Günter Mey & Katja Mruck
Vorwort: Sekundäranalyse qualitativer Daten. Von der Peripherie ins Zentrum, S. 7
Andreas Witzel & Irena Medjedović & Susanne Kretzer
Sekundäranalyse qualitativer Daten. Zum gegenwärtigen Stand einer neuen Forschungsstrategie, S. 10
Janet Heaton
Secondary Analysis of Qualitative Data. An Overview, S. 33
Mike Savage
Changing Social Class Identities in Post-War Britain: Perspectives from Mass-Observation, S. 46
David Kynaston
The Uses of Sociology for Real-time History, S. 68
Nigel G. Fielding & Jane L. Fielding
Resistance and Adaptation to Criminal Identity: Using Secondary Analysis to Evaluate Classic Studies of Crime and Deviance, S. 75
Monique Janneck
Auf verschlungenen Forschungspfaden: Erfahrungen mit der Sekundärnutzung qualitativer Interviewdaten in induktiven, deduktiven und Triangulationsverfahren, S. 94
Jochen Gläser & Grit Laudel
Creating Competing Constructions by Reanalysing Qualitative Data, S. 115
Irena Medjedović & Andreas Witzel
Secondary Analysis of Interviews: Using Codes and Theoretical Concepts from the Primary Study, S. 148
Harry van den Berg
Reanalyzing Qualitative Interviews from Different Angles: The Risk of Decontextualization and Other Problems of Sharing Qualitative Data, S. 179
Irena Medjedović
Sekundäranalyse qualitativer Interviewdaten – Problemkreise und offene Fragen einer neuen Forschungsstrategie, S. 193
Mixed Issue
Nina Baur
Was kann die Soziologie methodisch von der Geschichtswissenschaft lernen? S. 217
Steven King
Friendship, Kinship and Belonging in the Letters of Urban Paupers 1800-1840, S. 249
Jan Kok & Hilde Bras
Clustering and Dispersal of Siblings in the North-Holland Countryside, 1850-1940, S. 278
Monika Röther
Pop Songs for the Tape Recorder, LPs for the Record Player? The Market Launch of Tape Recorders in West Germany and the Copyright Debate on Young Consumers’ Practice of Tape-recording in the 1950s and 1960s, S. 301
Andrew Devenney
Regional Resistance to European Integration: The Case of the Scottish National Party, 1961-1972, S. 319
Tapas Mishra & Mamata Parhi & Claude Diebolt
Human Capital Accumulation and Spatial TFP Interdependence, S. 346