verknüpfen von Theorie und Daten: Prozess-generierte und longitudinale Daten zur Analyse langfristiger sozialer Prozesse.

Theory and data are closely linked in empirical research: Data are the main source for building and testing theories, and without theoretical focus, it is impossible to select and interpret data. Still, the relationship between theory and data is only rarely discussed and, if so, only on a general level. Focussing on process-oriented and longitudinal research questions, the authors of this special issue contribute to this discussion by elaborating some data types that can be used for analyzing long-term social processes.

For each specific data type, it is important to ask about their specific characteristics and how this effects interpretation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this data type? For which kind of theoretical and thematical research question are these data suitable? Where and how can these data be sampled and collected? What specific problems in sampling, interpretation and validity do arise in longitudinal research, and how can they be solved?

The contributors address these questions from a broad range of theories (as different as Rational Choice Theory, Figurational Sociology, Biographical Research, Discourse Theory and Cultural Theories) and by either re-analyzing research-elicited data (e.g. interviews, surveys) or by using process-generated data (e.g. ego-documents, popular literature, military records, genealogies, newspapers, television commercials and web-based process-generated data).

Allen Abonnentinnen und Abonnenten von H-Soz-u-Kult bieten wir die neu erschienene HSR-Ausgabe Vol. 34 (2009) No. 1 zu einem Sonderpreis von € 12,- (gegen Rechnung; Preis inkl. Versand) an.

Rückfragen und Bestellungen richten Sie bitte an: zhsf@gesis.org
Sandra Schulz
HSR Redaktion
Liliencronstr. 6
50931 Köln
Fon +49 / 221 / 476 94 - 96
Fax +49 / 221 / 476 94 - 55



Nina Baur (Ed.):
Linking Theory and Data: Process-Generated and Longitudinal Data for Analysing Long-Term Social Processes. / Verknüpfen von Theorie und Daten: Prozess-generierte und longitudinale Daten zur Analyse langfristiger sozialer Prozesse.

Nina Baur
Problems of Linking Theory and Data in Historical Sociology and Longitudinal Research. 7

Alexander Freund
Oral History as Process-generated Data. 22

Jörg Hagenah & Heiner Meulemann
The Analytical Potentials of Survey Trend Data from Market Research. The Case of German Media Analysis Data. 49

Constance J. Jones & Harvey Peskin
Americans’ Psychological Health Trajectories: Analyses of Survey Data from the Intergenerational Studies. 62

Andreas Schmitz, Jan Skopek, Florian Schulz, Doreen Klein & Hans-Peter Blossfeld
Indicating Mate Preferences by Mixing Survey and Process-generated Data. The Case of Attitudes and Behaviour in Online Mate Search. 77

Britta Baumgarten & Jonas Grauel
The Theoretical Potential of Website and Newspaper Data for Analysing Political Communication Processes. 94

Christoph Franke
Genealogies of Noble Families as a Database for Social Science? Possibilities and Limits. 122

Janette Olivia Young
Triangulating Public Administrational and Genealogical Data. The Case of Australian Migration Research. 143

Thomas Mayer
Wie kommt die Eugenik in die Eugenik? Sampling und Auswahlverfahren von prozess-produzierten Daten am Beispiel eugenischer Netzwerke in Österreich. 159

Christoph Rass
Sampling Military Personnel Records: Data Quality and Theoretical Uses of Organizational Process-generated Data. 172

Axel Salheiser
Handling Ideological Bias and Shifting Validity of Longitudinal Data: The Case of Process-generated Data on GDR Elites. 197

Stefan Bauernschmidt
Der Einfluss von Gatekeepern auf das Stichprobenproblem am Beispiel von Automobilfernsehwerbung. 211

Andrea Volkens & Judith Bara & Ian Budge
Data Quality in Content Analysis. The Case of the Comparative Manifestos Project. 234

Stefanie Ernst
Using Qualitative Content Analysis of Popular Literature for Uncovering Long-Term Social Processes: The Case of Gender Relations in Germany. 252

Helmut Kuzmics
Concept for Validating the Theoretical Potential of Historical Sources. The Case of Analyzing Long-Term Changes in the Habsburg Military Habitus. 270




Brian Roberts
Performative Social Science: A Consideration of Skills, Purpose and Context. 307


Mohamed Chikhi & Claude Diebolt
Transitory Exogenous Shocks in a Non-Linear Framework: Application to the Cyclical Behaviour of the German Aggregate Wage Earnings. 354


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