Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 37 (2012), 4

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 37 (2012), 4
Weiterer Titel 

4 Hefte / Jahr; 280-400 Seiten / Heft
jährlich € 30 (Personen); € 50 (Institutionen)



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Janssen, Philip Jost

Focus I – Rainer Diaz-Bone & Robert Salais (Eds.): The Économie des Conventions – Transdisciplinary Discussions and Perspectives

Focus II – Christoph Classen, Susanne Kinnebrock & Maria Löblich (Eds.): Towards Web History. Sources, Methods, and Challenges in the Digital Age

376 pages.

Focus I – The Économie des Conventions
The économie des conventions (economics of convention, EC) can be regarded as an influential transdisciplinary, pragmatic approach for the historical analysis of economic coordination and economic institutions. EC was developed first in France. For some years now international recognition and reception is rising. Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung has published contributions about EC and applications of EC since 2009. In the present issue ongoing and critical discussion is presented, which addresses problems of institutional theory, methodology and conceptual aspects of EC. Furthermore, contributions are entailed in this issue, which apply EC as a transdisciplinary historical approach to new research objects. Also new perspectives for conceptual and methodological developments of EC are offered.

Focus II – Towards Web History
The process of digitization represents a twofold challenge both for historiography in general and, in particular, for historical communication research. Digitization has deeply changed research practice as well as the inter-disciplinary communication and is likely to do so in future. The contributions of this HSR Focus address a twofold conceptual challenge. In a first part, problems and chances of a contemporary history of digital media are discussed. In the second part the authors leave the level of conceptual considerations and turn towards the already established practice of digitization and the supply of sources in the net.

Furthermore this HSR issue contains a Mixed Issue. Abstracts of all contributions are available on our website http://www.gesis.org/hsr/.

Allen Abonnentinnen und Abonnenten von H-Soz-u-Kult bieten wir die neu erschienene HSR-Ausgabe Vol. 37 (2012) No. 4 zum Preis von EUR 12,- an. Rückfragen und Bestellungen richten Sie bitte per Mail an hsr-quantum@gesis.org.

GESIS, Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research,
Frau Renate Hintzen
Unter Sachsenhausen 6–8
50667 Köln

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FOCUS I – The Économie des Conventions

Rainer Diaz-Bone & Robert Salais
The Économie des Conventions – Transdisciplinary Discussions and Perspectives. Introduction to the HSR Focus. p. 9

Christian Bessy
Institutions and Conventions of Quality. p. 15

Laurent Thévenot
Convening the Company of Historians to go into Conventions, Powers, Critiques and Engagements. p. 22

Jürgen Kädtler
On Conventions, Institutions, Power, and Uncertainty – Some Cursory Remarks. p. 36

Bert De Munck
Conventions, the Great Transformation and Actor Network Theory. p. 44

Robert Salais
Quantification and the Economics of Convention. p. 55

Rainer Diaz-Bone
Elaborating the Conceptual Difference between Conventions and Institutions. p. 64

Claire Judde de Larivière
The ‘Public’ and the ‘Private’ in Sixteenth-Century Venice: From Medieval Economy to Early Modern State. p. 76

FOCUS II – Towards Web History

Christoph Classen, Susanne Kinnebrock & Maria Löblich
Towards Web History: Sources, Methods, and Challenges in the Digital Age. An Introduction. p. 97

Niels Brügger
When the Present Web is Later the Past: Web Historiography, Digital History, and Internet Studies. p. 102

Christian Schwarzenegger
Exploring Digital Yesterdays – Reflections on New Media and the Future of Communication History. p. 118

Christian Oggolder
Inside – Outside. Web History and the Ambivalent Relationship between Old and New Media. p. 134

Albrecht Hoppe & Rudolf Stöber
Amtspresse in Preußen. Zur Erschließung der Provinzial-Correspondenz und Neuesten Mittheilungen. p. 150

Patrick Rössler, Achim Bonte & Katja Leiskau
Digitization of Popular Print Media as a Source for Studies on Visual Communication: Illustrated Magazines of the Weimar Republic. p. 172


Jarg Bergold & Stefan Thomas
Participatory Research Methods: A Methodological Approach in Motion. p. 191

Franz Breuer
Predecessor-Successor Transitions in Institutional and Interpersonal Contexts: On the Development of a Theory of Transfer of Personal Objects. p. 223

César A. Cisneros Puebla & Judith Davidson
Qualitative Computing and Qualitative Research: Addressing the Challenges of Technology and Globalization. p. 237

Rainer Schützeichel
Verstehen in professionalen Interaktionen. p. 249

Ann-Mari Sellerberg & Vesa Leppänen
A Typology of Narratives of Social Inclusion and Exclusion: The Case of Bankrupt Entrepreneurs. p. 264

Evangelina Baralou, Patricia Wolf & Jens O. Meissner
Bright, Excellent, Ignored: The Contribution of Luhmann’s System Theory and Its Problem of Non-Connectivity to Academic Management Research. p. 289

Claude Diebolt
Where Are We Now in Cliometrics? p. 309

Anne Reimat
Old Age Pensions, Demography and Economic Growth in the Long Run: The French Case Revisited. p. 327

Patricio Sáiz
Social Networks of Innovation in the European Periphery: Exploring Independent versus Corporate Patents in Spain circa 1820–1939. p. 348

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