Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 40 (2015), 4

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 40 (2015), 4
Weiterer Titel 
Animal Politics; Football History

4 Hefte / Jahr; 280-400 Seiten / Heft
Anzahl Seiten
352 pages
jährlich € 30 (Personen); € 54 (Institutionen)



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Janssen, Philip Jost

Svenja Ahlhaus & Peter Niesen (Eds.): Animal Politics. A New Research Agenda in Political Theory

While other academic disciplines have all established highly visible branches of Animal Studies in recent decades, Political Theory has struggled to carve out a distinctive approach. What can freedom, equality, citizenship or democracy mean in political communities of humans and animals? The editors of this HSR Forum suggest the new field of Animal Politics, i.e. the study of human-animal relations in Political Theory, is marked by a concern with animals as politically subjected beings, as individual bearers of coercive claims and as candidates for political membership. The first half of the contributions in this HSR Forum critically engage with Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka’s pioneering work Zoopolis, especially with their call for applying the vocabulary of citizenship to animals. The other contributions probe the chances for Animal Politics confronting social and political issues such as religious exemptions to animal welfare law or the status of animals at war. The aim of this HSR Forum is to outline and critically evaluate Animal Politics, and provide an alternative both to anthropocentric Political Theory and unpolitical Animal Ethics.

Jutta Braun (Ed.): Football History. Selected Contributions to Sport in Society

During the last three decades, different occasions have given reason and motivation for new research and interpretation of German football history: First, the caesura of 1989/1990 lifted the curtain regarding East German football history. Ten years later, the decision to host the World Cup in 2006 in Germany was immediately followed by an upswing of academic as well as societal interest in Football History. This HSR Forum comprises some of the consequent intellectual debates, especially centering on the political and cultural impact of the World Cups in 1954 and 1974, as well as the history of the Bundesliga. At the same time, the perspective of Football history on the European level was taken into account. The effects of the booming commercialization of European football are examined as well as its cultural substance, notably by creating European collective “sites of memory.” Moreover, football history is also increasingly analyzed as a momentum of public discourse: be it as the background for propaganda and myths of victims and villains during the Second World War or, even today, a continued source of national stereotypes.

Abstracts of all contributions are available on our website <http:://www.gesis.org/hsr/>. For orders, please contact <hsr-order@gesis.org>.



FORUM I – Animal Politics

Svenja Ahlhaus & Peter Niesen
What is Animal Politics? Outline of a New Research Agenda.
Pages 7–31; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.7–31

Bernd Ladwig
Animal Rights – Politicised, but not Humanised. An Interest-Based Critique of Citizenship for Domesticated Animals.
Pages: 32–46; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.32–46

Thomas Saretzki
Taking Animals Seriously: Interpreting and Institutionalizing Human-Animal Relationships in Modern Democracies.
Pages: 47–54; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.47–54

Tine Stein
Human Rights and Animal Rights: Differences Matter.
Pages: 55–62; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.55–62

Sandra Seubert
Politics of Inclusion. Which Conception of Citizenship for Animals?
Pages: 63–69; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.63–69

Johannes Marx & Christine Tiefensee
Of Animals, Robots and Men.
Pages: 70–91; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.70–91

Andreas T. Schmidt
Why Animals have an Interest in Freedom.
Pages: 92–109; 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.92–109

Federico Zuolo
Equality among Animals and Religious Slaughter.
Pages: 110–127; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.110–127

Karsten Nowrot
Animals at War: The Status of “Animal Soldiers” under International Humanitarian Law.
Pages: 128–150; 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.128–150

FORUM II – Football History

Jutta Braun
Football History – A German Perspective on Current Research Fields.
Pages: 153–175; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.153–175

Kay Schiller
Siegen für Deutschland? Patriotism, Nationalism and the German National Football Team, 1954–2014.
Pages: 176–196; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.176–196

Diethelm Blecking
Das “Wunder von Bern“ 1954 – Zur politischen Instrumentalisierung eines Mythos.
Pages: 197–208; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.197–208

Nils Havemann
Soziale Marktwirtschaft und “Wirtschaftswunder“ im bundesdeutschen Berufsfußball der 1950er und 1960er Jahre?
Pages: 209–220; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.209–220

Katharina Barsch
The Path of European Football. A Level Playing Field for only 90 Minutes.
Pages: 221–254; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.221–254

Wolfram Pyta
Football Memory in a European Perspective. The Missing Link in the European Integration Process.
Pages: 255–269; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.255–269

Matthew Taylor
The People’s Game and the People’s War: Football, Nation and Class in Britain, 1939–1945.
Pages: 270–297; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.270–297

Rolf Parr
Nationalstereotype im internationalen Fußball.
Pages: 298–309; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.298–309

David Forster & Georg Spitaler
Viennese Football and the German Wehrmacht – Between “Duty” and Evasion.
Pages: 310–330; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.310–330

Michael Krüger
History of Sports Medicine in Germany. Some Preliminary Reflections on a Complex Research Project.
Pages: 331–349; DOI: 10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.331–349

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