Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung 36 (2011), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung 36 (2011), 1
Weiterer Titel 
Special Issue: Management Research

4 Hefte / Jahr; 280-400 Seiten / Heft
jährlich € 30 (Personen); € 50 (Institutionen)



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Janssen, Philip Jost

Special Issue:
Patricia Wolf, Jens O. Meissner, Terry Nolan, Mark Lemon, René John, Evangelia Baralou & Silke Seemann (Eds.):
Methods for Qualitative Management Research in the Context of Social Systems Thinking / Qualitative Methoden zur Managementforschung in sozialen Systemen
368 pages.

This HSR-Issue offers a Print Version of the FQS Online Edition (FQS 2010, 11/3). The papers follow three thematic threads that seem to be of particular importance to qualitative ma-nagement research from the stance of systems theory. The first of these themes relates to observation, i.e. the observable in management research. The second stream discusses up to date methods and the design of system theoretic studies for application in empirical research. And the third thread highlights the implications of those studies on what was studied, i.e. management in organizations. The presented papers offer a variety of ap-proaches for designing and conducting system theoretic research projects as well as how to present the findings within the respective research field.

The term “social systems” is derived chiefly from the theoretical starting point propounded by Niklas LUHMANN. A key underlying assumption for this special is-sue is our belief that the reluctance of the scientific com-munity to apply LUHMANN’s social system theory in management research boils down to first the relative difficulty readers face when trying to follow his writing and the complexity of the theoretical approach, and, second and more significantly, a missing methodological basis for conducting research grounded in LUHMANN’s social system theory and related theoretical approaches.

A very strong motivation for the composition of the special issue was the – from the perspective of qualitative management studies – under researched field of methods using a social systems approach. The most important driver for reprinting the special issue in Historical Social Research is the insight that social systems research can not be conducted without the knowledge about the historical development of a specific situation and the evolutionary dynamics of social systems. Socially constructed presence is only interpretable and understandable by knowing and reflecting on the development path of an organization, taking its stories and narrations into account. Thus, this issue contributes to extend the methodological understanding of historic social research with relation to organization and management studies.

Allen Abonnentinnen und Abonnenten von H-Soz-u-Kult bieten wir die neu erschienene HSR-Ausgabe Vol. 36 (2011) No. 1 zu einem Sonderpreis von € 12,- an.

Rückfragen und Bestellungen richten Sie bitte an: zhsf@gesis.org
Dr. Philip Jost Janssen
HSR Redaktion
Liliencronstr. 6
50931 Köln
Fon +49 / 221 / 476 94 - 96
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Patricia Wolf, Jens O. Meissner, Terry Nolan, Mark Lemon, René John, Evangelia Baralou & Silke Seemann (Eds.):
Methods for Qualitative Management Research in the Context of Social Systems Thinking / Qualitative Methoden zur Managementforschung in sozialen Systemen

Patricia Wolf, Jens O. Meissner, Terry Nolan, Mark Lemon, René John, Evangelia Baralou & Silke Seemann
Methods for Qualitative Management Research in the Context of Social Systems Thinking / Qualitative Methoden zur Managementforschung in sozialen Systemen. Seite 7

Cristina Besio & Andrea Pronzini
Inside Organizations and Out. Methodological Tenets for EmpiricalResearch Inspired by Systems Theory. Seite 18

Gian-Claudio Gentile
Die Gesprächsanalyse der dokumentarischen Methode als “Schlüssel” zu selbst-referenziellen Kommunikationssystemen? Theoretisch-methodologische Grundlagen und empirische Vignetten. Seite 42

Victoria von Groddeck
The Case of Value Based Communication – Epistemological and Methodological Reflections from a System Theoretical Perspective. Seite 66

René John & Jana Rückert-John
Observing Possibilities. A Function-Analytical Approach to Organizational Change Processes. Seite 87

Tina Bering Keiding
Observing Participating Observation – A Re-description Based on Systems Theory. Seite 106

Morten Knudsen
Surprised by Method – Functional Method and Systems Theory. Seite 124

Mark Lemon, John Craig & Matthew Cook
Looking In or Looking Out? Top-down Change and Operational Capability. Seite 143

Katharina Mayr & Jasmin Siri
Management as a Symbolizing Construction? Re-Arranging the Understanding of Management. Seite 160

Jens O. Meissner & Martin Sprenger
Mixing Methods in Innovation Research: Studying the Process-Culture-Link in Innovation Management. Seite 180

Thorsten Peetz, Karin Lohr & Romy Hilbrich
Management, Organisation, Struktur. Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Ergebnisse zur Transformation des Managements von Bildungsorganisationen. Seite 199

Harald Tuckermann & Johannes Rüegg-Stürm
Researching Practice and Practicing Research Reflexively. Conceptualizing the Relationship Between Research Partners and Researchers in Longitudinal Studies. Seite 230

Patricia Wolf
Balanced Evaluation: Monitoring the “Success” of a Knowledge Management Project. Seite 262



Rainer Diaz-Bone
Die Performativität der Sozialforschung – Sozialforschung als Sozio-Epistemologie. Seite 291

Ronald Gebauer
Cadres on the Diplomatic Stage. The Social Origins and Career Patterns of GDR’s Ambassadors. Seite 311


Marcela Veselkova
Global Imbalances from the Historical Perspective. Seite 321

Weitere Hefte ⇓